Chapter 3
I grunted as I landed with a hard thud. I soon heard a yelp and rolled out of the way as Golden Boy hit the ground. He was no longer in wolf form. A large black menacing castle stood in front of us. I glanced at him. I drew my daggers.
Him and I headed quietly towards the entrance. Everything looked like a living hell. But it didn't help when we suddenly were ambushed by a couple creatures cloaked in black and had devil wings. Golden Boy drew a sword made of bronze from his scuffed leather boots. I was slightly impressed by this. I swung a dagger at one of them and threw the other one at another one of those demon like creatures.
I looked over my shoulder at Golden Boy. He was releasing his hostility out on the creatures. I ducked and rolled painfully as one nearly took my eye out. Once we had took all the creatures out, we ran into the castle. We stuck to the shadows. My back wound burned with pain.
The castle was crawling with those demon like creatures. I didn't know how we were making so much progress already. I had a sense that tingled, telling me of strong dark magic. We reached a spiral staircase. We silently snuck up it. Something strange was going on and I didn't like it.
We reached the top of the staircase and I froze in my tracks. Black smoke fumed in a room, but lifted straight up. There was no acrid stench coming from the smoke. I thought for a second that I saw red glowing eyes and a form in the smoke. The dark magic was increasingly strong and dangerous that I now sensed. Golden Boy grabbed my hand.
He began pulling me back down the staircase.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"We have to get out of here." Golden Boy said in a grave tone.
"Why?" I asked
"You'll be in danger if you stay here any longer and I'm not going to let you risk your life in being here!" Golden Boy said
Suddenly, there was a ear piercing screech. Golden Boy grew pale.
"Run!" Golden Boy said
We both bolted down the staircase. Suddenly, the creature him and I had seen in that room appeared in front of us. Golden Boy snarled, raising his bronze sword.
"Ky, I'll hold it off while you get out of here." Golden Boy snarled
I opened my mouth to argue, but he gave another growl, silencing me. I had no choice. I leaped over the staircase railing. I roughly landed on my feet. Burning pain shooting through me. Oh, when I got my hands on whoever had stabbed me in the center of my back, I was going to kill them!
I heard the sound of Golden Boy's sword as he held it off. Dang it! Why did he do such stupid things like this?! The next chance I get, I'm coming back for him. I ran outside, slashing a few of those demon creatures with my daggers. I ducked back through the portal as quickly as I could when I finally reached it.
Right as I exited, the portal disappeared.
"God dang it." I thought
* * *
Once I had finished my mission. I headed straight to the Order. They could have some answers as to what that smoke creature was and who's castle that was. I entered the meeting room and slammed my hands down on the table. My hood down and a scowl on my face.
"I need answers now!" I said
The Order looked at me. Even thought I was covered in dirt, ash and sweat; I still looked threatening.
"About what Miss. Romo?" Mr. Jamieson asked
"About the dang portal Golden Boy and I had found last night!" I snapped
The order exchanged glances. They were hiding something from me. I drew one of my daggers and threw it blade down in front of me onto the table, logging it into the wood. I threw the order threatening looks.
"What are you not telling me?" I snarled
"I knew she'd eventually find out." One said
"We all knew." Another said
"I guess we should tell her. She does deserve an explanation." A third said
"Explain what to me?" I asked
"Miss. Romo, that portal led to the dark wizard's base is located. The winged creatures you may have seen, are his guards. The guards were once very skilled people who had been tainted by the dark wizard's "other" pet." One began to explain, emphasizing pet
"This "other" pet had tainted these people. Even the ones who were most loyal." The second one continued for the first
"It's very well that you escaped." The third finished
Anger burned inside me. I grabbed my dagger.
"Are you KIDDING ME?! DAEMON IS STILL THERE! HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF SO I COULD FREAKIN' ESCAPE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, not realizing I had mentioned Golden Boy's real name.
"I'm surprised Miss.Romo. That's the first time you've ever referred to that werewolf by his real name, but we fear he may be tainted by now. It would be suicide if you tried to go back."
"He's different, he isn't just a creature, he's my only friend." I hissed
I swung around and slammed the door open, slamming it close as I left. I went and sat on the stairs, trying to calm down from my fit of rage. God, I couldn't believe they hadn't told me this. It's been seven freaking years since I joined. I growled. I needed to help Golden Boy.
I don't care what anyone will say. I had to save him. He was as loyal as anyone could be. He's always been there for me. I wasn't going to just let him go, not now. I owed him a debt and I was going to repay it. Even if it means losing my life.
Golden Boy POV
I lied on the hot surface, energy drained from me. The creature that towered over me just stared at me. I didn't have any energy left to wield my sword. A tear ran down my cheek as I thought of Kylie. Why? Why hadn't In ever told her how I felt.
The feelings I had for her.
"Aww, how sweet." A voice spat
I snarled as a dark warlock appeared.
"HeHeHe, you could be of some use to us." The dark wizard said
"No way will I ever help you." I spat angrily
"I don't think you have a choice in the matter." The dark wizard cackled
Even more hostility, pain and thirst for blood spill filled me. I opened my mouth in a silent scream of pain as I couldn't move. Suddenly, my mind became twisted and only one thought kept a small part of my conscious. But another one was in my mind.
"Great power and immortality will be granted once you kill the one your most loyal to."
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