Chapter 41 - Aelin
I can't catch my breath. I can feel tears, the every dreaded enemy, hovering at the edge of my eyes, threatening to spill out. They're all here. Aedion, Lysandra, Dorian, Asterin, Gavriel, Lorcan, and Fenrys. They're all here, they're all alive. They're all looking at me.
It's Aedion who speaks first. "Hello Aelin."
His voice, his beautiful voice, is so perfect, so real, so him. It almost makes me ashamed that I fell for Erawan's illusion, it was so far from the truth.
Aedion's voice seems to break some invisible barrier between me and my court, and suddenly I am surrounded by people. There are hugs and smiles and perhaps even a few tears. Rowan is there too, always near, smiling as I haven't seen him smile in a while.
I don't know how long we spent like that, in a state of relief and giddiness and excitement. I do know that it ends when Rhys clears his throat loudly. I turn back to look at him, pressed between my cousin and Dorian. Finally back where I belong. There is an apologetic look in Rhys' eyes, but also something of the leader, of the high lord, that quiets us.
"Aelin, I know you just got your family back, but we have to go. Velaris needs its High Lord and Lady again. And we need our family back."
I bite my lip and nod. I know he's right, but I can't bring myself to imagine leaving my court here. Not after waiting so long to see them again.
There is a sound, so soft I'm not sure I really heard it. But then I focus, and realize that it's Feyre's voice, muted by some invisible fear. She coughs and tries again. "Aelin, you should stay here."
The shock of her words hits me like a buffet of wind. She is offering to go, without me and the shield that I offer her, to live her worst nightmare. It is generous beyond belief. Selfless beyond belief. She will go, afraid as she is of what is awaiting her, and let me have this time with my family.
The tears I have been fighting well up and spill down my cheeks. Thank you.
I don't say it. I don't have the words. But I think, maybe she understood me, because her mouth creases into the smallest of smiles. She walks over to me, overly careful to avoid touching any of my court, then hesitates for only a moment before wrapping her arms around me.
"It's the least I can do" she says into my ear. "You saved me, in Hybern's castle. And you are going to save us all, with this war. We can't win it alone. So the least I can do is let you see them, talk to them, love them, before I ask you all to stake your lives on a seemingly impossible battle."
I don't have a response for that. I don't think there is one. Thankfully, Feyre doesn't seem to expect me to speak. She just pulls back, and walks to Rhys and Mor.
Rhys looks at us. "We'll be back tomorrow. And that's when the real fun begins!"
He gives a wicked smile, before the three of them dissolve.
Dorian shakes his head. "I will never get used to that."
I mutter something non-committal. Feyre's words still pounding in my head. There's something in them that worries me, the fact that they were nearly devoid of hope.
I push that to the back of my mind. I can worry about the war, when we fight it. Right now, I want to see my family.
I force a smile onto my lips. "So how have you all been, since we last saw you?"
Lysandra smiles at me. "Aelin, you were gone less than a day. 5 Hours, max."
"It was quite the shock when the purple eyed one showed up and said that you had been here for weeks and had been kidnapped." Gavriel adds.
I shake my head. I had forgotten the time disconnect again.
Suddenly, a though strikes me and I look up. "Rhys said that Amren had helped him bring you over, have you met her yet?"
I can feel Rowan's gaze on the back of my neck, but I ignore it.
Aedion gives me a quizzical look. "No. We've met Rhys and Mor. Nobody else was ever here as far as we know. Apart from you, and that woman whom I can only assume is Feyre."
I nod, distracted. I find my eyes focusing, against my will, on Asterin. She is the only one of the group who was not participating in our greeting. She's standing slightly apart from everyone else, eyes staring straight ahead. I bite my lip. I'm honestly surprised that she's even here. She's been so withdrawn since the battle, unblinking, unfeeling, unmoving. Though I think the correct measure isn't since the battle, its since she lost Manon.
I can feel the secret bubbling up in my throat, dying to be released. I could save her. I could heal her, with just those few words. Manon is alive
But I can't do it. If Manon hasn't told them, then she must have a reason.
"AELIN!" Dorian says it like it's not the first time he's tried to get my attention.
"We haven't had time to do much, but you have. What the hell is going on? Rhysand hasn't told us much. He said to wait for you."
I sigh, then sit down again at the table. This was going to be a long explanation.
I take a deep breath, wondering where to begin. Then I give it up. There is only one place to begin.
"I guess I should start, with a girl, and a wolf, and the snow."
Hey all!
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Now some of you are probably wondering where Chaol is. He's back in Aelin's world, running Adarlan while Dorian's gone. The crew didn't completely believe Rhys when he said that time wouldn't pass.
Sorry Chaol lovers, no Kale in this story.
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