[21] Head Girl
It was not as interesting to stay at the Orders Headquarters as it had seemed earlier.
We weren't allowed to join any Order meetings and Mum had found out about the Extendable Ears and confiscated those as well. Percy hadn't been around at all and I had received a letter from him saying it would be better if we minimized contact with him.
Things were awful at the Ministry and he couldn't risk to be suspected.
Actually, the Ministry suspected that Dumbledore had joined up powerful witches and wizards in a secret society (which wasn't untrue) but they were still deluded by thinking that society aimed to overthrow Fudge... Honestly, at times I wonder how these people even got put in charge in the first place.
Anyhow, we spent the remaining of our days making Sirius's family home a habitable place which was indeed a difficult task. Hermione had arrived as well so me and Gin started sharing a room with her and since then we were all clearing out the house from doxys and boggarts.
I always left the boggart cleaning to the twins so me and Ginny would often be together, chasing out those nasty doxys that hid away in the dark curtains that hung around the house.
It was extremely dull yet tiring work, to say the very least.
And then we were no longer allowed to listen in on the Order meetings either so we had absolutely no idea what was going on. By then, it almost felt as if we were trapped.
Things got slightly interesting when Harry came to the Headquarters.
Poor boy was so worked up on being left out of the loop that he screamed down on Ron and Hermione just like Walburga Black screamed down on all of us, minus the hurtful insults.
Anyhow, Harry had been updated about the scenario from Ron and Hermione and by then all we knew was that a very important Order meeting was going on downstairs while we couldn't even use Extendable Ears to listen as Mum had enabled a charm over the door.
Ginny checked and told us anything we threw at it would bounce back and out of boredom, she had been throwing dungbombs at the door for almost an hour.
Sometimes, she could be really funny.
Oh and I think I forgot to mention it. Me and the twins were able to use magic as we had turned seventeen. In fact I turned seventeen before them and had plenty of opportunity to tease them about it during the start of the Summer Break.
But from the first of April, they had been using magic too and also apparating everywhere. Oh wait, that's exactly how they got me out of the place where Perce's apartment was located.
Thinking of Percy, things were still sour between him and Dad.
And to top it all off, that night after the Order meeting when Harry demanded to know everything, Sirius and Mum got into an argument.
It was not fun... At all.
But as a result, we were finally let in on what was going on with the Order and it turned out that they had actually formed a resistance against Voldemort and were warning wizards to be on their guard.
Despite the Ministry wrecking everything by their fake news dramas, there were quite some people who had started to believe the Order. And though things were doleful at the moment, there was hope that they would be prepared for when the Dark Lord would strike.
Only Gin hadn't been allowed to listen in on the conversation as Mum had sent her off to bed so soon as the meeting got over, I had intended to go up to her and fill her in on everything.
I guess we had been on tolerable terms lately and I had started to think of her more as a sister as compared to my first year with the Weasleys.
But before I could make my escape, Remus spoke up, "may I have a word with you, Kat?"
"Sure," I looked back at Hermione who nodded at me, getting my gesture.
She would tell Gin everything instead so that was one less thing for me to worry about.
"Yes, Remus?"
By then the room had cleared up as Mum had been busy with scolding Fred and George, Dad and Bill had left while only Sirius, me and Rem were there.
"I told Sirius about the visions you have," he resumed carefully, eyes subconsciously flickering towards the word imprinted on my palm but I quickly hid my hand in my pocket, not wanting to Sirius to find out about it. "And we were thinking that so far your visions have come true."
"Yes, so...?"
"So there's a huge possibility you might get visions about what is going on currently too," he elaborated, "now we didn't know whether your family is aware of this ability of yours so I thought it would be better to ask you directly. If you ever have any vision, let us know."
Okay... Not that weird a request and kinda understandable.
"Sure," I nodded affirmatively, "I'll let you guys know."
Sirius had a nostalgic smile playing upon his lips, "isn't it weird? We used to prank with her... Spent most of our sixth year with her too. And yet now..."
"Hey, my family does know about the visions but they definitely don't know about this," I figured I would have to warn them not to straight up speak so casually about what had happened in my fourth year at Hogwarts, "and I would like to keep it that way so a little secrecy would be appreciated."
"Ah my bad," his smile turned into those characteristic dazzling smirks, "won't happen again."
Remus's eyes flickered between us and he sighed, "you're right. This is very weird..."
Breakfast that morning was different from the previous monotonous days because finally everyone had been given some information about the Order and all of us who had just found out what had been actually going on were brimming with excitement.
There was one more reason to the excitement as well.
Our letters from school had arrived.
An army of barn owls swooped in carrying our letters that contained the next year's book list and other details. All of the letters were dropped on the table but when mine fell, it created a sound.
As if there was something heavy inside the letter.
Oh no... I think I know what that means...
Bill caught my gaze and gave me a thumbs up as if telling me that my assumption had been right.
"Kat, you gonna open up the surprise or shall we do the honors?" The twins asked and Mum seemed to have realized as well and a bright smile lit up her face.
Honestly, I haven't seen her smile for so long ever since the Dark Lord returned.
So just for her sake and for the sake of all other curious eyes fixed on that envelope, I picked it up and opened it.
From within dropped out the book lists and a shiny Head Girl badge.
"Katerina, sweetheart, I am so proud of you," Mum had instantly taken me into a warm hug, squeezing so tight that I could barely breath.
Fred and George were checking whether the badge was real or fake. "This has to be a prank. Kat and Head Girl? No way..."
However, Mum let go of me because I wasn't the only one who had gotten a badge.
Ron and Hermione were made Prefects too.
So indeed it was safe to say that Mum was having the happiest day of her life, congratulating us and doting upon us.
"Such an honor it is, dear, so many Prefects in the family. And Head Prefects too... I am so proud of you all."
"And what are we, next door neighbors?" Fred and George piped up but since Mum was in a good mood, she hugged them too.
"Of course not, dear. You're as much a part of this family as the rest of your siblings. We love you all equally."
I noticed that Harry did not look as cheerful as the others and I realized the reason why too.
He did not get the Prefect badge and he was definitely wondering why on Earth he wasn't selected to be a Prefect.
Well, I guess he would find out soon but personally I think that he was already so burdened with the whole responsibility of being the Chosen One, Dumbledore actually did him a favor by not choosing him as a Prefect.
And trust me, being a Prefect was a hell of a job too, speaking purely from experience.
I knew he would realize that soon enough when he would see how burdened Ron and Hermione are going to get.
I just hoped he wouldn't overreact about it. Come to think of it, he had been in a really sour mood ever since he had come here.
But then I didn't blame him since the date of his Wizengamot trial was approaching too and anyone in his position could get a little moody.
But for the moment, there was another question plaguing my mind.
If I was made Head Girl, who had been chosen as Head Boy?
Cedric could have been perfect for the post but...
But Cedric could no longer...
I just hope it would be anyone except for Davies or Warrington. I literally couldn't stand the sight of those two.
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