[09] Veela Crush
Like I had suspected, things got terrible for Harry. Most of the students still suspected him of cheating and the Slytherins had come up with badges that read Potter Stinks over them. And it turned out that it was all the genius idea of Draco Malfoy, note the sarcasm.
As expected.
And the presence of a nosy reporter from the Daily Prophet, Miss Rita Skeeter, did not make things any better. The twins were certain that she was going to turn the whole event of Harry being chosen for the Tournament into a publicity scandal.
And that's exactly what she did.
The First Task was due in a few days and the team for Daily Prophet had come for interviewing so me and Hermione thought of accompanying Harry there. Ron still was holding a grudge against Harry though we had all tried to make him see sense.
Anyways, I decided to come on Ron's behalf and Harry being the sweet boy that he is, was extremely grateful.
A camp had been erected in the Castle grounds and parents of Champions had been called as well. Harry's eyes widened in surprised upon seeing Mum and Bill standing there. To be honest I was surprised too.
"Hello Harry dear, how are you?" Mum engulfed him in a loving embrace then did the same with me and Hermione, she was little apprehensive to not see Ron there but started talking to Harry, "me and Bill decided to show up from your side. After all, you're a part of the family too."
That was actually very sweet of them and I could see that Harry appreciated the support a lot as a smile spread on his face at last. Bill clapped his back affectionately, "we're rooting for you to win. Do us proud, Harry."
Then he turned towards me and ruffled my head, "and how's our little sis doing?"
"Great," I replied, "I see you've gotten a new haircut. Suits you."
"Appreciate the compliment," he chuckled, "and see this earring, dragon tooth, nicked it from Charlie."
"How come Mum let you wear this?" I asked playfully knowing that Mum was very strict when it came to appearances and she could not have her sons go out in public looking like punk rock band members.
He laughed, ruffling my head again so that now I'm pretty sure my hair looked like the top of a broomstick, "one of the perks of being the eldest."
While we were talking Rita Skeeter had asked the champions to align for a photograph so Harry had to leave and get his picture taken though I can tell how much he hates it. Poor him. Whoever put his name into the Goblet must have had a serious grudge against him, that's all I can muster.
"Where's Ron and the two toilers of trouble? I met Gin, she was here a few minutes earlier," Bill asked though he caught Fleur Delacour looking at him and smiled back politely.
"The twins are as usual up to some mischief," I replied, "but Ron is being slightly off."
His eyes flickered in concern, "and why is that?"
"He thinks Harry cheated and didn't tell him," I elaborated taking Bill aside, "he's more disappointed in the fact that he didn't let him in on the secret and thinks that he probably sneaked under the Invisibility Cloak. We've told him that's not the case but he's been avoiding Harry now and it's taking a toll on both of them."
He nodded, an understanding look taking over his features, "I see. I'll write to him, don't worry he'll be okay soon."
I smiled at him, "you're the best elder brother, you know that, right?"
He chuckled slightly shaking his head, "Charlie and Percy will get offended if they find that out."
"Percy would definitely get offended," I added laughing as well with him. The thing is that Perce doesn't show it but he does care for all of us, "and then he'll be like: A thousand times, Katerina, I have warned you a thousand times..." I imitated the concernedly dramatic tone Perce used whenever he caught me in trouble and it made Bill burst out laughing again.
Some reporters were coming our way so I stepped aside, the Champions had had their photographs taken as Harry too had returned towards Mum but seems like luck isn't in his favor as the reporters wanted to know what Mum and Bill thought about him etc so the three were busy there.
I felt a slight tap at my shoulder and turned around to see Fleur Delacour. She was smiling at me and I was honestly surprised to see her there as she extended her hand out, "hello, I am Fleur Delacour."
"Katerina Weasley," I smiled back, shaking her hand.
"Pleazure meeting you," she nodded but then she looked over at Mum and Bill, "zat eez your family?"
"Yes," I answered, I'm still not sure what's going on, "that's my Mum and he's Bill, my elder brother. They came for Harry."
"Zat eez very sweet," she looked over at Bill again and I think now I know the cause to her sudden interest. She noticed that I had followed her gaze so a light pink shade crept over her face as she spoke, "your brother eez very 'andzome."
I controlled an urge to laugh and when I saw Bill looking our way, I waved over to him at which he smiled and the pink hue on Fleur's cheeks deepened. Now that surely is something spectacular, a girl like Fleur, who's quarter Veela and can have absolutely any guy she wants, has a crush on my dear elder brother Bill.
But then of course Bill himself is really dashing and that dragon tooth earring and his slightly longer red hair pulled over to one side make him look rebellious but in a rather attractive way. Bill can rock any look, trust me.
"Shall I introduce you to him?" I turned to her with a small smile on my face.
"Zat would be very nice," she nodded, her hand gently lingering on my arm, "but don't you think zat would seem odd? I mean your mother..."
"It's okay, Fleur, I can say you're a friend of mine. He would like to meet you too."
Well actually, I had caught Bill smiling at her multiple times too and guess after Perce and Penny, here's my chance to play matchmaker again.
So of course I introduced Fleur to Mum and Bill telling them that I had befriended her and she was a very nice girl, I bet Fleur wasn't expecting that but the lovely smile on her face showed she had appreciated it. When Bill and Mum were leaving, Bill promised to write back to me and I bet I know exactly what he's going to write about.
Finally it was time for our classes so we had to leave, I noticed Hermione had left earlier and so I had to go back to the castle by myself. I hugged both Mum and Bill goodbye and then leaving Harry in the care of the reporters as well as the other champions, I went back to the castle.
Though there was a highlight, I could see that it won't be the last I'll see of Fleur Delacour. Seemed like the French beauty would want to keep her friendship with me from now on and I don't mind it because so far she seems really nice. And if I'm not wrong in my judgement, her and Bill would make a really nice couple.
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