[11] Patching Up
The First Task however turned out to be great for Harry because Ron saw how much danger he was in and realized that Harry could not have put his name in the Goblet himself. In fact he was bent on proving that someone who wanted Harry dead had done so and since he had also received Bill's letter, he decided to patch things up with Harry.
A good decision really because we had gotten fed up with the hostility between the two and wanted it all to end soon. Hermione was the one most pleased by his decision so the two went to the Hospital Wing together to see Harry.
There was some time in the next task in which the Champions were asked to figure out the clue hidden in the Golden Egg. On the other hand, the school was taken by storm when at the feast it was announced that a Yule Ball would be held as tradition for the Tournament.
Oh so that was why we were asked to bring dress robes.
Students from fourth year onwards were allowed to attend the Ball and each one of us had to have partners. Now that's going to be a problem. And I bet all the boys are going to try their luck and ask Fleur out.
Ever since that day when Fleur had asked me about Bill, we had been on friendly terms and I didn't mind her company at all. She was very nice once you got to know her and despite the remarks Fred and George made about her, I kept our friendship.
In fact, I think I used that little friendship slightly to an advantage.
Before Roger Davies could ask me out, I had already referred him to Fleur so that there would be one less problem for me to worry about. Fleur had been slightly disappointed to know Bill wouldn't be attending the Ball because he was no longer a student and only the current students were allowed to do so. And of course, she had mentioned it once or twice to me and I decided to kill two birds with one stone.
That way, Fleur got a partner and Roger got so occupied with her that I couldn't have felt more blessed.
However, much to my surprise even Fred and George asked Angelina and Katie out. Now that left just me and trust me I would have loved to go alone but since that wasn't possible so... Fleur repaid the favor and referred a friend of hers to accompany me.
Elisio Curtis.
Believe me that was the time I found out that the overprotective elder brother's behavior wasn't just a trait in Percy but showed up considerably in the twins as well. The two were not pleased at all to find out that a French student would be taking me to the Ball.
Wait until they find out who had asked Hermione out then.
Yup, not Harry, not Ron but Viktor Krum. But she hasn't been very vocal about it because more than half of the female population at Hogwarts is already a huge fan of Krum and she doesn't want to get pestered or threatened by his fangirls.
Though I was thinking Ron would ask her out before Krum but seems like Pumpkin got too late. He had turned up to ask Fleur though and that had been a thoroughly hilarious scene that distracted Fred and George from the whole Curtis matter as they got busied in teasing Ron.
On the other hand, Ced had asked Cho out, and trust me they make a lovely couple. Cho was a year below us and played Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. From all I know, she was a very sweet and nice girl, quite like Cedric himself.
There were still a few days in Yule Ball so naturally all the students were hyped up for it and busy in preparations for the event. The Champions were supposed to start off the waltz which would then be taken up by the rest of the students.
The Heads of Houses explained the whole procedure to us very clearly though and the set of rules and regulations were also made evident.
I just hope though that Elisio Curtis is not like the French boys we get to see in literature. I am hoping for this Ball to go smoothly and if he turns out to be like that, I might have to ditch him.
From the small conversation I had had with him when Fleur had introduced us and all, he seemed to be a pretty decent guy, hope I'm not wrong in that assumption though. Because otherwise there would be no difference in attending the Yule Ball with Davies or Curtis.
However, all the preparations for the Ball reminded me a lot of the Spring Ball I had attended with the Marauders during the time travel accident. Thinking of it brought up good memories and I smiled recalling the genuinely pleased look on Sirius's face when I had finally turned up to the Ball despite making them all believe that I would not be attending it.
But I sincerely hope the Yule Ball goes fine and no such chaos would rage like Hogwarts had seen on the night of the Spring Ball.
"Earth to Kat," the twins sat down beside me and I was certain they were up to some new prank idea.
I replied, "Neptune to you two."
"Wow, someone's in a mood today," George spoke up, "and we're so using this reply when the need arises."
"Sure," I nodded, "it's credit-free for you both."
"Aren't we lucky?" Fred nudged my elbow and I shoved him back.
"Very much so."
But it seemed as if the two actually had something urgent to talk to me because their faces switched into serious mode almost immediately even though I had been expecting them to goof around for a couple more minutes.
"Kat, we wanted to let you know that if that Curtis dude bothers you or does anything inconvenient all you have to do is signal us and we will see to him ourselves."
"Aw, that's sweet of you guys," I smiled, mischief sparking in my eyes upon thinking of their reaction that would inevitably follow after my upcoming remark, "you guys almost reminded me of Percy."
"Bighead Boy?"
"Heaven forbid, Kat, that's the worst thing we could remind you of!"
I laughed, "he's not a thing. He's our brother."
"Likewise. We do not intend to be like him."
"Your concern says otherwise," I quipped.
Both of them were shaking their head in disappointment, "it would have been fine if you had said Bill or Charlie, but Percy...? Perfect Percy? Seriously, Katerina, you've lost it."
My laughter only increased at their flabbergasted expressions and the fact that they called me by my full first name, which showed how pissed they were, "oh come on he's not that bad."
The two nodded, "oh yeah, he's not that bad at all. He just happens to be the worst."
The laughter was getting hard to hold in by then, "hey..."
"Do not defend Perseus Ignatius Weasley at the moment," Fred remarked, cutting me off when I was about to speak, "or else we will take back our concern and do nothing if something goes wrong at the ball."
Oh God, their reaction was totally priceless.
"Nothing will go wrong at the Ball," I assured them finally recovering from the laughter attack, "and if it does, I will definitely signal you two for help."
George raised an eyebrow, "you sure you aren't forgetting something?"
I nodded realizing exactly what he was referring to, "thank you Gred and Forge for being such caring brothers."
"Anytime, little sister." But the two rushed off immediately knowing that I would chase after them for calling me little.
And that was precisely what I did, I chased them through the whole school grounds and almost made them fall into the Lake. "Hey, I'm not little, I'm the same age as you two!"
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