The next morning Raven woke up to the sound of Crystal trying to wake up Tessa.
"Every single morning! Wake up, come on we'll be late!" She ran her hand through her hair and turned slightly, her scowl changing to a bright smile as her eyes met with Raven's.
"Morning Ravenclaw, did you sleep alright?" She asked cheerfully, Raven nodded and shuffled to get out of bed.
"Did you?" She said as she stretched and yawned, Crystal nodded.
"Like sleeping beauty! But this sleeping beauty, needs to wake up now!" She said her voice getting louder with each word as she gestured to Tessa. Raven giggled and stood up, making her bed before turning to Crystal.
"Hey Crystal. I don't have any clothes." She muttered, brushing her hair with her nails. Crystal took her own pillow and slammed it down on Tessa, who whined in response.
"I'll help you out, Tessa meet you in class! So I heard you'd be shopping this morning with some of the teachers. But i'll be glad to lend you some of mine, after all Tessa does too." She babbled as she raided her clothes. "Ah ha!" She pulled out a black skirt and a pale blue jumper. "This will do! Now let's get you dressed and ready to meet the teachers!" She smiled and linked arms with Raven and pulled her out of the room as Tessa slept on.
Crystal opened the door, chatting until she came face to face with professor Petunia. Raven bumped into the back of Crystal and frowned.
"Oh hi professor!"
"Morning girls." She said sweetly, Crystal smiled and pulled Raven forward. "Ah Raven! Are you ready to go?" She asked, Raven nodded and Crystal cleared her throat.
"Well I should head to class, see you later professor. Bye Raven." She said and hurried off to class, Petunia smiled and clapped her hands together.
"Alright to the shops we go." She declares and briskly walked down the corridor causing Raven to jog to keep up.
"Now just to be clear we don't usually shop with students it's just these are... peculiar circumstances." Petunia chuckled, Raven nodded, and glanced up at her.
"What will I be needing? I don't mind finding what I need by myself. If it's too much trouble for you." She said, Petunia shook her head.
"Nonsense, I don't mind at all. Now, wands first, books, stationary..." She hurried on ahead.
"I'm sorry." Raven whispered, feeling oddly wary about this whole situation. She just wished she could remember. She huffed in annoyance and hurried her pace as Petunia went into a shop.
Raven followed and glanced around, it looked like an old book store, she glanced around and vaguely heard Petunia.
"Here we will find you a wand." Petunia explained, she leant over to the man behind the desk. "And see if she has any abilities." She whispered, the man nodded. Petunia turned to Raven and cleared her throat, Raven glanced at her and walked forward. "Alright, let us begin. A wand is, an important part to a wizard. The wand sort of chooses you." She said and went on talking as the man brought out wand after wand, but nothing was of interest to Raven.
"These are just sticks." She murmured, Petunia rolled her eyes and sighed. The man behind the desk walked forward with a box. He removed the lid and she stared at it, there in the box was a long golden shaft, with silver filigree spiralling down it and the wand pummel was capped with a gorgeous amethyst. She reached her fingers out and was engulfed in a gentle golden glow as her hair began to float and there was an excited twinkle in her eyes. Raven took her fingers away and Petunia clasped her hands together.
"I think we have a winner. Now then, let's continue shopping." She declared as the man took her money and gave Raven the box.
"Oh we need those!" Petunia disappeared into yet another shop and Raven sighed, she already had seven bags. She stayed outside the shop and glanced around until she heard a faint sound coming from the alleyway. She frowned and began to follow the sound, until she discovered a pipe big enough to just about fit her. She got down on her hands and knees and began to crawl forward, the noise getting louder. Her eyes met a small owl, with bright brown eyes, and mottled tanned feathers, that was tangled in netting.
"Hey there, come on, I won't hurt you." Raven shimmied forward and held out her hand. The owl hooted and pecked her hand. Raven flinched but kept going, the owl stopped and stared at her, it fluttered it's wing whilst the other was still trapped. Raven came to a stop and began to untangle the wing.
"Honestly little owl I feel like I'm trapped too. I know absolutely nothing about this place and I swear this isn't where I'm meant to be." She mumbled, focused on the task at hand, the owl hooted in understanding and Raven sighed as she managed to untangle the last line.
"There. You're free." She whispered, the owl nodded and fluttered its wings before hopping closer to her. Raven tilted her head to the side and the owl hooted, a small smile tugged at her lips and she held out her arms. The owl hopped into them and nestled comfortably against her chest.
"Would you like to come with me?" She asked, the owl hooted, she crawled back out and stood up, making sure to take extra care of the owl. "What should I call you?" She thought out loud, the owl glanced up at her. "Truffles." She mused, the owl hooted in understand and closed its eye, content. She turned around and began to run back to find professor Petunia, ready to head back to Hogwarts.
She quickly walked through the courtyard, her books, stationeries, wand and school robes in her bags, until she heard someone shout 'look out!' She turned to see a heavy looking brown ball speeding towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise and her body froze, she shut her eyes waiting for impact however she felt her body fall sideways as a body tackled her to the ground. She landed with a thud and her eyes opened to see a red chest above her.
"That was pretty close." A voice said, she glanced up and stared into a pair of blue eyes. The boy, on top of her, shuffled to his feet and held out his hand. She stared at it for a moment before taking his hand and he pulled her up effortlessly. She dusted herself off and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"Well hey there, I'm Olly." He said with a bright grin.
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