[39] Shocking Revelation
When I gained consciousness, I was in my dorm. I got up from the bed quickly, my head was still spinning but I had to find out what was going on.
Roger wasn't in the common room and checking the time, I could see he must be out for the curfew rounds. I really hoped the others were back safe and sound.
I heard a crack behind me and spun around to see Dobby the house elf. "They have come back, Miss. Harry Potter and his Wheezy and his other friends. They are back."
"Where are they?" I asked, feeling an inner dread gnaw at me.
"In the hospital wing," Dobby replied and vanished shortly after.
But my heart was still sinking with worry as I rushed down to the infirmary. After Percy, Fred, and George, I was responsible for my younger siblings. And I had to make sure that all of them were safe.
There was a lot of chaos down there as I made my way inside, pausing to see Ron who was laughing and looked hurt. Hermione was beside him, Harry was unconscious and Luna and Neville were also getting tended to by Madam Pomfrey.
A shade of bright red hair obstructed my vision and right next moment, Ginny's features came into view.
I was shocked when she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug and for a second, I felt that she must have been shocked too, or else she would never have done that. Things weren't as awful between Ginny and me anymore but a hug was still too much.
"Hey, sit down," I noticed that her ankle was wrapped up in a bandage and she should not be standing on it, or else it would worsen the wound.
So I made her sit on a bed close to us, knowing she was the only person who was in a better state as compared to the rest. "Are you alright? You're not hurt anywhere else," I examined her leg and tried to make sure myself that she hadn't received any threatening injury.
"I'm fine..."
"Why is Ron laughing...? He does not look okay," I couldn't help but ask as his behavior seemed rather out of the ordinary.
"He inhaled something and it messed up with his head," she replied, "a lot happened, Kat... A lot... You-Know-Who was there too and if it hadn't been for Professor Dumbledore, none of us would have survived..."
"Tell me everything," I urged, sitting beside her as I took her hands in mine, "please. Is everyone okay? No one got injured severely, right? Please tell me everyone will be alright..."
She hesitated and that confirmed my worries further. But then she started to tell me from the beginning what had happened, "we got lured by the Death Eaters into the Department of Mysteries because You-Know-Who wanted the prophecy. And we fought but they captured us to blackmail Harry into handing over the prophecy but he ended up smashing it... Then the Order members arrived and Sirius came with them..."
There was one question that was eating me up inside and I was too impatient to know the answer that I couldn't let her finish.
"Ginny, just tell me whether Sirius is safe or not," I kept my voice low so that the others wouldn't overhear us because Sirius was still a mass murderer on the loose for the common folk and we couldn't reveal that he was staying with the Order.
Her face paled at that remark, "Sirius... Did you have a vision again?"
Merlin, I did not want to be hit back with a question instead. Ginny had no idea how difficult it was for me to keep myself intact at the moment.
"Yes, that is exactly why I am asking you!" My patience was starting to evaporate and she flinched, reminding me to calm down lest I end up causing a scene.
Ron alone was enough for a huge scene going on in the Hospital Wing already.
"I... I'm sorry, I meant please tell me... I really hope what I saw wasn't true..." I requested Ginny but my eyes were welling up as all that stress was getting too much to handle.
"Kat, I... I'm sorry but Sirius... Sirius fell through the veil and it's impossible to bring him back," she told me at last but those words weren't what I wanted to hear.
"What...? No..."
Her eyes filled up with tears too though I didn't know whether it was sorrow upon the news she had told me or upon the reaction I was giving her.
"He's gone," she squeezed my hands tightly, "Bellatrix hit him with a curse and he fell back, right through a large veil that was in the Department of Mysteries... They say it's a gateway between life and death and once there, he cannot return."
"But he's not dead, right? He can't be dead..." My voice had faded to a disbelieving whisper, and my hands started to shake with worry.
I could see that she was saying something to reassure me but I could no longer hear her words. All that shock, helplessness, guilt, and sorrow was clouding me and drowning me under the weight of that shocking revelation.
Sirius couldn't be dead...
He had spent twelve years of his life in Azkaban and now that he had escaped, he couldn't possibly meet such a terrible fate...
He couldn't...
"Kat, listen to me! Please don't go..."
Ginny's voice had pretty much faded into the background as I got up from the bed, my feet working of their own accord, making me leave the infirmary.
"Where are you going? Kat, please, come back!"
There was only one thought ringing in my head; I had to get out of there or else I would suffocate. I had to leave and find someplace where I would be able to take out my bracelet and try to reach Sirius again.
Surely, he would reply.
Surely, his reflection would show up because he could not be dead.
Not like that, not too soon.
He couldn't have died...
It was all so unfair.
I didn't realize when I broke out into a run, ignoring the voices coming my way. I simply had to get out of there and I didn't care if I bumped into a few things on the way.
The only place I could use at the moment was the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor and I had to get there before I broke down completely. I wasn't looking and crashed into someone that turned out to be Malfoy.
Why the hell was he showing up everywhere especially when I had other things to do?
"Hey, you could have fallen," he pushed me back as the staircases began to change. "Kat, stop..."
"Malfoy, get out of my way before I hex you," I threatened, ignoring his questions as I took the other flight of stairs to the seventh floor.
I didn't bother whether he followed me there or not, I just wanted to get to the room and confirm that Sirius was still okay.
It didn't take me long to reach the Room of Requirement from there and shortly after I pushed the door in, finding myself in the Marauder's Lair that I had visited so often with those four boys during my time travel incident.
I don't know why the room turned to that specific place because it made me feel even worse.
I collapsed on the rug in the center taking out my bracelet as I turned it over, calling out for Sirius.
But his face did not show up in the fog... His voice did not reach me...
No matter how hard I tried, the reflection staring back at me from the bracelet was my own. And even though I did not want to believe it, the fact that I could no longer communicate with him made it very clear that my vision had come true and Ginny was right.
Sirius had gone and there was no return for him.
And I would never get to see him again.
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