Chapter Eleven
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Eleven. The picture Max has of Beth ^^^^^
——- Beth's P.O.V ——-
We're at Max's place now and I have to say it is pretty impressive. It is immaculate; I had no idea that Max was this clean. I don't think that there is one speck of dust throughout this whole apartment but that kind of makes me like him more. It's so confusing and my feelings are everywhere right now but I have a thing for guys that can take care of themselves and guys that actually know how to clean. It's weird but I hate cleaning everything myself so if I date a guy who can help me out then I am definitely happy.
Max is currently making something to eat. We didn't eat on the plane because I hate the food they give you and Max didn't want anything which was fair enough. I have a drink in my hand and I'm running my free hand along the spines of the books that Max has in his bookcase, I feel like you can learn a lot about a person based on what type of books they read. That isn't as strange as it sounds. For example if someone reads detective or action books then they love the thrill factor but if someone reads romance books then they have a soft side to themselves even if they don't show it to the people around them.
I take a sip of my drink when I spot a picture of me from around a year ago in a frame next to the books. I remember sending it to Max that's so sweet; I can't believe he has it here. I place my drink down on the table next to me and pick it up; as I'm looking at it I feel two arms slip around my waist causing me to smile "Why do you still have it?" I ask knowing who is standing behind me "Because you look beautiful in it" he says and I blush "Is the food ready?" I ask placing the photo back in its area and turning around in Max's arms "Yeah. Do you want to change into something a bit more comfortable before we eat?" he asks.
I nod and then realise that the pyjamas I have are dirty and need to be washed "Uh, Maxie" I say and he smiles at me "All the pyjamas I have a dirty" I say and he smiles "Come with me" he says taking my hand and we go to his bedroom. He opens his drawer and pulls out a button-up shirt and a pair of smaller boxers "Are you okay with wearing these?" he asks and I nod taking them from him "These will be great. Thank you" I say kissing his cheek before walking into the bathroom to change.
After changing I walk back into the main part of the apartment and see Max sitting on the couch with his food on his lap and presumably my food next to him. I go over and he smiles at me "You look adorable" he says and I giggle "Thanks. These are particularly cosy" I say and he chuckles. I sit down and he lifts the plate up so that I don't sit on it, after I get comfortable he hands me my plate and I smile at him "This looks good" I say and he nods "I tried my best" he says. By the time I finish eating I am yawning like crazy, I am so tired. I put the plate on the coffee table and curl up on the sofa under a blanket that Max has given me.
Max lifts his arm up motioning for me to cuddle into his side, no way am I turning that down. I shuffle over to him and he pulls the blanket over both of us. He slips his arm around my shoulder and I smile "Do you want me to take the couch tonight?" I ask because Max only has one bed "No. I will take the couch, you should have the bed" he says and I shake my head "No. I'm the guest, I should have the couch. I'm the one staying here" I say and Max crosses his arms "B, I am not letting you sleep on the couch" he says and I sigh "Fine. Can we just share the bed then because otherwise we will both be sleeping on the couch" I say and he chuckles.
Max turns the TV off before standing up "Come on. Let's go to bed" he says offering me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up from the couch "I want to call Hannah before I go to sleep. I want to talk to her about some things" I say and Max nods "Okay. I will be in the bedroom" he says and I nod.
(B - Beth~H - Hannah)
H - Hey Sis, everything okay?
B - Yes and no.
H - The yes is good but the no is bad depending on what's wrong.
B - Well I think I have feelings for this guy but I don't think he has feelings for me and I'm worried that if I let how I feel slip I will lose his friendship.
H - So I am not going to ask who it is but I am guessing that you want my advice?
B - Yeah, I do.
H - Honestly I think you should tell him how you feel. If you have known him for a while then I don't think that you will lose his friendship. He might feel the same Sis, you don't know that. You will never know if you don't ask therefore tell him and see what happens. If he feels the same then that's amazing but if he doesn't then you can move on but still stay friends.
B - Why are you always right?
I hear her giggle on the other end.
H - Because I am older therefore I am wiser and the most awesome.
B - You are so funny. We both know that I have a higher awesomeness factor than you.
She giggles again as do I.
H - Whatever. Nev's calling me from the kitchen. I need to go.
B - You go girl. Get your man to cook for you.
H - Nev isn't cooking. Carter is.
B - Man I've missed him. Maybe I should convince Max to visit with me.
H - That would be awesome. Suggest it to him tomorrow.
B - Okay, I will. I will actually let you go now. Bye, love you.
H - Seeya, love you too.
I hang the phone up and walk into the bedroom to see Max under the covers on the bed "Was she okay?" he asks as I put my phone on the nightstand and crawl under the covers next to him "Yeah. She was fine" I say and he smiles.
I turn my back to him and close my eyes "Night B" Max whispers and I smile "Night Maxie" I say and just before I slip into darkness I feel two arms slip around my waist and pull me backwards into their chest.
That was Chapter Eleven, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.........
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