[1] The Very Beginning
(n/n): nickname
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No One's POV
In the year X802, the royal palace erupted in cheers for a daughter was born to the newly crowned Emperor Ying Yue.
It was the year of the dragon and already, the young heiress held the Tang dynasty's magical attribute: to communicate and harness the powers of a dragon.
It was a cold winter's morning on January 1st.
The young emperor kissed his wife Empress Li-Na's forehead as the young parents stared down at their daughter.
"She will possess the powers of the dragons," Ying Yue promised. "And I will be with her to raise the power she holds to benefit both our empire and our family."
"Let's name her (y/n) Fushun Tang," Li-Na suggested.
"A beautiful name," Ying Yue nodded with satisfaction. He picked up his newborn daughter. "Crown Princess (y/n) Fushun Tang."
The officials ran through the streets, holding lanterns and waking up the people who were sleeping.
"A princess! A princess was born!"
As it was the new year, the people of Imperial Shigami were excited that their beloved emperor and empress had a healthy child that would someday marry into another royal family or perhaps a noble house to strengthen the country.
The official historian of the palace recorded that the princess was born at 12:03 am on January 1st in the year X802, the year of the dragon.
Fireworks were put to the sky to celebrate the birth of the next ruler.
In the neighboring kingdom of Ishiro, the lights could be seen past the Great Wall that divided the two lands from ever meeting aside from trade.
The emperor in this land could see the lights staring up in the oil basins as the cheers of the Shigami people could be heard even from the highest mountains.
"It seems a princess was born," the Emperor Kail said as he looked down at his grandson Kai. "Do you know what that means, Kai?"
"No, Grandfather."
"It means you might marry her one day," Emperor Kail of the Ishiran empire said. "So make sure you grow strong, okay? Make sure your old man doesn't get too hell-bent on revenge."
Prince Kai looked over at his father who was watching with a feral glint in his amber eyes. "Okay, Grandfather."
However, Prince Kai's father Crown Prince Kaito could only smirk as he planned his revenge on the Shigamian kingdom for betraying him by letting his lover marry another.
Prince Kai was five at the time, born in the year of the rooster. In the Chinese zodiac, a rooster symbolized honesty, intelligence, ambition, capability, and a warm-hearted person.
Wheras the newborn princess was a dragon, which represents leadership, knowledge, power, and capability.
Truly, these two future monarchs would be entertwined to meet once they got older.
Only at that point, they would form a yin and yang.
In the yin, there is good in evil whilst the yang meant the bad in the good.
Truly, the two young star-crossed lovers of the future were the very epitome of the yin and yang.
If only the future wasn't raged with war.
Reader POV
I was four when my mother told me saddening news.
"(y/n), the king from the Ishiran kingdom has passed away," she said to me.
She nodded, moving my little sister Mei aside. "Yes. We will be attending his funeral tomorrow. Go get your things ready, we're leaving in an hour."
"Yes Mother." I ran through the halls of the grand royal palace, nearly tripping on my long robes that I was tasked to wear.
"Oi! There she goes!" The head maid yelled. "Catch her!"
"Sorry!" I yelled back as I knew I wasn't supposed to run in these clothing, but I didn't care.
I ended up bumping into my father who pressed his finger to his lips. "Shh."
I felt the mana in the air grow dense as he picked me up and hoisted me onto his shoulders.
"Hold on tight," he said.
I squealed with delight as he jumped out of an open window, diving headfirst to the ground where servants were working in the garden.
At the very last second, he transformed into a dragon and flew around the palace to where my room was.
He dropped me off on my balcony, transforming back into a human and brushing off some dust. "Not a bad morning for a flight, eh (n/n)?"
"Yes, Father!"
He ruffled my hair fondly. "Someday you'll be able to transform into a full dragon. I can't wait to see that happen."
He gave me a fond push into my room and helped me pack up.
"We'll be heading to the Ishiran Empire, so make sure you help your old man out. I'm counting on you, (n/n)."
I saluted. "Yes, Father!"
"And take care of your mother and sister, eh?" Father gave me a kiss on the forehead and jumped out the window again, turning into a dragon and flying back to where we just were.
It was always a treat to have Father transform into a dragon and allow me to ride his back, knowing how much I loved the sky and being able to touch the clouds.
While my sister didn't inherit the family power of the crimson dragon, I did.
However, I was young still and didn't have control over my powers.
Wheras my father could transform into a dragon and use its magical powers, I could only make the golden markings on my face appear and that was about it.
An hour later, we rode on the royal carriage that took a couple hours to get to the Ishiran empire, passing through the Great Wall my grandfather had built to protect us from the aggressors.
It was the late Emperor Kail who established peace, not wanting to increase tensions between our two kingdoms.
However his son Crown Prince Kaito wanted to further divide our kingdoms.
And it was Crown Prince Kaito who would take over the Ishiro kingdom.
My family arrived at the Ishiran royal palace, greeted by Crown Prince Kaito as well as his son Prince Kai.
He was nine, five years older than me.
"Go on and play with him," Father said to me with an encouraging smile.
I did as he said, walking up to Prince Kai who gave me a curious stare.
He had amber eyes and dark brown hair that looked magnificent in the sunlight.
"You must be Crown Princess (y/n) Fushun Tang," he said as he bowed respctfully as we were of equal status.
"Yeah. And you're Crown Prince Kai Lang," I nodded to him. "Doesn't your last name mean Wolf?"
"Indeed." He nodded proudly. "Let's go. I don't want to hear the adults talking about boring things."
I don't think the death of his grandfather is boring!
He lead me to the palace gardens where we spent the rest of the evening playing together, jumping into the river and drying ourselves off in the sun.
Around 8pm, we were called to have dinner in the grand dining room.
Much like my home, the dining room here at the Ishiran royal castle was beautiful.
Jade could be seen on the floor, pillars, and even ceilings.
There were also gold arches along with mercury rivers in the floor that I recognized from legends of gods bathing in silver rivers to gain immortality.
It was beautiful.
I sat next to Kai but felt an evil prescence in the room.
I looked down at the shadows and saw a dragon in the shadows.
The crimson dragon represents the light while the black dragon represents the dark.
"No..." I had heard rumors that the Ishiro empire had the powers of the black dragon, but I was never certain if that was true or not.
Now i know the answer.
My father must've noticed it as well as he extended his mana to protect us as the entire area exploded.
There were screams of terror as my father transformed into a dragon, taking along my family and I as well as our guards and servants who accompanied us.
He didn't stop flying until he dropped us off at the palace.
I watched from the highest tower under his protection as the black dragon appeared and the two dragons fought in the sky.
And that was the end of the peace period that lasted 50 years between the two strongest empires in the world.
My father came home the next morning, covered in scratches.
He pointed to me. "You will become the next crimson dragon. I had feared that Kaito would try something and my insticts were right. You must master your powers, (y/n). To protect your family as well as your people."
And thus, communication stopped between the two empires aside from merchants trading.
My mother guided me out of the hospital wing.
"Your father is strong," she assured me. "He will survive."
Life went on and I never heard from my friend Kai ever again, aside from the news that the military of Ishiro was being rebuilt which caused Shigami to do the same.
As years passed, I gained even more sisters, my mother unable to give birth to a son.
But I was also the only one left in the Tang family that had the family's powerful connection to the crimson dragon aside from my father.
In the year X810 when I turned 8, my mother died in childbirth, giving life to my two youngest sisters Dawn and Dusk.
The entire empire mourned the loss of my mother Empress Consort Li-Na.
Father locked himself in his room for a solid week before stepping out.
He fiercely protected all of us, especially my three youngest sisters as they were carbon copies of my mother.
They all had her silver hair and (e/c) eyes while my second oldest sister Mei and I had my father's (h/c) hair.
But Mei had my father's brown eyes while I had my father's (e/c) eyes.
I grew older and accompanied my father to the battlefield and organized strategies with him.
However, I was strictly kept under watch and never met any of the brave soldiers who were risking their lives for the safety of our empire.
And that would prove to become an irreversible and fatal mistake on the empire of Shigami's future that would be laced with bloodbath, betrayal, and a crown of lies.
Fun fact about me: one of my middle names is Fushun, so yeah.
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