Chapter 1 The mansion day 1
I am currently walking the halls of a abandoned hallway filled with overgrown weeds it is a amazing site such a abundance of flowers versus weeds , and the flowers are growing outside of this abandoned mansions windows snaking up the vines like it's nothing . Random furniture is spread throughout with vines snaking around them , and it's just beautiful all of a sudden I find myself at the end of the hallway with my hand on a beautifully decorated door knob so I pressed the door knob to the right and opened the door into a very large bedroom with very eloquent blue wallpaper all around and a light grey canopy bed with torn blue canopy sheets a worn light blue bed sheet and the metal tells of damage , wear and tear due to being abandoned , neglected , a huge white beautifully decorated dresser covered with vines crawling and climbing all around it. A worn out neglected big white well was white at one time rug in the middle of the room I am walking towards the dresser and I outstretched my right hand and opened the dresser drawer surprisingly it wasn't stuck with age But loose and breaking apart slowly due to the neglect and abandonment of such beautiful things I looked at what was in the dresser drawer and it is a bunch of photographs my interests are peeked. And I am now looking at the first photograph and it is of a young girl with a violin and she is wearing a dress , the photograph is in black and white so it is definitely a old photograph , flipping it over on the back I see a date and the date on the back is of August 14 , 1942 . So that makes the photograph pretty old and unique I turned to the second photograph and it shows the same young girl that is in the first photograph just a little bit older , in the first photograph she looked to be six years old in this photograph which is also in black and white she looks to be twelve and it looks like she is in a garden holding a handful of flowers smiling . I turned the photograph over and there is a date and the date said July 7 , 1948 .The next photograph shows the same girl that is in the last two photographs but even mucht older the photograph shows her in a ballroom dress dancing with a tall handsome fellow I turned the photograph over and there is no date just some words saying " my dear Elisabeth I miss you my sweetheart " but due to the lack of the other name I don't know who the male was or who wrote on it. I put the photographs in my backpack and I am now walking to the other set of doors that are in the room I put my hand on it and opened the door it's a beautiful bathroom with a golden claw foot bathtub and a huge shower and two sinks with a white well , off white now due to old age and neglect , mat on the floor in front of both sinks , and there is another mat in the middle of the bathroom I walked to one of the sinks and there is a beautiful pink and white hairbrush on the white marble countertop and a beautifully decorated hand held mirror right next to the hairbrush , the hand held mirror surprisingly isn't broken I am now walking out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom . I am now walking to the next room and I put my hand on the door knob and pressed it turning it to the right and opened the door and I am walking inside the bedroom . There is a very old cradle worn and broken from years of neglect and abandonment vines all over snaking all around the cradle , making it look like a cradle made out of vines a beautiful site to see. There is what looks like a dresser with it's drawers out and scattered around vines are climbing up the four walls and there is a old broken changing table that looks pretty worn out like it has definitely seen better days . I am now walking to the dresser I see a photograph of the same girl that's in the other photographs that I found . She is wearing a long dress and holding a tiny baby in her arms and the same man that was in the last photograph is standing right beside her with his hand on her right shoulder , what I find odd is that the lady which I guess her name is Elisabeth she is not smiling I mean wouldn't you be smiling while holding a small bundle of joy , the man in the picture is smiling with his hand on her shoulder looking down at the tiny baby , I turned the photograph over I see a date with some words written on the photograph . The date written on the back is 1954 which makes sense because she appears to be eighteen in the picture , the words that are written on the back says "my little family lily is five weeks old" . I put the photograph in my bag with the others and walked out of the room . I am now walking towards the next room. I put my hand on the door knob and turned it , opening the door I am struck with the beautiful site I see vines with flowers that have completely taken over what appears to be a living room . I look to my left and I see what appears to me what once was a couch is completely covered in vines with flowers ,the coffee table just a few inches from the couch is completely covered in vines with flowers. The coffee table appears to be glass as I try to move some of the vines to get a better look. I move away from the coffee table and I am walking toward what once was a entertainment center and I see another photograph so I move some vines and I picked up the photograph and the photograph shows the same lady with the same man and a baby , the girl I come to find out from the photographs her name is Elisabeth she is wearing another dress and is holding the baby which I found out her name is Lilly . Elisabeth is smiling and looking at lily. Lily is smiling and looking at her momma.Elisabeth also appears to have a little baby bump , the man has his hand on her right shoulder smiling I flip the photograph over and I see another date , the date on the photograph is July , 8, 1955 which makes Lily one years old in the photograph and there is some writing which says " my family growing by one more lily is going to be a big sister." I put the photograph in my bag with the other photographs and decided to call it a night. I am now walking out of the house and to my car door and I am getting into my seat and driving off bidding a fair well to the mansion until tomorrow.
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