Chapter 10
I breathed heavily as I avoided the teeth of the hydra. Dang it! Why did this halo have to be protected by a freaking hydra?! Another one of its 10 heads shot at me. My Uncle Ramos was trying not to be squashed beneath one of its huge scaled feet. It roared.
I was avoiding from cutting off any of its heads. If I did, my uncle and I would be in extreme trouble. I kicked one of its heads under the chin. It screeched in pain. I was soaked in sweat and covered in dust and dirt.
"Stop fighting back my snacks!" The hydra hissed
"No way pea brain!" I insulted
My dragon couldn't help since we had gotten split up somewhere and so had Uncle Ramos' dragon. So we were going head to head with a freaking hydra! I stabbed its foot. I narrowly avoided being squashed by a hydra head. I winced as I was bashed into the ground. I coughed up blood.
I wiped my mouth and leaped. A hydra head darted toward me and I leaped off it. I used my magic. A large burst of whitish blue light bursting from my hand. It shot me higher into the air. I felt something grip onto my shoulders.
I looked up and saw Dova! I instructed him to get closer to the hydra and throw me into one of the mouths. I had a plan of course, but I knew I was going to regret it as soon as I entered the mouth. I was soon casting a spell to explode its entire body.
Ramos P.O.V
I watched as Kylie was swallowed whole. I couldn't do anything! But soon, the body was beginning to glow. My eyes widened as I relized what was about to happen. The hydra let out a screech of incredible agony as its body exploded, nothing left to regenerate with. I was now covered in hydra guts. Kylie was standing in the center, covered in the worst of it.
She strutted up to the pedestal and grabbed the halo. I ran over to her.
"You OK kid?" I asked
"What do you think? I just dove into a hydra." Kylie growled, stuffing the halo into her backpack.
My dragon suddenly came whisking down. My dragon smelled strongly of sulfur and rotten eggs. I quickly covered my nose.
"You don't exactly smell like a daisy either." Pyro growled
"Touché." I said
Kylie P.O.V
I watched as Dova landed. Devil peeked her fluffy head out of my backpack, eyes wide in fear. I stopped in my tracks and swayed. An image of Daemon flashed through my head. The feeling that surrounded him was growing stronger. I gasped for breath.
I was running out of time. I had to get the other items. I had only 3 out of the five and the last two were much longer to travel to. I prayed that I would communicate with Golden Boy in my dreams tonight.
A couple hours later we were resting in a cave. My energy drained. I slowly sunk into a deep sleep.
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