Chapter 5
I was back at home, preparing for the long journey I was going to take. I needed as much help as I could get if I wanted this plan was to succeed. I sighed, it was going to be a while before I saw this place again.
"I don't think so."
I swung around. My Uncle Ramos stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.
"Uncle Ramos, I swear to..." I was cut off
"You didn't let me finish." Uncle Ramos said "I don't think so. If you think you're going on this dangerous journey alone, you're wrong. I'm coming with you."
"But Uncle Ramos." I said
"You think your parents were the only people in the family with magic? You come from a bloodline of mages and wizards. I promised your parents I'd protect you and I'm intending on keeping that promise." Uncle Ramos said
I stood gaping. He never looked more like a Romo. Wild red hair, a glint of adventure in his eye, the red goatee he had, had a black strip in it and his smile had the thirst for trouble. Is this what he had looked like when he'd been my age? The want for adventure and trouble? He snapped, armor appearing on him.
"Working for the order is a family business, but I guess I could give it another go." Uncle Ramos said
I smiled. I grabbed Devil who mewed as I picked her up. I tucked her into my backpack on top of all my clothes. She kept her head poking out of the top, her eyes wide. I had packed some other things in a suitcase.
"I'll have Kayla watch the house while were gone." Uncle Ramos said
* * *
A couple hours later, my Uncle Ramos and I were flying on dragons. I remembered what the Wyvern Elder had told me.
"First head to the treasury of Enchanted Gold..."
I took a deep breath. My kitten was mewing in my ear loudly. I soon began to understand it.
"Where we goin' Ky?"
I was surprised, I guess my magic was beginning to fully kick in.
"Treasury of Enchanted Gold. But you stay in my backpack till we've landed." I ordered
"Got it." Devil said
My Uncle Ramos steered toward me and came up beside me.
"Are we close to some kind of village?" I asked
"Yeah, we should be landing soon." Uncle Ramos said
A few minutes later, we came within sight of a village. Uncle Ramos had been right. We swooped down, the dragons landing gracefully on the ground. I swung off my dragon, landing smoothly on my legs. I pat my dragon's nose.
"We better head into town, it's going to be getting late soon." Uncle Ramos said
I nodded. We walked into the village, my hood up as I walked. We got strange looks as we passed by. My hands itched to grab my daggers, but I resisted the urge. Eventually, my uncle and I saw a guard. We approached the guard. I stopped my uncle.
"Let me." I murmured
My uncle nodded. I walked up to the guard. He was speaking to a fellow guardsman.
"Excuse me." I said
The guard turned to me. He was a foot taller and a year older than me, but not as tall as Golden Boy. I kept my face hidden. I wanted to make sure that I'd get the items I needed to help Golden Boy. I had to get them before the time of battle approached.
"Who may thy be?"
"That's not going to get annoying." I muttered
"How may I address thee?"
"Stop the geek speak, you can address me as Kylie." I said
"Ah, a mysterious maiden I see."
I grabbed the guard's collar. My uncle cleared his throat, shaking his head. I snarled and let go, shoving the guard in the process.
"Don't ever refer to me as a "maiden"." I spat
"Feisty one eh, well you can call me David."
My uncle stepped in. I was actually glad he did, because I was slowly reaching to unsheathe my daggers.
"Excuse my niece." Uncle Ramos said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I scowled.
"It's OK good fellow, a lady such as herself should be treated with respect." David said
I cleared my throat, signaling to my uncle that David was going to lose his vocal cords if he didn't stop treating me like a damsel in distress. My uncle laughed nervously.
"Kylie, why don't you go explore while David and I have a chat." Uncle Ramos said
"No... He'll find out soon if he doesn't stop treating me like some wimpy damsel." I said
"Ah, I'm guessing you have skill in battle." David said, unsheathing double swords.
"Like that's supposed to intimidate me." I scoffed
I unsheathed my daggers, poised to fight. David chuckled. He got poised too. Then he made the first move. I kicked his chest before he could get a blow in. He easily deflected my next blow with one of his swords.
A crowd began to gather while my uncle watched warily. I sweep kicked David, pinning him to the ground with one of my feet on his chest, a sword aimed at his throat.
"Now what'd you say about me being a maiden?" I said distastefully
David chuckled.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"You're quite the warrior." David said
I helped him to his feet and handed him his sword.
"Now, what's under that hood of yours?" David asked, reaching to pull my hood down.
I snatched his wrist, digging my nails into his wrist, scowling.
"Don't touch the hood." I said threateningly
I threw his wrist away from me. I wasn't going to let him show my face. I swung around and Devil leapt from out of my backpack. David picked her up by the scruff of her neck.
"Kylie!" Devil mewed startlingly
I swung around.
"What is this creature?" David asked, examining Devil who hissed and spat.
"Let her go." I snarled "She's my cat."
I snatched Devil out of David's hands.
"Never touch her again." I threatened, Devil crawling onto my shoulder, under my hood.
Devil glared at David with her big yellow eyes. I spun on my heel. I had too much on my mind. Little did I notice the tears that were running down my cheeks. It had been years since I've actually cried. But why now?
Ten years since I've really cried and now was the time my body chose to have me cry? I made my way to a forest. I just had to get my thoughts in line. I sat down on a stump. For a second I looked up and saw Golden Boy. But he looked so different.
His eyes, god. They were filled for the thirst of blood spill and hostility. Yet, there seemed to be a small part showing pain. One thought ran across my mind, but didn't seem to be mine.
I scowled. Then, Golden Boy disappeared. That's when I knew I had to save him.
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