Another tag !
Hiiiii guys ! Welcome to my new tag and my first in English ! Am I doing that because I'm too lazy to write ? Absolutely~ I mean, I have my book and an OS to write that I want to post before the end of the week, but I'm doing this tag. Soooo, I found it on Internet. Let's go !
1. Do you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend ?
I don't really care (even if I have a preference for girls)
2. When did your last hug take place ?
I don't remember
3. Are you a jealous person ?
I am, but I'm not too much. At least, I hope ^^'
4. Are you tired right now ?
When ain't I tired ?
5. Do you chew on your straws ?
Sometimes !
6. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight ?
Well, I actually can't, because I'm not straight. STOP IT, ASUNA AND SHUT UP.
I haven't.
7. Do you cry easily ?
I used to. But I'm more use to catch 'em and I cry only when it's too much.
9. What should you be doing right now ?
10. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months ?
I hope I can ;-; I mean, my longest relationship lasted for two months, soooo
11. Do you drink ?
I guess you meant alcool. Sometimes. But not too much.
12. Last thing you bought ?
BTS album
13. Last thing you ate ?
Chocolate >~<
14. Do you give second chance ?
It depends for what. There's something that I will never forgive, it's cheating. If someone cheats on me, I will never give a second chance. So, yeah. It depends.
15. Random fact ?
Life is expensive
16. Last book you read ?
Don't remember the name XD
17. Last song you listened to ?
Inner Child, V
18. Any scars ?
So many ! My hands, arms and legs are covered by.
19. Someone you hate ?
I don't hate people.
20. Ever done drugs ?
Never. People proposed me drugs, but I never took.
21. When did you make your account ?
The 31th of March 2018
22. Why did you make an account ?
This one ? It was probably because I forgot my password, or because I wanted a new one. So, to read and post my writings.
23. What's your first fandom ?
It was Fairy Tale ! I watched it with my brother ! And One Piece too. And after Sword Art Online.
24. Your first username ?
I don't remember and I don't want to remember, because when I think of my first stories... Err, we have to begin somewhere.
25. Zodiac sign ?
I'm a Libra~
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