Chapter 6
Olly picked up her bags and Raven took them from him.
"Uh, Raven right?" He said, Raven nodded and Olly stuck out his hand, she stared at him for a moment before taking his hand.
"Hello..." she mumbled, he shook her hand and let go giving her a grin before pushing up his sleeve and folded his arms. He had dark brown hair and bright brown eyes, he had on a watch, with a red jumper and grey trousers. He was staring at her until he was snapped out of his thoughts and he gestured towards the school.
"Did you need any help getting back to the dorms?" He asked, Raven shook her head and began to move around him, and he followed.
"No, no thank you." She said, Olly nodded thoughtfully.
"So how are you liking Hogwarts?" He asked, Raven's eyes flickered over at him and she raised an eyebrow.
"It's different. Are you in Ravenclaw too?" She questioned, he gave a slight chuckle and gestured to a crest in the corner of his jumper.
"I'm a Gryffindor." He mused, Raven nodded and turned back as she walked into the school. Raven hummed softly, as she spotted a brunette walking towards them, her arms folded over her chest and she raised an eyebrow.
"Hey Countessa. How's it going?" He said, Countessa smirked and shrugged her shoulders before reaching out and taking Raven's hand.
"Come on, a cute little owl was dropped off. Bye Olly." She said, Raven smiled her goodbye and Olly waved them off as they were walking Countessa chuckled.
"What's wrong?"
"Just Olly chatting with you. It amuses me." She mused and she left it at that as they headed back to their room.
The next day, Countessa and Raven headed towards the field, brooms in hand, after another dreamless night Raven had awoken early and had joined both Countessa and Crystal for breakfast before heading to classes.
"I can't do this. I don't feel magical in the slightest." Raven whimpered, Countessa smirked and nudged Raven lightly in the side.
"You wont know until you try. Besides I'll be there to help you and I'm sure, Olly will." She chuckled giving Raven a wink. Raven rolled her eyes and poked out her tongue at Countessa who chuckled as they came to a stop. They both looked over to a group of Gryffindors laughing, Olly was in the centre and Raven stared at him a moment longer until, he glanced her way, he stopped laughing and gave her a smile, Raven's eyes widened in surprise and she quickly looked away her hair falling over her shoulder, hiding her face from his view.
"Good morning everyone! Lovely morning for a bit of flying right?" A chipper woman said, walking towards the class. "Now then, please get your brooms and be ready." She walked backwards and forwards before stopping in front of Raven. "Just give it your best shot. Remember, up!" She turned to the rest of the class smiling and clapped her hands. "Well? Get on with it." She ushered them off and in seconds everyone was flying, she waved her wand and a piece of paper appeared in front of her, a list of names appeared and Raven watched as the feather pen began ticking next to the names. She frowned, and glanced around.
"All four of them are absent again." She grumbled, she turned and faced Raven. "Don't be shy now, just try." She said, Raven sighed and glanced down at the broom at her feet.
"Up." She said, nothing happened. She pursed her lips together, "up?" She tried again, and again, and again. Nothing. Raven huffed and blew her hair out of her face. "Bloody hell. Come up!" She all but yelled, the broom flew up and smacked into her hand, with so much force she stumbled back.
The rest of the class stopped, Countessa stopped flying next to a white haired male.
"Someone like her isn't a witch." He sneered, Countessa turned to him.
"Oh shut up Malfoy. She got the broom up didn't she?" She muttered before flying down towards her friend, ignoring the snide remarks from the white haired male.
"Very good, now you just need to fly."
Raven had her hands gripped around the broom and her legs either side.
"This is humiliating." She thought to herself.
She loved flying! However as soon as she started things went wrong. The broom began to to slowly lift off the ground before sharply flying straight up. "Down! Down!" Raven screamed as her hands began to slip down the broom.
Everyone looked on in horror as her grip lessened and she fell free. As the wind whipped at her and ground drew in closer she closed her eyes and held her breath.
Her eyes opened and she had her arms around Olly's neck. She could hear the girls screaming for him, as the guys were cheering for him. Raven blinked and shook her head, as he had her cradled in his arms.
"That could have been pretty bad." He said, and he examined her face, still giving her a smile. "You're not hurt right?" He asked, Raven blushed and she shook her head.
"I'm okay, thank you." She murmured softly, Olly nodded as the teacher came rushing over.
"Oh my goodness! Nice save Mr Anderson." She gasped examining Raven as Olly lowered her to her feet. The bell rang and everyone began rejoining as Countessa wrapped an arm around Raven's shoulder.
"Alright class that's all the excitement for today." The teacher said, Olly turned to Raven and was about to speak when Raven piped up first.
"Thank you again Olly." And with that she walked off with Countessa for the rest of her lessons.
Later on that day Raven was sat in the courtyard staring at the building. She really was tired, not knowing anything about herself was starting to annoy her greatly. She sighed and doodled in her notebook, she stared at her picture, a dark silhouette of the creature she remembered, underneath the moonlight. She snapped her notebook shut and stood up ready to make her way to her room.
"Hey Raven!" A bouncy blonde girl came running towards Raven, Raven stopped walking and the girl bounded to a stop a big grin on her face. "I'm so glad I caught up to you, I saw you earlier on the broom and on the first day and oh my gosh, you have lovely hair you remind me of my friend! She's lovely! Oh yeah, I'm Skylar nice to meet you Raven." She stopped rambling and smiled brightly.
"Oh hi Skylar, nice to meet you too." She said simply with a small smile. Skylar grinned and took Raven by the arm. "Would you like to meet her?" She asked, Raven raised her eyebrow.
"I- I don't know, I probably should head back to my room..." she trailed off as Skylar began dragging her in the opposite direction babbling on about the school and ignoring Raven's protests.
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