Chapter Nine
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Nine. Gif of Nev ^^^^^
--- Hannah's P.O.V ---
Nev has been here for a couple of days now, yesterday was spent majorly in bed because of the jet lag so Nev hasn't really seen where I grew up. Plus he hasn't really spoken to Michael, Ashley, Lily or Carter. Michael is our butler, Lily and Ashley are our maids and Carter is our cook/chef. Michael and Ashley have been with my family since my mother and father got married, Lily came as a secondary maid when Beth was born and then Carter joined us when our old cook left us; even when Beth and I moved out to Los Angeles they stayed here because I didn't want to sell the house and Michael, Lily, Ashley and Calum all live here so I didn't want to put them out of a place to live and rest their head at night.
They have still been getting paid but as Beth and I aren't here they don't get their bonuses but they still get their main pay which is quite a big amount. I know none of them would ever leave us because they are considered as part of the family, Michael and Ashley were always looking after me and Beth more than Lily and Carter would because they were doing the things around the house. Yesterday Michael came into my room to bring Nev and I our food at different times and Ashley only came in once to clean the bathroom but she left the bed as we were in it. She was adamant that she will clean it today, even when there was no one living in those rooms they would get cleaned on the off chance that we surprise visited them like I did a couple of days ago.
I roll over in bed and roll straight off of my bed, ouch. I land with a thud and Nev shoots up and looks over to me sleepily "How did you get down there?" he asks and I roll my eyes "I fell off the bed when I woke up" I say and he chuckles crawling over to my side of the bed helping me up "You going to have a shower?" I ask and he nods "Yeah. Are we doing anything today?" he asks and I smile "How about another movie day but this time in the cinema room" I say and he kisses my cheek "That sounds great" he says getting up and walking into the bathroom.
I get up and pull one of Nev's button-up shirts on before walking downstairs and into the kitchen where Carter is making his famous waffles. I can tell because he is dancing around the way he usually does, this may sound weird but depending on what he is making he will dance a different way and I find it so funny. I go over to him and practically jump on his back "Good morning to you too" he says chuckling "Miss Allyn. You are 28 years old. You should not be acting like that" Ashley says from the doorway and I jump down from Carter who goes back to the food "What on earth are you wearing?" she asks looking me up and down and I twirl for her causing her to laugh a little "My boyfriend's shirt" I say and she sighs "Can I clean your sheets today?" she asks and I nod "Yes. We didn't do anything in them though. We only slept" I say and she rolls her eyes before leaving the kitchen.
I turn back to Carter "Cartie" I say and he turns around; crossing his arms and leaning against the counter next to the cooker "Yes Hanni?" he asks - him and Lily are the only ones that will call me by a nickname or my first name whereas Michael and Ashley refuse to call me anything informal and it will be the same with Nev - smiling at me "Do we have any Nutella and/or syrup?" I ask and he chuckles "You never change" he says grabbing the Nutella and the syrup from a cupboard "Would you want me to?" I ask smirking and he shakes his head before pulling me into a hug "Of course not. I love you for who you are" he says and I giggle.
Nev all of a sudden walks into the kitchen as I pull away from Carter. "Have a good shower?" I ask going over to him and kissing him quickly "I did thanks" he says pulling me into his side but glancing over at Carter who is now plating up the waffles on the counter island so that we can all eat together - the staff always ate with us whenever we had a meal because we treated them like family and they treated us like family - "Oh Carter" I say and he turns around "This is Nev my boyfriend. You know the one that's staying here with me for a while" I say and Carter nods "He seems like a cool guy. As long as there is no dirty stuff happening up in that innocent room of yours I am happy" he says.
I sit down on the other side of the island counter on one of the barstools and start eating my waffles. They are mine because Carter always puts extra sugar on mine as I have such a sweet tooth. Nev sits down next to me and starts eating as Lily, Ashley and Michael walk in. Lily kisses Carter's cheek before stealing some of his waffles causing him to pout - did I mention they're siblings? No, how about twin siblings? Maybe not well they're twins and they get on amazingly well. Michael nods at me and Lily smiles whilst Nev looks extremely confused "Do you want me to introduce everyone?" I ask and he nods "That would be helpful" he says and I roll my eyes "That's Lily one of the maids" I say pointing to Lily who joke curtsies "Michael is our butler. You met him when you got here and when he came in yesterday so you knew his name" I say and Michael nods in acknowledgement "You know Carter" I say pointing to Carter who raises his fork as he is mid-eating waffles "Then there is Ashley our head maid" I say and Ashley smiles.
They all start eating but Nev still has his thinking face on "Are Carter and Lily dating?" he asks and Lily and Carter start choking on their waffles "They're siblings Mr Schulman" Michael says trying not to laugh "Twins to be exact" I say and Nev looks to me with wide-eyes "Well I guess you two do look alike" Nev says and we all laugh.
I am so glad everyone likes him; they are my family after all.
That was Chapter Nine, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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