23 - Closer
Hello guysss,
How are you all doing? Yes, I am back with an update. Thank you so much for the get well soon wishes. I am doing much better now. The viral just took its time to heal.
So, yes, we are 42 days forward into the story.
I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your precious support over all this time to me. Thank you so very much. My writing journey would not be the same without you all.
Word Count – 7K words.
And I shall now let you all dive in without further delay.
Chapter 23 – Closer
42 More Days Later
New Delhi
16th August,2022(Sunday) – 6 AM in the Morning
Arnav's POV
I stir up in my sleep and my eyes open up on reflex, and I smile. Obviously, because my gaze falls on my beloved, sleeping cozily snuggled right next to me. I think I have mentioned this to Khushi a gazillion times prior, but I guess I will just have to say it to her, the very second, she wakes up yet again.
What bit?
That, I cannot take my eyes off her, when she is asleep. Not my fault, really. Who told her to be so mesmerizing and ethereal and serene, even in her sleep?? And just like that, whilst I am at that thought, gazing up her lovingly, all leaned up on my elbow right by her side, my heart aches. Only obvious. The time for my return is rather close. Closer, than ever. Just last night, over dinner, Rahim and Fiza mentioned that they are just a couple of days away, from getting the gadget up and running. They've been living with us, right here, ever since we returned from Ooty and it's obvious that they've been working day and night on the gadget – quite literally. Given that Khushi and I, had anyway moved into one room, they've been using the other room, where I used to sleep in , in the beginning, as their workspace+ living space. I reckon though, that neither Rahim or Fiza have gotten much sleep this past month anyway. They work non-stop, all day, mostly late into the night, consumed, totally, in this time travel mission to get me back to my time. I had handed over the gadget to them, the very second, they had reached here and even though they keep giving us the updates on the progress of their fixing work on it, both Khushi and me haven't seen the gadget since. Rahim and Fiza, vowed, that they will only show the gadget to us, once, they were sure it was fixed and up for work. And even though, we have both been quite curious to get a look at it, we'v abided by Rahim and Fiza's stand on the same and respected their work privacy on the matter. It's not like we are going to understand the deep detailed scientific technicalities that's been going into fixing the gadget anyway.
So, the last forty days have been quite eventful in many ways, on the emotional front, as well. On the familial front, things have evolved quite well with Akshay and Pia. Yes, it's not like I ever felt alone in this time, with Khushi by my side with eventual addition of her family plus Rahim and Fiza to my circle,but yes, it does feel quite good to share a significant bond with a fellow Raizada, nonetheless, or rather Raizada's , I should say given that I'v grown quite close with both Akshay and Pia, now. We all bond really well. Not only have they helped me with everything I need, to take back to my time, they keep in touch with both Khushi and me on a regular basis. Infact, they even came to visit us here, in Delhi last week, for two days. We all had a wonderful time together. And, even though, Rahim and Fiza have been busy on their scientific mission, for most parts, locked up in their workspace working most of the time, the two of us as in Khushi and me have gotten quite close with the two on the personal front as well. It was obvious for us to get to know one another close up and personal, given that we'v been living together under one roof for the last 40 days.
And, whilst Khushi's days have been significantly occupied with her restoration work at the Red Fort, the rest of her afternoon/evening and nights have quite literally been devoted (as usual)to me, and vice versa from my front. We'v only gotten – Closer. Just when we think, it isn't possible for us to feel closer to the other, because we already are the closest as two humans possibly could be, we do end up feeling just that. And guess what is the cherry on the cake? We both finally have - Vikram's blessing. I am sure you all want to know, how that came about.
So, Khushi insisted we tell him everything related to my plan forward openly, post our return from Ooty. And the very second, he heard about it all and that I planned to time travel to and fro – he was all like stunned and wide eyed –asking me – "Wait, what?did you just say that - you will come back for Khushi??" - and well, that from him obviously just made me confess my emotions/intentions to him and Khushi came out clean to him about her deep feelings as well and we both then confessed that we loved each other deep and were together anyway, but had been hiding it from him , fearing that he wouldn't approve. Honestly, I think, it hit him harder in his brotherly gut that his sister felt like she had to hide such major things about her life from him, fearing he wouldn't understand. He got all emotional, then, voicing that he was just worried for her and it wasn't that he had anything against me, ever. He didn't want her to hide things from him, due to his lack of understanding. He promised then that he would make a genuine effort to understand us/our emotions for one another. It took him time, but yes, by now, he's finally come around. He gets it that we are quite serious and that we are ready to go to any lengths for one another. Like, now, even though he calls us crazy, he does it with an understanding, compassionate, smile.
And well, I won't lie, having his blessing feels like a huge relief to both of us. As if, a huge weight has been lifted from our shoulders.
And guess what? Another significant bit of development that took shape in the last one month and found its closure, too. Yours truly, almost ex- professor of literature at Oxford, had also spent parts of his days in the last month, teaching English literature (mostly Shakespeare) to a group off high school kids in the apartment society. All thanks, to Khushi of course. One fine day, around five weeks ago, we were returning home from an evening stroll, when she overheard a group of mothers in the elevator worrying about getting their son's and their group of friends studying the IBDP programme, a new tutor for english literature, given that the old one had fallen sick and was bedridden for a month.(These kids had their holidays on, given that their academic year only began by 20th august. And the mothers were not keen for online classes. They preferred an in person – tutor.) And viola, that had made Khushi chirp to the mothers, that her friend, right here(aka me) who was visiting her for a month – was excellent in literature and lived right here , in the building and that he would love to step in and help the kids out for a month. And just like that, the very next minute, I had the mothers interviewing me for my academic background right outside the elevator and the very second, I mentioned, I had studied literature at Cambridge and was teaching literature at Oxford – ( I quite cheekily and conveniently, left out the time and year in context, of course) – I was appointed as the kids new literature tutor by them for the interim almost instantly. Thank God, for the bit that Shakespeare is still quite popular as he was, in my times, in the field of English literature academia.
And even though, the level was different, given that I usually teach graduates and not high school kids, I have to admit, it had been quite refreshing, to just step back into doing what I loved to do the most, ie teaching literature, for a while, in this time and century. For god only knows, if I will ever be able to do it again, given the tricky complicated scenarios of my life. Nonetheless, the point is, I quite enjoyed it. Those hours of teaching did really bring me so much joy. They were a wonderful bunch of teenagers and I finished my last class with them day before that was 14th August. Their usual literature tutor is to take over this week onwards, given that he had recovered...
My eyes fall on Khushi, again, as she snuggles in closer to me, in her sleep, her arm wrapping itself around my bare waist. Gently, I caress her cheek with my palm and then brush my knuckles softly over her cheek. I do not want to wake her up just yet. Watching her sleep, really soothes me. Naturally, the ache in my heart, returns. I'v gotten so used to waking up to her by my side, and now that I know for sure that, I could be just a shortwhile/or rather a couple of days away from being apart from her for a significant while, emotional tears pool up my eyes. I close my eyes, and an achy tear leaves my eye. Dammit. What has to be done, must be done. But that does not make it any easy. Leaving here, leaving Khushi behind is going to be so godammit hard.
How am I even going to get any sleep without her wrapped up in my arms when I go back? How are the mornings going to feel? Without waking up to her? How are my days going to feel? Without her by side, to light it up? Dammit. I just know it, I am going to feel all empty and hollow in my heart, in the days without her. And the knowledge of the same, just hurts. It hurts, so dammed much.
Right very then, I hear Khushi muster in her sleep – " Arn..a...v...??"
I look down at her and realize that not just one, but quite a few drops of my tears had fallen on her cheek and she was touching her cheek as she wondered sleepily – " what's this on..my..cheek??"
And before I knew it, she'd opened her eyes and looked right up at me. In an instant, she wedged herself on her elbow and asked cupping my cheek, lovingly, worry evident in her eyes as she wiped the tears off the corner of my eyes – " Arnav...are you crying?? Why are you crying?And, what time is it??"
I whisper hoarsely – " Maybe, quarter past 6 in the morning, Khushi...," and tug my hands in her hair, rough. She asked again – " what's wrong??"
I don't say a word. I just gaze back at her, feeling vulnerable. She asks again – " Arnav, what's wrong?? Talk to me? Please? Do not scare me, first thing out in the morning..."
I confess now, hugging her hard into myself – " I was just wondering, how the mornings are going to feel, when I get back to my time, Khushi. How will the nights feel without you by my side? Whether I will get any sleep at all?? Without the feel of you in my arms..??"
That made her hug me back as hard instantly as she whispered her voice croaking up in emotion – " Don't, please. Don't you bring that up first thing in the morning. I don't want to think about it. I promised myself, I would deal with all of that, only when the moment came, ie – after you'v left. Can you do the same, please? I know, we are probably just days away from you leaving, but..please...even though we are closer to your inevitable departure..I don't want to process my feelings related to it just yet. I can't. I prefer to keep telling myself that you will be back as soon as you can be back. That helps, so much, instead. I don't want to think about how miserable I will be, without you...Arnav,"and at that she looks up all teary eyed herself – " I didn't want to say it out yet, because I don't want you to feel guilty even for a second, but it's true, that I most surely will be drowning in misery without you. But then I guess, the bit that you will be coming back to me, one day, will make the ache worth its while, eventually..."
I confess on reflex kissing her head – " I will be quite miserable without you as well, Khushi. You know that don't you??,"and I shove her back into the bed now , pinning the bare her underneath the bare me – my gaze roaming all over her emotionally overwhelmed face – " Tell me, dammit. You know, that don't you??That I will be freaking miserable in my days without you as well. I will be on a mission back in the past for the sake of my family, but deep inside, in my heart, I will be drowning in misery without you surely..."
She whispers, a tear leaving her eye this time around – " Yes, I know.."
I make the vow again looking deep into her eyes – " I promise, to be back as soon as I can be back, Khushi..."
She nods and caresses my cheek – " I know. I know you will be back, as soon as you can be. And you know, that I will be watching out for the signals of change in this future, in your context, like a freaking hawk. You know that,don't you??"
I nod. I confess a heavy thought to her that had been weighing me down emotionally, for the very first time – " You are the luckier one in between of us, Khushi. At least, you will have a way of observing on change in the future in my context, because of the cause and affect relation between past and future. It is me, who will have no way of getting any heads up/signal about you, at all, in our time apart. Afterall, there is no way, the past can have a heads up about the future. Even Rahim and Fiza agree,on that. That there is no way, I could/would even get a signal related to anything about you.."
She nods and sighs.
I sigh.
I keep my forehead on hers. She whispers latching both her hands tightly into my hair pulling me closer, as her legs went around my waist – " I know. I know, it will be worse for you, Arnav. I keep telling myself that as well, you know, that I got served the better end of the deal in between us. At least, I have a way to get a signal in the future about you.Thank god, for that..."
I kiss her mindlessly, then, as my hands take on a passionate mission of their own, caressing her hard all over. She moans my name into my lips and I lose my marbles, along with my senses, as usual. My hands grow fierce and rough first, over her her upper curves, that I can never get enough off.I caress her hard. Deep.Wild and fierce, like I usually do.I don't stop. I can't stop. Not right now, when she's wrapped up her legs around my waist already, with both of us bare, anyway. It seems the only way to mute my ache for a bit, is to fill myself with the feel of her, by feeling as close to her as humanly possible, whilst I still can.
I am so very glad, she agrees with the thought on my mind, given that I can feel her give in to the sensuous sensation in between of us right now.So, as she moans and writhes in passion under me, I am compelled to bend forward to take her curves by my lips in a fierce storm. And as she moans and writhes more, my hands are compelled to explore her intimacy in the ways, I love. I tug, I tease and I consume her with my hands. And then, once her passionate moans tell me that she's closer to the edge, I am compelled to take her precious intimacy as fiercely by my lips, keeping her pinned under me, put, writhing in sensuous pleasure, with her hands stationed roughly in my head. And then as she succumbs and crashes over and across the cliffs of passion, over my lips, moaning my name over and over – I am compelled, to spin her around urgently in our bed, burying myself in her, taking her from behind this time around as I begin making love to her like a mad man possessed. Oh, mad I surely was about her. And possessed I most surely was as well. Given that time, was running itself out on me....
Three Hours Later – Nearing 9:30 AM
In the Kitchen
Khushi's POV
I can't help but hmm to myself happily as I make us, coffee. My moods back to being all merry, momentarily. After ravishing one another, in deep intimate ways, Arnav and me, had crashed back to sleep in each other arms, given that it's Sunday. We woke up thirty minutes ago, promising, not to think of the inevitable until Rahim and Fiza mentioned, it was time for the inevitable to finally take place. We are probably a couple of days away from Arnav's departure, but that still gives me probably 48-72 or maybe even 96 hours to delay dealing with the obvious. I mean, Rahim and Fiza have made it clear that they are at the last stretch of their work on fixing the gadget - right? It could still be two, three, or even four or five days....
Now, as I wait for Arnav to step out of the room, I take the moment to browse through my phone gallery. I smile. I have so many pictures of us, from the Independence Day ceremony at the Red Fort, yesterday. Arnav's all smiles, in the pictures but his eyes tell me that he's emotionally overwhelmed, at witnessing a ceremony of celebration off independence of India, for so many emotional reasons. I make a mental note to print out a few of these ceremony pictures for him to take back as well. Mostly, he's got everything set and ready to go. I'v already helped him vaccum pack all those papers, evidences, in his bag, in a way, Rahim and Fiza advised.They say,the documents would be the safest that way. Maybe, I should add a couple of these photos as well, in another vacuum sealed enclosure?
I am right on the thought, when I spot, Arnav step out the room. He's walking upto me grinning, this time around. And I place my phone aside, and grin back at him, holding out his coffee for him. Maybe, not the time to mention what came on my mind. I don't want to risk his mood again, or even mine for that matter. I will just do what has to be done and slip it in his bag.
He sips on his coffee, as he side hugs me and I bask in his cozy snuggle. He asks, then – " Rahim and Fiza not up yet??"
I shake my head in a No - " Nah. They haven't stepped out their room yet. I was wondering, if I should wait, another 30 minutes to check up on them?"
Arnav nods and kisses my head – " Yes, wait a bit more. They are probably just sleeping in late. We both know, they haven't got much sleep, in last month anyway..."
I nod. Arnav grins and moves his way around the kitchen counter – " and shall I make us your favorite, omelet, for breakfast ,my love??"
I nod grinning, and hop myself on the counter next to him, soaking in the sight off him cooking for me. I love it when he cooks for me – " Yes, please.."
He grins and breaks some eggs into a steel glass and begins whisking it, when suddenly we hear Rahim and Fiza's excited voice behind us – " There you both are. We are so very glad, that you both are awake, already. For in case you were not, we would have knocked your door down, ourselves...."
Arnav pauses in his egg whisking and I turn around to look at Rahim and Fiza. They both look so very excited in the moment, and it surely looks like, they haven't slept the night. Their disheveled hair, worn out eyes, same clothes from yesterday – mirror the same. Arnav and me both exchange a look as I ask them out loud on our collective behalf – " You both did not sleep the night, it seems??"
Fiza grins. And honestly, I think this is the widest I have seen her grin stretch too – " No. We did not. And we are so very glad, that we did not..."
Also, I think its strange that she's got her hands snugged behind her back as if she was hiding something..
Rahim grins, excitement overflowing through his facial cells – " Indeed, we are so very glad that we did not break the flow in our work this time around Arnav, Khushi...because guess what..guys...??"
Arnav and me gape at him – " guess what Rahim??Fiza??"
And Fiza finally brings her hands forward post exchanging a wink with Rahim - revealing the time travel gadget gleaming in front of us – as she exclaims – grinning – " Tada....here we go!You know what this means guys, don't you??"
Oh. Damm.
Freaking Damm.
My stomach lurches or rather crashes to a dark miserable destination. I know exactly what this means, given that they'd mentioned that they would only show us the gadget once it was fixed. But no, I wasn't ready for this to happen, just yet, so suddenly. I thought I had a couple of days at least if not 3, 4, or 5..
Trembling within, I steal a glance at Arnav, who has statued in his position as well, staring at Rahim and Fiza + the gadget - all wide eyed in shock. I most surely can catch the glimpse of agony+ misery in his eyes/frame.He wasn't ready for this to happen, so suddenly, as well. Hell, did Rahim and Fiza really manage to get the gadget all fixed and working by pulling out an all nightery – last night?
I want to react. But I do not know how to react, honestly. I just stand stunned. I mean, how do I react at witnessing the sight of a fixed gadget that is now surely going to take the love of my life away from me, for a significant while??
Arnav's frozen next to me, as well. Rahim and Fiza sense that our collective emotions weren't matching there's excitement now and their smiles shorten and Fiza sighs walking up to us holding onto Rahim's hand – " I know. This is unexpected and sudden guys. Even we didn't think that we would be able to get this fixed in the process of last nights work, until we finally got it fixed about ten minutes ago. It took us ten minutes of time, to soak the realization, that we'd accomplished what we'd set out too. Yes, it's done, guys. It's done. Don't ask us, the details for there is no time to get into that. The bottom line is that - the time travel gadget is up and ready for reuse, Arnav..,"and she places the gadget on the kitchen counter gently at that and the two say in unison now exchanging a look with one another – " Here you go guys, as promised, we got it out to show you both the minute its fixed and ready for use. Okay, maybe just ten minutes later..."
I hear Arnav ask finally as he brushed his hands over his face before staring back the gadget again overwhelmed with misery/agony – " So,it is really is fixed, Rahim? Fiza? You'v really fixed it?"
Rahim nods – " Indeed. We have fixed it. Honestly, you can go back any minute now, Arnav. Any minute, you wish too. We have done our bit, as promised, brother. The operational workings off the gadget remain the same, as it was, prior. You just need to punch in those digits of date,year, time and location pin code...and...,"he goes onto explain the working of the gadget which Arnav already knew and finishes with – " and then , you know, in the end, you just need to press down the side lever ..and woosh... you will be gone...from our time..."
I gulp down my reeling emotions and whisper finally staring back at the gadget – " Just..like...that...you wi...ll be gone. The tim...e for yo...u to go back, is upon us, literally, Arnav..."and I finally gather the courage to look at his face which was as torn apart as mine was.
I know this has to be done. This must be done. I'v been prepping myself for this. But then, why is it still so very hard? Why does my heart feel so butchered? Its obvious, I have teared up. Tears are streaming down my face. I want to control them. But I can't. Perhaps, better to just let it flow...
Arnav whispers softly – pulling me closer into him by the arm - " Khushi, I know this is sudden. So sudden. Perhaps, I could wait out a couple of days...until you are prepared..."
Rahim and Fiza are watching us intently, in silence.
And even though every bit of me, wanted Arnav to stay out here a lot more than couple of more days, now knowing in my head that the gadget was fixed, all set to take him back, I also felt like I couldn't ask this off him.Because, I know how much was on the line here for his family and most importantly him. I remind myself that he has to go back most importantly as soon as he can, because he has to change the life event of his death. This is also about – Him.Closing my eyes, allowing the tears to still flow, with a heavy heart, I finally whisper locking my intent and torn gaze with him – " No. I don't want you to wait out a couple of days more, Arnav. Now that the gadget is ready to take you back, you should go back as soon as possible.Infact, you know what? You should leave, as soon as tomorrow morning. I am all okay with it.Perhaps, you should leave,even before dawn strikes tomorrow morning.The area around the Red fort, will be deserted then. It will be easier for us to get you to that spot we'v already identified you'd use to head back from...without anyone noticing...." ( We wanted him to use the area around the back alleys of Red Fort for his departure, given that he'd landed there the first time around. Even though Rahim and Fiza feel, he could just time travel from anywhere literally, all he needed was an enclosure. But I only insisted, that he better do it from around a space, he actually landed at.)
"What????????????????????????????????????? What did you just say, Khushi??? You are okay with me leaving, as soon as tomorrow morning???," came his shocked and anguished reply. The disappointment and anguish in his voice/in his frame/ on his face/eyes was evident. I am sure, even Rahim and Fiza sensed it. I hold my nerves though and look at him upfront and I nod – " Yes, I am okay with you leaving as soon as tomorrow morning, Arnav..."
He glares at me hard for thirty seconds, and then shrugs - " Well, in that case,perhaps, better I begin to see to that bag of mine, right very now, then...,"and he nods at Rahim and Fiza, his chin quivering on him in anger/disappointment/anguish all at once – " Its done guys. It's decided. I will go back, tomorrow morning, itself. Even before dawn strikes, just like Khushi wants...,"and then he shrugs again - " If you all will just excuse me now...,"and he just stomps his way back to our room.
He's angry. He's furious with me for suggesting that he leave tomorrow, itself, I know. I look at Rahim and Fiza and nod sighing – " Just keep the gadget safe with you inside, please. I will just be back. He's mad at me. I am going to talk to him.."
Rahim sighs – " Well, I would have been mad at Fiza too, if she suddenly suggested that I time travel as soon as tomorrow. I understand, why Arnav reacted the way he did. He isn't ready himself, to say goodbye to you just yet..Khushi."
Fiza fills in on my behalf before I could- " As if , Khushi would ever be ready to say goodbye to him, Rahim. But I know where she is coming from. She understands, this is more so about Arnav. Now that he can go back any minute, it is imperative he go back as soon as possible. This is about him heading back so that he can begin taking actions towards changing that event of his death for heaven's sake.."
I sigh and wipe the tears off my cheeks - " Exactly.This is about him...Rahim."
Rahim nods – " Go on then, just talk to him.."
Fiza nods as well – " We will make breakfast, for us all, in the meanwhile.."
I nod and then hug her in a thank you and head back to our room. Once, I step in,I spot, Arnav pacing around in the room restlessly, with his packed backpack on his shoulders. I whisper his name , the anguish evident in my voice as well – " Arnav..."
He glares at me hard, pausing in his steps. He asks stepping forward five steps towards me. His hands were over my arms in a possessive grip– " Khushi, say what? My bags already packed and good to go, right? So,do you want me to head back, right now, itself? I can do that you know. Maybe, I can cab my way to Red Fort, right very now. I can be gone, in the next hour..dammit..."
I step forward and just hug him hard at that. The hardest I could. He hasn't hugged me back yet, though. I hold onto him hard though and whisper –" No. I don't want you gone in the next hour dammit. I know. I know you are angry over my suggestion. It killed me to say it, as well. You know, it did. But this is about you, Arnav. Now that I know the gadget is ready, I cannot ask you to stay back here longer. Its imperative that you head back and get to changing that life event of your death, asap,dammit. Don't you get where I am coming from?? Dammit, we both know it, 24 hours, 48 hours or even an extra day, we'd never be ready to say goodbye to one another, ever, Arnav.Say, even if you did stay another couple of days, the anguish we are both going to feel on the day before your departure will always be the same..."
Finally, he hugs me hard at that and whispers hoarsely kissing my head – " I wasn't ready for this to happen, so suddenly...Khushi.." His anger is melting off. Thankfully.
I confess – " I wasn't ready too. You think, I'd ever be ready? But then, I have to do this for you. Your family whom you love so very much right? I am sure, they'v been aching enough in worry over your disappearance. You'v told me how close you are to your mom and Anjali right? Specially? So even though it kills me to let you go, I just feel like about time you are reunited with them as well so that they finally have the answers to your disappearance. As of now, they'd just been aching in wonder, processing whatever excuse Professor Quereshi would have made in front of them..."
He sighs and hugs me harder. I do so too. I admit kissing over his heart – " And,this is not goodbye, anyway, remember. You must never even use those words with me. You are forbidden, to use them with me..."
He finally pulls back and cups my face urgently tears leaving his eyes – " This is hard. Leaving you is hard. Harder than anything I'v ever done, Khushi. I mean, I imagined this moment in my head, but nothing I imagined can compare to the gut wrenching anguish I am feeling just now..."
I cup his face urgently too all teary eyed – " I know. I know what you mean, Arnav. Because, I feel the same. But for your sake, I'v got to do it, dammit. I'v got to make sure, you head back as soon, now that you really can.You understand, don't you? Listen to me baby, you just finish all you have too in the past, take your time there to settle it all and then get back to me, as soon as you can, ok??? Where will I Go? I will be right here only, waiting for you...."
He keeps his forehead on mine, his eyes glistening in emotion – " Dammit, this is messed up. I...I...Khushi...I don't know what to say...even though there is so much I want to say....,"and he pauses, his voice choking in emotion. This time around, I tip-toe to kiss him softly as I whisper – " I know. I know. You don't need to say a word further, baby. I know it all. Just kiss me....."
He consumes my lips in a mindless, sensuous, deep, emotional kiss, right very then. I reciprocate, with equal fervor. This wasn't just about our addictive desire for one another. This was about our angst and ache, just like it was this early morning. His hands begun tugging my tee out of my tracks and I pull on his tee as well. Before, he could say the words, I do so, into his lips, tugging his lower lip into mine – " I want you, Arnav. Now...right very now. Make love to me, now, hold me in your arms and don't let go..."
He whisked me in his arms, almost instantly and carried me back to bed, stripping us both bare in a fraction of a second, just like I wanted. And this time, around, I was sure, I also wanted him to consume me, in a way, he never had, ever before...
He was overcome with ache, angst and emotion in a way he could never explain. She was overcome with the same. Arnav thought, the emotion in the moment was just going to kill him. Perhaps, his heart would stop on him?? The very thought that he was now, just a mere 20 hr away from his departure – undid him to his very core. And he wanted to spend, every bit, of those 20 hours, with Khushi in his arms. Yes, he knew, where she was coming from. Took him minutes to process and understand where she was coming from, but even through the initial anger/disappointment in his gut he knew,that she was right. Now that he could go back any minute, it was imperative, he actually did, no matter how much it ached...
He had to do it. For himself. For his family..
And he knew she understood him in every context. He didn't have to use words with her. She always found a way to understand his silence.He kissed her wild ,all emotional and whispered into her lips caressing her hard all over – " Say it. Say that you will stay all day and night in my arms, dammit..."
And she whispered hoarsely kissing him back with equal intensity caressing him hard all over – " You know, there is no where else, I'd rather be...Arnav..."
He turned her around on her back and trailed a line of urgent , needy, rushed kissed down her back as he whispered with every tender poignant kiss – " I will miss you. I am going to miss you so goddammit, much. You know, that, don't you? I will be dreaming of this, every night. I will be dreaming of you, us, every night..,"and the very second he heard her whisper hoarsely consumed in passion and emotion both – " I will be dreaming of you, too...of us...every single night...Arnav...,"he flipped her back underneath him so that he could look deep into her eyes.
He caged her trembling hands over her head and she whispered a hoarse – " I love you, Arnav...,"and she quaked in emotion as he whispered back the very same, kissing her nose tenderly – " I love you, Khushi. More than you will ever know.More than you can ever imagine...."
Wrapping her legs around his waist, she whispered now staring back boldly into his eyes voicing out exactly what she wanted – " I want you the closest, this time around, Arnav. Right now, I don't even want, any protection, in between of us as a barrier Arnav, please dammit. I want to feel the bare you in me, for once...."
Arnav's eyes widened at that for a second – " Khushi, are you sure??? The consequences? No. I couldn't do that. I will leave tomorrow...Khushi..."
She hushed him by placing a finger on his lips – " shh. Don't you worry. I will take the emergency contraceptive pill, immediately after. I promise. Arnav. But please...this is what I want right now. I want to feel you bare, in me. I want to know what that would feel like, for us to make love without any barriers in between of us..."
And now, as he looked back into her honest eyes - Arnav felt like he was tempted to experience how that would feel as well. To have his intimacy barely buried into her without any barrier between the two. He asked again, kissing her head – " Are you sure??Khushi??" and once she nodded surely in return, he whispered kissing the side of her lips – " You will take the pill, in front of me, alright? I will not risk getting you pregnant on the eve of my departure, Khushi..."
She promised sincerely – " I promise, I will take the pill in front of you, Arnav..."
Arnav nodded. She nodded. And just like that, the two leaned forward to kiss one another, hard and wild, right very then. Their embrace was loaded with emotion, love, angst, ache, sadness, and a cocktail of poignant emotions. This time around, as she moaned his name, as he had his intense wild way with her curves, tears also marked her cheeks and she could feel his tears mark her curves and torso as well. This time around, poignancy, was at its peak in the love making vibe in between of them. It had to be, given that they had no idea, when would they meet again...after today..
So,this time around, as he intensely kissed his way below to her lower half, she opened herself for him, even before he could nudge her apart and this time around, as she felt him conquer/consume her intimacy with his lips ferociously in the wild intense intimate ways she loved, she knew, she would be spending hours caging him underneath her, in similar ways, in minutes from now...
But soon, as she felt his lips take her to the edge of frantic passionate release, she felt her very ability to think cease, as she trembled and succumbed to the moment, writhing and moaning under him and then just when she thought she would explode, she finally felt him bury himself in her all bare, for the very first time and Khushi literally felt herself rock in an emotion so poignant, tender, and precious that, she thought she couldn't ever word out the feeling off finally experiencing this moment of peak intimacy with Arnav. Just the feel of him inside her, as is, in his natural state – undid her – completely – down to every inch of her bring, heart, body and soul. And did it undo him, as well? Ofcourse, it did. Arnav thought, there was nothing more exquisite, emotional and poignant than the moment – indeed. He had made love to Khushi a countless number of times, prior. He had taken her as his/marked her as his so many times prior in so many sensual positions in the last month and yet this moment off being buried bare in her was different. So very different. This was an emotion – he knew he could never express. This emotion was just for him to feel and experience in its poignant intensity with her...
And so right very then , in that electric, loaded with passion and poignant emotion as both Arnav and Khushi felt– united with one another in the closest way humanly possible, without any barriers in between of the them at all - in their hearts they were collectively reassured, that no amount of time/distance in between of them could ever adversely affect the love/the emotions they had for one another. This time around, as Arnav and Khushi made wild, emotional, love to one another, staring deep into each others eyes, with bittersweet tears also raining down their cheeks, they both knew – that apart from the ache of being apart, they didn't have much to worry about. For theirs was a love that would find a way to transcend time and stay alive through it - come what way. They felt like they'd be dammed, if they didn't love one another as madly in their hearts, whilst apart across time and centuries - that the element off time itself would be compelled to bring the two together...again and again. Oh,they couldnt really name the intensity of the love they shared but they strongly believed that there's surely would be that love that would make, time, destiny and fate smile down upon the two...again and again. They strongly believed that there's would be the love, that would make, time, destiny, fate and even love itself wonder – Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Dein? Iss Pyaar ko Kya Naam Dein?
ISS PYAAR KO KYA NAAM DEIN???????????????????
Howzat guys? I hope you all enjoyed reading the update. I loved putting it together. Ofcourse, it is now time for Arnav to head back to 1944 and set things right. We will all know, what has been happening back in 1944 since his absence next update onwards...
Next Update : Back to 1944 will come up on Next week – Friday. Actually guys, update will be slow the rest of this month like once-a-week type – because two of my kiddos are also starting their mid term exams on Monday and of course as mommy I am on permanent study duty as well with them during these times.(The exams end on 30th sep) Plus, we have the Shrad's( Pooja and homage for passed on ancestors in the coming weeks as well) and I will also be busy with that at home. But yes, will be doing my best to post once a week till the end of the month.
Thank you so much guys for all the patience and love.
Much Love * Infinite Gratitude
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