Chapter 2 Family ties
The teal sun shined bleakley across the greying sky, clouds a blackened grey loom and drift over the sun blocking out the sky. Only shops kept their doors open for those rushing to get away from the coming storm and the possible time to chat or get a customer, not even traders thought of setting up stands. Down towards the stone walls and docks of the east Domnaes closed all doors of ranges of colors and windows stained and clear, many walked down the grey cobble roads down to the black stone and metal docks. Shadow walked down old, moss grown, white, cobble stairs, each step was worned down to the skeleton of the stone with footprints that were untouched for years. Walking down these stairs after years of unuse made Shadow's heart sink, these stairs were used for newcomers to sailing life and those who had a life beyond the docks, he remembered when he was a kid of six or seven, long before he had a brother and sister. He remembered when he would sit on these steps with his mother, staring out to the light blue sea just waiting for someone he never knew. His mother looked so hopeful back then, her soft orange red eyes glittering with the sunlight hitting against the slow waves, a gentle daydreamer's smile on her face. Every morning before sunrise she would sit there with Shadow half asleep in her arms, he never knew why she would wake up at such annoying hour. His mind drew blank as his memory faded beyond that, his heart sank again as he was brought back to reality, here he was walking down these steps and heading to the most deadly ship known to sail seas, soon to leave for months or even years before seeing these black docks again, before seeing his mother, brother, and sister again. It wasn't the week to leave yet but Shadow knew he had to start living on the ship in order to grow accustomed to the new life. His feet hit the black stone floor of the docks. The stones shined with silver and dark blue streaks as the sun reflected off the glossy yet rough surface. Every few stones were changed with a metal plate holding a small bright light, that was use for night, in the middle, the dark metal looked as if it melted in the sun years ago as it seemed to seep in the cracks of the stones around it. Shadow looked out to the long rows of white poles and pale metal walkways that traveled across the blue bay like vines. Metal ships, all tall and secretly armed to the teeth, all the way to their captains, loomed in between the walkways. Their shadows blocked out all light except for the small lights that lit across the dock. All sorts of Domnaes were walking around the dock, most of them wore colored pants and frilled shirts showing the captains the sailors were under, everyone was holding crates and bags full of rations and shipments, even extra scraps of objects matching the material of the ship it was heading to, to be used as repairs. Across the edges of docks and the streets to the town and shops had creets full of rums and whines freshly brought out from one of the sister islands, brown and tan barrels had all sorts of colored tops, some didn't have any, showing fishes with scales black and silver slithering around the very small space.Looking out to the walkways one metal ship was different than the others, its large mast loomed above two smaller metal masts like skeletons as there was only sails on the main mast. The unique sail was bleach white, with a black S shaped symbol that had swirled at the ends, two waving, gold lines crossed through the S's center as four glittering, silver dots stood near the edges. The old symbol of Howltie's old flag. The grey silver ship held a roaring dragon's head at its sharply pointed bow, its scales were worn from a long life at sea and the silver was rubbing off leaving only the black, tough metal. In the dragon's roaring mouth was a thick crystal sphere, two thin metal poles connected together in the middle of the sphere and dangling from a immovable chain was a smaller sphere that looked like the light in Shadow's room. It was fascinating how such a small, rather worthless light, used as nightlights for young children was being used as a fog light for a naval ship older than any still sailing. Along the outside of the hull were sailors with rope fastened securely around their waists to keep them from falling in the sea, they held flat metal blades in shapes of rectangles and flattened ovals or leaves that they used to scrape off some circular shelled creature that held onto the ship like leeches, Shadow couldn't tell what they were but he knew he'd have to do the same job soon. The sailors were oddly fun to watch though, as they swayed side to side slowly in an arc and jumping over fellow sailors ropes, they looked like dancers in a slow, perfectly timed dance. The low voices of the older men rang out in a slow, deep tune to help keep pace, they weren't in ear range but the odd acapella piece still seemed to echo along the docks like mist, a few random sailors hummed the tune as they walked past. Shadow walked down to the ship with his hands in his pockets, the side of the ship could be seen more clearly, near the stern was the name melted in gold with silver in the middle spelling, Sal Breach.
"Shadow me lad! I knew ye'd be comin' early!" Maye's voice boomed out, startling Shadow. He looked up at Breach's deck to see the oddly small woman standing on the solid metal rail of the ship, she was balancing back and forth on the middle of her black boots, her hands were behind her back, a fangy smile on her face. A scimitar hung loosely on her belt, the silver curving, two tipped blade shined in the morning light, her long staff stood crookedly behind her as it bounced around in its strap, the odd black liquid swirling around like raging seas stuck in strong storms. She leaped off of the rail, landing on the metal walkway loudly. She stood up from her crouching position looking out to the docks waiting for someone to yell at her, biting her lip like a child who did wrong, getting nothing she looked at Shadow and smiled. He smiled weakly back at her, "Not a morin' fellow arr ya?" She says still in her loud voice, punching his chest, expecting to be light but instead ending up knocking the air out of him and sending him back a few feet. Shadow held onto his chest keeping away from Maye who was looking at him with sappy honey gold eyes, very sorry.
"N-no... I've never been." He groans.
"Sorry lad... I just don't know my own strength, my men are used ta my roughnes'."
He scratches his head slightly worried about how the others are going to react to him, or if he'll be dead by one of her sailors crushing his bones to fine grains by mistake, "Anyways... why were you expecting me?"
Maye chuckled crossing her arms and leaning more on one foot than the other, her gold eyes shining brightly, cutting through Shadow. "Ya'd be a fool not ta. It takes a bit ta get jure sea legs. Besides that boy, we're headn' out mighty earl instead scheduled. All we need ta do now is wait far the docks ta be striped and cargo be loaded... Are ya gettin any of this lad?" Maye cocked her head to the side bending her body slightly with it to look at him. Shadow stood there dumbfounded, a frown on his face as he tried to understand her voice. It was hard since it was completely sea garble, every caption had their own language and only their sailors could understand the odd fractured sentences. What's worse is when two captains fight, they looked like powerful adults but with child tongues, yipping and howling at each other, their rage never seeming to simmer. Maye waved her hand in front of Shadow's face, he blinked a few times to bring himself back to reality. Standing taller and taking his hands out of his pockets, he looked at her blankly like a child that doesn't understand words someone is saying. Maye stared at him oddly, her head cocked and brows furrowed in worry, "You alright there lad? Ya seem ta be inna weird mood taday... Arr ya sick? We can't have ya on thee ship spreading stuff around ya know."
He shook his head, "No I'm fine, it's just... well, being down here does bring back memories. Since I'm leaving for a long time, they're hitting strong. I guess that's what's wrong..."
Maye scoffs a light laugh,"I n've seen ya down 'ere in me life."
"I n've came this far down the docks."
She slits her eyes, the thin gold crescents nearly growling gruesomely at him as much as her, "You arrn't mockin me arr ya now, Shadow boy?"
He flinches to a completely straight posture, not a muscle could be seen out of line, "No! I'm learning how sailors talk..."
She rolls her eyes and walks down the walkway to the more solid dock, her hands behind her back as she looks back at him. The look was laced with something hidden, Shadow could feel it but couldn't understand it, there was something wrong in those gold irises. It looked like fear but, that wasn't right... This was the most feared woman out there, she wouldn't even know how to express fear let alone know what it feels like. Was it a memory of him that made her have the same look? No, she only got to see him twice in her life to actually talk to him. It was always his mother who would do the chatting, he got to see her but never talk, he kept clinging to his mother's leg as he saw her, and she would smile. Like all adults did to little five year olds when they were being weirdly stared at by unblinking, emotionless eyes full of hate because they weren't letting their mother cook. Was it worry about not being able to work like her sailors? Maybe... If She had more of a secret lip bite or her brows furrowed more than she would have a hint of worry on her face. But the rest of her was blank, straight pale pinkish lip in the natural untalkative way, pale greying cheeks looking hollow from age. Even her left cheek held a greying scar that ran from the bottom of her eye and curves down to her jaw like a river of tears burned through her skin to create their mark. What was that look in those eyes that glowed brighter than polished gold?! He starts to grow annoyed, almost growling out his frustration.
Shadow itched the back of his hand, looking down at the metal under his feet as it gently bounced up and down from the gentle shore waves. A pair of black boots quickly and hardly came into his view, clanging against the metal from a heavy landing of the ship. He could feel the sailor glare at his head as if his eyes could send down a ragged dagger in his throat themselves. Leave it for a sailor not even getting to know him yet and already want to kill him for being close to his captain's ship. The way they act towards the ships and captains like it's the only thing that makes them live and breathe, and the unbreakable will to fight anyone, even their own captain to keep these rules and life is unbelievable. And now he has to turn into one of those crazy thinkers in order to at least survive long enough for Maye's sailors to know that he's even weaker than he looks. With a silent sigh he slowly looked up the surprisingly small black pants and thin white shirted body. The white shirt sticking to the very tone yet thinly muscled body covered in sea water and sweat, even more surprising was that the shirt was lose, if it didn't have long sleeves the thing would've just fell of the guy. His eyes met the pale gold eye and black eyepatch of a boy not so far from his own age. He smiled so innocently, tilting his head to the side while closing his eye, letting his moon bleached fangs shine as bright as the rising sun that is partly being blocked by these massive ships. He clearly couldn't have been here long, his childish innocents was perfectly intact. He smiled shyly back, thankfully someone who isn't going to be able to crush him in a death hug or kill him when he hops onto territory he doesn't belong in. He opened his eye again and stuck his hand out, a little too far and a little too forceful, sailors seem to have a knack for doing this to poor dock living folk who don't know they need to have quick reflexes. His hand struck Shadow right in his chest nearly sending him off the small walkway if it wasn't for the kid's fast reaction and grabbing his shirt, pulling him back to his feet. He cocked his head worriedly as Shadow sighed shakily, looking behind him were the walkways edge bobbed in the shadowed blue water. He wouldn't have lived long had he fallen in the winter cold water, he doesn't know how to swim if he couldn't have grabbed onto the ledge. Not only, if he was able to be dragged back up there wasn't much use. The water would've soaked to his bones already and changing to dry clothes wouldn't be able to warm him quick enough. His blood would already be freezing and if he was lucky he would die without having anything frostbitten. He looked back at him, smiling a thank you weakly. Getting a brighter smile in return the boy let go of his hold and put his arms straight by his sides, he couldn't possibly get any more childlike... or weirder. Shadow rubbed the back of his neck, saying thanks wasn't something he's used to nor having someone near his age actually help him for once. The boy didn't seem to know either. He still stood there, looking at him, his smile turning gentle as his eye roamed Shadow's body to understand what type of person he was. Meeting his eyes again he once again smiled brightly, showing his sharp, fangy teeth. Sticking his hand out less forcefully he tries to restart his introduction. Shadow shrugs and shakes his hand, not expecting the amount of to nearly knock his arm right out of its socket from the boy's sake.
"So you're Shadow? The one Granny Maye always yaps about? My names Ryan, I'm the second hand around the deck. Mostly a fiddler though... I'm too clumsy for some of the work the mates need extra hands with. Are you a Fresh Water? Or Salt already? Maye talks about you a lot so I can't imagine you being Fresh Water..."
Shadow blinked quickly, for such a male he sured did talk like a four year old girl. Had he not seen him before he spoke he would've thought he was an older sailor who doesn't have too rough of a voice from the salty sea water. He nodded his head, clearing his throat and surprisingly making Ryan stop before he could open his mouth again.
"Yes... I didn't think Maye thought much about me... W-What do you mean by fresh water and salt?"
Ryan clamped his mouth shut, biting the side of his cheek to think, letting go of Shadow's now crushed hand, "I mean have you sailed before, clearly not if you don't know that simple phrase. And Maye talks a lot about new sailers for Sal Breach, we need many more than just two but we don't have a choice now. It's too late to beg for more hands on the Breach."
"Only two? So it's just you and me who's new?..."
"Me? No. I've been on Breach since I was five. I don't know who the other is, but they're running late. They'll get in deep trouble if we can't leave on time. So will the dock checkers, they're running extremely late this month."
He scratches his head, only him and some other person? It's even weirder how Ryan is acting so nice to him instead of tearing him apart. Aren't these sailors supposed to be the most gruesome and violent of them all? Yet here he is talking to one without having a dagger pushed against his throat.
"So... who's the other new sailor?..."
Ryan shrugs, looking out to the docks, his gold eye scanning or wandering around the black metal and old stones for something to catch his interest. Shadow cocked his head, his reaction definitely didn't feel like it was for a good reason. There was the reason now, Ryan's eye grow wider in fear as his body stiffened, his musscles visably tensing as the soaked shirt stuck to his skin. Looking at where he was, Shadow saw Maye nearly stomping towards them, had she actually stomped she would probably break through the docks floor. She gripped her cane tightly in one hand, her jaw clenched in anger she cleary shouldn't express. The golds lining her eyes glowed so dark and rich, holding such a murderous glare. Shadow squeaked a scared whimper, he quickly stepped behind Ryan. Making him jolt to realization of what Shadow is doing as he looked behind himself, only to have the hourglass on top of her cane to smack him square in the back of the head. He yelped as he quickly looked back at her, rubbing his head. Shadow was surprised he was still standing, even more how the hourglass didn't break. Maye growled angrily, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him so close their noses nearly touch. Ryan looked at her terrified, his lip quivering as he tries to speak words his voice was to scared to let out. She cuts him off before he ever had the chance to make a whimper, talking in such a gruff, cold voice, she nearly sounded completely like a man, "Why wasn't I informed that she'd be going on me ship, Ryan?... Why did you not tell me that me grandson was bringing her, why did I have ta learned about this from me granddaughter herself an not from me own crew whos on board the ship?! Especially from the one in charge of telling me who's coming aboard?!"
"G-g-granny M-maye... I-I was n-never in-f-formed o-of who w-as comin'... I only knew of S-Shadow here... I t-told what I k-know..." Ryan stuttered so much, his whole body shook in fear.
Maye growled even colder, the wolf like growl was colder than the ocean gently swishing against the walkway, she let go of him, pushing him towards the Breach, "Get back on Sal... You be the busboy now for old Gryer till I hear 'em talkin about ya... Shadow as your first job ye'll be as a cook with the old hound. Tell 'em before ya even touch the counter, else you'll be livin' without your fingers."
The two boys nodded in fear, not wanting to make her any worse. She huffed a sigh but it had no effect to her anger, looking out the docks she walked back towards a woman wearing a black shirt and pants, facing away from the ships as she talked to another captain. Before she was a few steps from her she turned back around and glared at shadow. Slowly lifting a finger in a come motion to him. Shadow shivered, quickly obeying he walks towards her on slightly shaking legs. It is not a very good time when a captain is in a rigged mood. She planted her hand on his shoulder as she taped the tall and rather skinny and very thinly built woman on the back. Her pure white hair was a complete difference between her black, dressy uniform, it was long too, braided in a thick braid her hair still was almost half way down her back. Her arms were covered in black tribal lines that swirled twisted or tried not to touch another line. The skin still visible around the lines were in some spots grey or reddish, not a moon pale like the rest of her. The lines even swirled down her hands and onto her fingers, on the back of her right hand was a space above the knuckles were the name Galaxea was designed into the long tattoos. She turned around to face Maye with rich violet eyes, cocking her head to the side slightly as she looks at Maye with a confused look, even her lips were a pale pink but it gave her a soft, gentle look. What confused Shadow the most was how young she looked, she didn't look like the type of woman to be out of the docks.
"Nila... Why is she coming aboard my ship? Have you lost your mind?! She won't live past a day out there!" Maye said in a state of odd panic but anger as well. Completely puzzled Shadow stays quiet, it wouldn't be smart to interfere with Maye.
The woman apparently named Nila sighed gently, looking at Maye with a calm but serious look. Talking with a smooth following voice without the slight annoyance her eyes are showing, "Maye I told you, it wasn't what I wanted to happen. I couldn't change Richard's mind, if anything you should be talking to your grandson instead."
"Richard brought her?! Why?!"
Nila shrugs, looking at a clipboard gripped in her hands, "He said he wanted to see her more than he was now. She wanted to go too so I had no choice but to let her. I'm just as worried but she's a strong girl. And Richard has a keen eye, you've seen how much he sees."
Maye sighs, slouching slightly, "Yeah... I just don't want her to get hurt."
"I know, I don't either. But she has her father to watch her. She'll be fine."
Maye looked down and shook her head, Shadow cocked his head as he shyly looked up at Nila, shrinking, "Um... I know I shouldn't be asking this but... Who is she?"
Maye looked back up as Nila looked back at the town, seeing something she looks back at Shadow, "Her name is Galaxea. She's my daughter and is coming aboard the Breach with her father to keep from danger. Each land in Howltie is getting worse by the week... I hope we won't have to move just for her safety..."
"Oh... I'm sorry for asking mam..." He bows down to her as a quick sorry.
Nila smiled gently, tapping his shoulder as a sign of forgiveness, "It's quite alright. I don't mind talking about her."
He nodded and looked back up at her then down the stairs to the docks as he saw Richard in his sailor dress walking down the steps slowly. A girl with pure white hair and light violet eyes held onto his arm as she walked besides him, feeling each step with her bare feet to get a feel of where she was.Shadow cocked his head, that was Galaxea? The girl he ran into in the SakLar Festival was the one going on Sal Breach? It makes sense why they were worrying now, the girl required solid ground to walk on, a rocking boat is going to ruin her sense of direction worse than it will to Shadow. She wasn't even wearing sailor attire, of course he wasn't either but he was given it already, all she wore was a pretty pale yellow dress, the bottom of her skirt was embroidered with blooming white lace flowers that flew gently in the morning breeze. He cocked his head making Maye look where he was and smile gently, a sweet and soft smile. Completely unlike her nature, she looked more like an actual grandma. Richard looked up from Galxaea to the three of them, smiling brightly he waves at them with his free hand. Nila waved back a little less childlike than him, looking back at Maye she pokes Shadow in the head with a grey feather quill she had on the clipboard, "Who's this kid and why is he with you?"
Maye smiled brightly at her, and there she was again, she looked much better as a grandma than a crazy sailor, "This here is Shadow, one of my fresh waters."
Nila glared at her making Shadow shrink as he takes a step away from them, "A new recruit... A recruit that isn't even 16 yet?..."
"Aye. He signed a contract saying he's goin' abroad befor' goin' ta the foot soldiers."
"Maye! You can't just take someone who hasn't had enough training to go out on the harsh seas of Kara!"
"I know, he did too-"
Shadow looked at her panicked, "What?! No I didn't!" He never even got to look at the contract his mother signed, May promised she would show him but clearly that would've been when he can't run away with it and get a compromise for it.
Nila growled, "You had his mother make him sign it?! How twisted are you?!"
"It wasn't my fault! She said he accepted! I only learned til' long after that she tricked him! But what's don' is don', he's boarding Breach with little Gal. It's all the new 'cruits I got, even though I needed fifthteen fold!"
"The Tals don't have any they could give that aren't already in the southern lands. I told you."
"So this whole contract thing with the boy isn't a problem, because even you know they would've sent 'em too."
Nila sighed, looking at her tiredly she changes the subject, "Just get my daughter on the ship before I make Richard leave her with me."
"Aye, alright Snowflake. There's no need ta bring Gal in ta this like that. The lass 'ill be fine."
"She better be fine. You would be a horrible great grandmother should she not be fine."
"Woah, now that's a harsh one ta spit at me..."
"I care about my daughter a lot, Maye."
"I know, I know..."
Shadow looked away from them, bored of listening to them talk on and on. He looked at Richard as he helped Galaxea climb up the rope to Sal Breaches deck, he could see Ryan look at her curiously, having the same thoughts as he did about her. Ryan looked back at him and smiled childishly. Walking over to him he stopped in place still on the walkway. Shadow looked at him confused, causing Maye to glance at him then look back at them. Seeing Ryan's golden eye grow wide in shock she grew more puzzled as well as Richard who followed Ryan's stare only to have his own face changed from happy and cheerful to fear, worry, even the same shock. Even more confused Maye looked back to the far stairs connecting the town to the dock, her broad jaw dropped in horror. Shadow's stomach twisted and turned as he turned around slowly on his heel, his hands dropped to his sides. Little Crystal was running with her hands on Hayate's neck as he staggered behind, her arms were covered in black blood that soaked Hayate's shirt. He fell to the stone part of the dock gripping the left side of his neck as Crystal knelt down with him, talking quickly and in panic. Shadow dashed down the dock, nearly tripping from the burst of energy. He slid on his knees to their sides as Crystal placed her hands on Hayate's back and her side, she coughed up some blood from running for so long, her breathing was even raspy and uneven. Hayate sat on his knees as he looked up at Shadow, smiling through bloody lips, his neck held a long shallow cut on his left side. Shadow's hands shook as he lightly cupped Hayate's face, covering the cut on his neck he sighed shakily, the cut was only a scratch. He pressed both Hayate and Crystal to his chest in a tight hug. Maye and Richard rushed to Shadow, helping him up Richard took Hayate and examined him, "Hmm..." Richard's low, deep voice sent more fear through Shadow, he hugged Crystal tightly, his nose buried in her forehead to keep her from looking at Hayate, "The boy will be fine but if he's to get treatment he has to stay on Sal Breach with us."
Maye put her hand gently on Crystal's back and she whimpers, nuzzling her head into Shadow's chest, hugging him back to keep away from her, "The lass is fine, she's just experiencing trauma." She added, pulling hair out of Shadow's face.
His lip quivered as he stared blankly, his red eyes grew wide in panic, "Mom!"
He quickly placed Crystal in Maye's arms and dashed up the stairs and down the street. He rushed past the wild gardens that were withering from the coming cold season. The blue entry door to his house was wide open, all the living room lights were off/ Only yellow tinted lamps placed on the floor duly illuminated the room. Domnaes in thick black armor stood in front of someone as guards. Their armor held many sharp points at the joints as to give it more of a sleek and deadly look. The sharp points were painted red around the edges. A white cloaked woman was looking at something the men in front of him were blocking. He squeezed past the guards and tried to run to her but they quickly grabbed him by his arms, he didn't struggle against them, that could mean an idiotic death to him if he tried. Shadow's heart stopped, his mind went blank. All he could think of was what stood in front of him. Matil's head rested on the woman's cloaked lap, her head was bleeding from a wound hidden in her hair. Her white dress was ripped and bloody. He wanted to cry but he could hardly move, if it wasn't for the guards he would be collapsing to the ground, "M-Mom..." He coked out, trying hard not to let tears fall to his cheeks.
Matil looked up at him, smiling softly she holds out her shaking arms to him. The guards let go of him and he rushed to her side, hugging her gently as he buried his face into her shoulder. She chuckled weakly as she ruffled his hair making him pull back to look at her worried. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed his head, smiling sweetly, "It's alright, I'm alright, Shadow... I just got a bit of a scratch..."
She kissed his nose while he closed his eyes tightly to keep any tears from falling, "W-what happened?..."
"Where's the twins?..." She sat up on her elbows. The cloaked woman put her hand on her head and laid her back down gently.
Shadow smiled slightly, looking around at the room he could see not much was touched but a few things were broken such as the entry door and an old vase that was already useless before, "They ran to the docks... Maye is giving them treatment but they have to be on the ship with me..."
Matil looked at him slightly sad but chuckled, "It's better for them to be with their brother and miss their mother instead of the opposite... you can at least tell them that you'll be going home soon unlike what I could say if they were with me... Just keep them safe, Shadow. Tell Maye not to let them even touch the mast."
Shadow smiled, cocking his head, "What about me?"
"You're an old boy, I could afford to lose you."
Matil laughed, kissing his head, "Oh I love you, sweetie. You're so easy to play with. Now. You should be going back to see them and tell them your old mother is alright. I wouldn't want you late to the ship."
He nodded and kissed her cheek, "Bye mom, I love you."
She smiled brightly, kissing his nose before resting her head back on the woman's lap, "I love you too, come back in one piece..."
The morning sun shined a greying blue partly in the sky as the dark clouds started to part ways, the most oddest thing about the docks and winter. You get days were the clouds will show to be stormy yet they'll part before they pass over the town, but end up coming back and flooding the rest of the lands. As odd as it seems, the docks are usually the driest part of Talmae when the clouds are coming from the seas, but if the clouds come from inland then they'll be the wettest. Shadow leaned his hands on the metal rail of Sal Breach, it was such and odd feeling to him to have the ground underneath shake and rock with each wave. It was pleasant but not so fun to walk around on or even be near the cabins. The side to side swaying of the boat occuring in the back of the ship made him sick, but he was perfectly fine by the front of the boat. That was something he could adapt to easily though, the hard part is understanding what parts of the ship is called and what a sailor is telling him. Or even living on an all metal ship, hopefully the cabians and kitchen have something to keep the whole place from looking dull and prison like, even though it already was for him. He sighed, putting his head on the rail, looking back at the town only brought back more memories. After what happened to the twins and his mother, looking back also brought him worry. If leaving the Breach didn't cost him his life he would've stayed by his mother and got the twins help from another doctor. But what if he didn't stay or even go to Breach? Would he have just been another casualty? Where would the twins have ran to find help, would they have been hurt more if they couldn't run to him? Who even attacked them, and how did the government know they were attacked or why did they even care? This was all too much to think about and not be able to get answer for... He sighed, flinching as a strong hand rested heavily on his shoulder. Looking up he met the gold eye of Richard looking at him worried, his head tilted to the side let the calm winds blow his short, black hair out of his face, revealing a black eye patch covering his left eye. Shadow smiled slightly, hoping it would have him think nothing of his worry and go away. It clearly didn't work, Richard put his hand on his forehead, looking at him a bit confused now. "What's wrong, boyo? You don't seem to be seasick yet."
Shadow sighed again, looking down at the blue water climbing and falling off the side of Breach, "How are they?"
"They're fine now. The boy has his neck all healed up and the girl shows almost no effect of what happened in front of her-"
"Do you know what happened to them?" He cut him off quickly, looking back up worried.
He shook his head slowly, "They won't talk of it... But just give 'em time. That's a lot for a six year old to go through..."
"Right... Sorry... I'm just very worried about what happened... There was two guards at my house... My mother was bashed in the side of the head by one of her own vases!"
Richard covered his mouth quickly, looking out to the docks. Seeing nothing he looked back at him calmly, "You don't know what's going on with the world... do you?"
He looked at him confused, growing worried he shook his head. Richard let go of his mouth and looked back once more. Putting his hands on his shoulder and back. "No one really talks about the government or soldiers..."
"Shh!" He covered his mouth again making Shadow huff, looking up at him annoyed. Not looking back Richard took him to the captain's cabin quickly, knocking on the door as he let go of him. Shadow looked at the small hallway behind him confused. Maye opened the door and sighed, "I told you, Richard, that ice you found won't work for-"
"Grandma Maye, we have a bit of trouble with the new one..."
Shadow paled, not daring to look back at Maye as she was probably glaring at him, "Oh? What trouble 'as he been in on 'is first 'our on Sal?..."
"Not that trouble... I mean he doesn't know about the Frost Fights..."
Her eyes grew wide as she looked at Shadow, "By a bird's wing... That old Matil really did keep you locked away from the world..."
Shadow looked down, "Yeah... I guess so... No one ever talked about the government in front of me... Every time I got near someone they would shut up and smile creepily... I don't know what she was able to get into their heads but it clearly isn't something good..."
"Aye. Come in boy... I got lots ta tell you on this trip... It's gonna take ya a lot longer ta understan' though... Richard me boy, 'ave the others drop half the cloth. You know where to head us to."
Richard nodded and walked up the hall back on the deck, leaving Shadow alone with Maye. She opened the door wide enough for him to walk in, closing the door behind the both of them.
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