My thoughts of bullying.
Song : Human by Christina Perri
Bullying. What is it?
There are many ways to describe bullying.
"To use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something."
I don't really remember what my inspiration for this story was. I guess we were just discussing the topic of stereotypes in school and I was like to my friend.
"Hey, I've got an idea for a story. I'm going to write the story from the perspective of a bully and show what it feel's like to bully."
I was getting used to reading stories with the victim as a bully and people feeling sympathy and saying they won't ever bully. That got me thinking. What really is bullying?
Is bullying just physically hurting someone?
Because, in every story I've read, the victim of bullying always gets physically abused.
Physical bullying is the most well-known type of bullying and people consider it as one of the most serious.
Personally, I don't think there is a specific order of most serious to least serious when talking about bullying.
Verbal Bullying. Cyber bullying. Physical bullying and many more.
Each and every one of them are serious. If you make someone feel as though they don't belong in the world, as though they are not special, as though they're better of dead, then, you are a horrible human being.
I was never physically abused but, I was verbally abused.
Hurtful comments were thrown at me every day by my own friends. That seriously sucked. Whenever we had an argument, they'd go around telling everyone to not be my friend. I remember when I had an argument with them once in year 3, so when I was 7. I hung out with two other girls in my class. They were sweet people, nice and treated me better than my 'friends.' Then, the girl I had had an argument with, let's call her Summer, came and told the girls to not be my friend.
One of the girls, let's call her Helana, told me that she couldn't be my friend because Summer told her to.
Like, ouch. That totally didn't hurt at all. {I'm surprised I didn't cry, but, I guess that's because I wasn't surprised back then.}
I expected the other girl, let's call her Doria, to do the same and leave me alone once again. But, she said something that touched me and made me change my view on humans in general.
"You can't tell me what to do. You're not a boss or a teacher. I can be friends with her if I want to,"
She said something along those lines. I cried because someone was actually willing to stand up for me. Summer left us alone and I became closer to that girl. It was a shame I had to move schools.
Her words and actions have still stuck in my head and I will never forget what she did for me.
I'm saying. Be Doria and not Summer or Helana.
I know it's not easy to stand up for yourself. I've tried once but, I was shot down. But, always remember that you will meet someone like Dorio in your life. Maybe you'll be the Dorio in someone elses life.
I'm older now and my friends now are much, much, much better than the ones I had in primary. Though sometimes, I do get verbal comments that hurt my feelings. When I told them {Not my best friends} that it's bullying.
They laughed.
Yup. They laughed. They said it's not bullying, they told me that they were just joking around.
It's not a joke if you hurt the other person's feelings.
I may laugh at your comment but, that doesn't mean I actually find it funny.
I hate it when someone shows their hurt towards a comment and then other people remark with:
"It was just a joke, no need to get so upset about it."
Or something like that.
Like, bruh. No. Of course they're gonna get upset. We're all fucking humans So like,
I was bullied. All three of my younger brothers were bullied and even my little sister is getting bullied. I had to personally talk to the school because apparently they wouldn't do anything about it. When I told the teacher, he told me:
"We take bullying very seriously, we will try our very best to sort it out."
I had to choke back a scoff. I'm not even lying. My best friend was behind me and she knew exactly what I was thinking.
The bullying did get sorted out for my brother, but, why did I have to personally go up to the teacher and tell him? Why couldn't they listen to my siblings first?
Obviously because they think children are just well, children.
So, to adults that don't do anything about it:
{ Sorry, not sorry }
It saddens me that my little sister refuses to go to school because of the bullying. I managed to sort one of the girls out because I personally talked to her. I don't care if she's half my age. She needs to know that what she's doing is bad. Plus, I didn't do anything bad to her. I just said to her:
"Oh, I know you. My siblings told me about you. I'm sure you know how bad bullying is."
I said this to her in front of her mum.
I'm glad she got the hint. My siblings told me the next day that she had left them alone since with her best friend. I really hope that they don't do the same to toher kids. My siblings are lucky that they have me, an older sister to protect them.
Now, there's another girl that's bullying my sister and not just verbally bullying her but, physically bullying her.
I really, really, really hate their school. It's rubbish.
How are they easily letting all that bullying pass?
They tell us all this bull on talking to an adult when we feel like we're getting bullied, then, when a child actually does. They do nothing.
So, yeah. Thats the main reason why most of the adults in this story were rarely there to stop the bullying.
Adult's may be older, but, they are not surperior.
To sum up my points:
- Be Dorio. Don't be Helana, or worse, Summer
- If you are getting bullied. Tell someone. My siblings told me and well, you know, I've actually managed to reduce most of the bullying in their lives
- NEVER, EVER think that a simple joke won't hurt someone. If it hurts, it's bullying.
- Cyber bullying. Physical bullying. Verbal bullying. They're all equally serious, so don't be ashamed to talk to someone about it.
- Stop and think every now and then. What you did yesterday to that kid, what you said. If it were said to you. What would you have done? How would you have felt?
I'm not going to lie. I'm not perfect, I've also said hurtful things to people that I regret straight away once I realise how badly it must've hurt them. {Mainly to my siblings, luv ya silverblade1231 Lunarstar200 and poken1974.}
And yes, whenever I say hurtful things to them, I apologize and give them a big hug.
I remember this one time when I was over at one of my best friends house and her mum had to leave to go to a doctors appointment. Both her little sister and I shouted our farewells but my best friend didn't say anything. I asked her why she said she doesn't normally do it, so, I said:
"What if your mum never walks through that door again, you'll always remember that you never said bye to her."
She was surprised by my sentence and shouted her bye. I think it surprised her mum but I was glad I told her that, even though I went a bit deep.
That links to my final point:
- Never stall time to apologise, you'll never know when the next time you'll get to finish that apology will be, maybe never.
Now, I Sapphire, must departure. Farewell my lovelies.
Sapph out!
{Always wanted to write that IDGAF about what you think.}
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