[22] The Most Troublesome First Day
It was finally the first of September and a new term at Hogwarts was about to begin. Sirius had insisted to accompany Harry to the station and though most of us did not think it was a good idea, he got stubborn and there wasn't much we could do to dissuade him from it.
So Sirius went to the station in his Animagus form and thankfully nothing went wrong as there were no dementors, no Ministry Officials etc to recognize him and take him away.
However, I should have known better than to just think that all our worries were over. As Head Girl, when I stepped into the Prefects Cabin, my eyes got caught by a badge identical to Percy's pinned on Roger Davies' robes.
There went my assumption of having a stress free year out the window. With him as Head Boy, I would be far from peace.
Another disappointment was seeing the newly elected Slytherin Prefects.
Malfoy and Parkinson, both standing with smug grins on their faces while Ron and Hermione glowered at them.
I had realized by then that I was in for a tough year and especially the Prefect meetings would be an absolute pain to endure. Combined with the fact that I was Head Girl and couldn't ditch any meeting, the thought only made me feel worse.
Little did I know, that day held a lot more trouble and disappointment for me to face.
"Congrats, Head Girl," Davies remarked in a light whisper as I joined him to give the first prefects meeting.
"You too," I replied back, knowing that it would be no use to be uncivil right at the start. Then turning my attention to the rest of the Prefects, I spoke up, "are all the House Prefects here? No one's missing?"
Hermione's eyes wept over the entire cabin and she nodded, "all present."
"Good, so let's get this over with," I began, "all of us are aware of what goes on in a prefects meeting very well by now except for the newcomers. Ron, Hermione, Ciara, Davina, Ernie, Jonathan, Malfoy and Parkinson... I want you guys to pay full attention."
Malfoy scoffed but I sent a glare his way to warn him. That seemed to have done the trick for a short while though if he thought of misbehaving, I had a lesson ready for him.
Ciara Foy and Ernie Macmillan were Hufflepuff prefects. Jonathan Morris and Davina Smith were from Ravenclaw house. The rest of them were faces I knew very well by then such as Roger Davies, Cassius Warrington, Samantha Peterson etc.
"We will be holding meeting once a week to discuss prefect duties assigned to you all individually as well as the rounds you will have to take. Since this is the first day, we would not have a lot of duties other than just making sure no first year students get lost. Give them the right directions or you will be doing double of your assigned duty. No handing out punishments without any reason, I'm not going to pinpoint anyone here but I feel like I should make it clear that abusing the authority of a prefect can result in severe punishment, sometimes even expulsion from school."
As expected, Hermione had stiffened at the mention of expulsion. No doubt, her boggart would be n expulsion letter from Hogwarts.
"Davies, would you like to add anything?"
"Not exactly," he shrugged, "you've covered it well so far."
I heard Parkinson mumble something to Draco and chuckle lightly though it didn't seem like Draco wanted to hear that remark as his face turned red. I decided it was not worth it to give them so much attention either way.
"Davies will tell you about the next meeting. We're done for today so you can return to your cabins or stay here if you want to, I really don't mind," I concluded the meeting, "though one thing to keep in mind is that all of you will wait in the Express to take final rounds in order to check all the students have left at the station. You will all then report in this cabin and we will leave after. Understood?"
Most of them nodded in affirmation so I guessed it was okay.
Thankfully, the first prefect meeting didn't go as bad as I had expected it too but a feeling deep down told me that I shouldn't get so relieved and trouble was definitely on its way.
I had been totally right in there being a lot of trouble or rather disappointment in store for us. At the feast, we noticed a new face that we thought could be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
However, Harry had quite visibly stiffened to see her and whispered something to Ron and Hermione. Seemed like he had encountered that woman with a toad like face and a pink cardigan and that encounter must not have been pleasant.
Anyhow, we were all seated and the Sorting Ceremony was carries out after the Hat gave us a very strange song full of warnings. It felt as if the Hat too was fully aware of the perils we were about to face.
Then feast was laid out and after it was time for the Headmaster's speech. Dumbledore stood up and came forward to his Owl Lecturn where he gave the start and end of term speeches.
Silence spread through the hall as the Headmaster held quite a fascinating command over his audience. It had been my third year at Hogwarts but I was still very attentive to hear what he had to say, just like the other students.
I couldn't say the same for Fred and George though.
They were very excited for the speech to end and for everyone to go to the Common Room so that they could promote their new inventions from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
Ah yes, they have started their own joke shop, courtesy of Harry who gave them the prize money of the Triwizard Tournament. Mum had no idea about it or else she would have forced Harry to take it all back.
Harry no doubt had a heart of gold. At times, he reminded me a lot of his parents.
Dumbledore's voice shook me out of my thoughts, "this year, there will be a few changes. For your Care of Magical Creatures subject, I would like you all to welcome Professor Grubbly Plank. As for the Defence Against the Dark Arts subject, Dolores Umbridge has very kindly joined us."
The smile on that woman's face was sickly sweet; the sort of smile which came from years of faking and stabbing others in the back. It would be safe to say that I did not like her in the least.
There was just something about her which made me feel that I might be on even worse terms with her than I was already with Professor Snape. And heaven knows that's saying a lot since Professor Snape had already done enough to be on my list of most hated Professors.
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