Part 2
My day was a bit bleak after that. My fear had gotten the best of me. I went shopping, bought a few shirts and knives. The store owner, I'm pretty sure was impressed I knew so much about knives. I couldn't tell him my profession, so I did what any assassin would do, tell a very believable lie. I finally left the shop, the man wishing my "boyfriend" a happy birthday and a good hunt.
Crossing my arms, I checked to make sure the blades were still concealed in the sleeves. Once I was certain the were, I walked back to my building taking the long way. My mistake. I could have sworn I heard metal grinding, but to make sure I shifted. Yes, those were gears grinding, and judging by the volume and direction they were coming from I'd say they were overhead. Stark. A metal hunk of armor landed in front of me. I could tell someone was closing in on my back. I turned so my back was to the wall, not the street. I hid my canines but kept the hearing and Fae body.
"Hullo? Iron Man? Wow, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!" Being raised in Terrasan, I had accumulated an Irish/English accent. So to go along with the guise, I added this false cheery tone most expected me to have.
"Can it Sardothien." I could hear him mumble inside the suit "Either Thor's lost his mind, or she's the youngest assassin ever." Then louder, "We know who you are, I think."
Well, he wasn't working alone then.
"Sardothien, what a strange first name, it's not my name, so wrong girl."
Tony started walking down the alley towards me.
"Celaena, make this easy and don't resist, just come with."
"Much better, Tony. And no. I don't surrender easily." I gave him a feral smile letting my canines free.
"More work for me then." A woman approached from the other side, the Black Widow, probably.
"Doll-face, make this easy -" I held my finger up, letting heat radiate off of it. With my Fae hearing, I could hear the A.I. informing him of the increasing heat, and possible damage it could do to the suit and him. He swore quite colorfully, we would have probably been friends.
"I never make it easy."
"Natasha, call him."
As if one cue the Odinson dropped down in front of me. Fully ready for battle.
"Odinson," It came out as a snarl more than words. I dropped into a defensive stance, "what a threat I must truly be if you came to see to this personally."
Tony just whistled,"Seriously! Seriously! This is the Asgardian and Adarlan Assassin! These assassins just keep getting younger, honestly, how old are you 10?"
Holding up my hands, I motioned 9.
"That means add nine, and if you can't add I'm 19." My voice dropped into a loud whisper.
"Celaena, stop, come with us now."
Shaking my head, I let the hidden blades drop out of the jacket. "Not without a fight. If you know my name you know my reputation. But since you're not a target, officially, I'll do my damnedest not kill you."
"So I actually might make it out of here alive after all," Tony grunted then charged.
It lasted a few minutes, all I was doing was dodging punches. Then out of nowhere, a dart, electronically made, found its way to my neck. My jaw connected with the hammer, I knew that sickening crack was my jawbone. With my Fae healing, I would be back within three hours. My vision started going black, but I could hear Tony and Natasha talking to Thor.
"We were just supposed to grab her, not snap her jaw."
A cold hand grabbed my jaw, aligning it.
"Impressive, the bone has already knit itself together. She's gonna have one hell of a bruise."
I hissed at the Odinson, trying to move, but his hammer met my jaw, causing the bruise to flare. Natasha dropped me, and my vision went dark.
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