Chapter 34 - Aelin
We have been walking down the same long corridor for what seems like forever, the only sound our feet on the stone floor. Even Tamlin and Erawan are being uncharacteristically silent. It's grating on my nerves, making me even more wary of what's coming.
Feyre's mask doesn't seem concerned. She's walking with her head held high, her back straight. She honestly looks like she doesn't have a care in the world. That is one mask I have yet to perfect.
Suddenly our party stops. Hybern turns to us with a horrible parody of a smile on his face, then slowly pushes open the door behind him. We follow him into the room beyond.
The sight that meets my eyes is almost enough to make me stop in my tracks. It's a beautiful room, with high vaulted ceilings and paintings adorning the walls, but the effect is ruined by the motley collection of people milling around. My exhausted brain is melding people together, so I don't know if I'm looking at a hundred people or a thousand, but what I do know is that the room is packed. There is an air of tension in the room as well, as though everybody present is waiting for something.
Hybern and our group walk around the edge of the fray, and though we are definitely noticed everybody keeps a healthy distance. Our final destination becomes apparent after a moment, there is a small stage in the middle of the room. On it there is what appears to be a throne covered by a sheet. There is already somebody standing on the stage, a woman, but she is turned so that I cannot see her face.
Our progress is slow, meandering. It is obvious that Hybern is in no rush. Whatever's going on, and I'm not sure what that might be, this is his moment of glory, and he wants to savour it.
When we finally reach the stage Hybern goes up first, quickly followed by Erawan and the guards holding us. Tamlin stays on the ground, like the good little pet that he is.
Hybern raises a single hand and the entire crowd falls silent. "Friends" he says, voice loud and confident "What a glorious day".
There is some applause and cheering around the room but is dies out quickly. Everybody wants to get to the main event.
"We are here to celebrate our greatest achievement, the first step forward in reclaiming this world for the Fae! No more will we cower in fear of offending the lesser beings, no more will we be subject to rules designed only to dampen our potential!"
There is more cheering at that, but soon the hall is quiet again.
The unknown woman moves forward to center stage. I swear I can hear Feyre's hatred for her leaking from her skin. From the tentative way the woman is moving in her body - like she isn't quite used to the way it works - I would guess that the woman is one of the 'mortal' queens.
When she speaks her voice is beautiful and clear "Today will be remembered in history as the start of something wonderful, the start of the new world."
What bullshit.
The queen shines a radiant smile around at the crowd. They seem slightly agitated, uncertain of her in a way they weren't with Hybern. It doesn't escape the queen's notice. I see her smile turn down slightly at the corner, and there is a new sharpness to her movements when she reach's down and pulls the cloth off what I thought was a throne. It isn't a throne.
It's a cauldron.
Hybern steps forward again. "Today is the day we start our war for freedom my people, today is the day we destroy that wall!"
Beside me I hear Feyre's sharp breath. I know Hybern hears is too, because his smile widens just a fraction.
"Does anybody care to object?"
There is silence throughout the room. I scream and yell and fight with all my might against my captor's grip on my arms, but it's no use. Hybern's gag spell is still in place, and in my current state I can't even escape my guard's hold.
Erawan leans over and whispers "How does it feel Aelin? How does it feel to be powerless?"
I shudder at his words, horror overtaking me. Feyre looks like she's about to vomit.
Hybern walks to the cauldron and begins to chant over it, every once and a while flicking an eye towards Feyre, just to see her reaction. Feyre, to her credit, doesn't react. She doesn't even look away.
I feel the moment it happens it my bones. There is a burst of power, a feeling like glass rubbing together, and a rush of air flowing though the room. Then after a split second its gone, replaced by utter stillness and silence.
Despite Feyre's stoic stance, at that moment I see something break behind her eyes.
Hybern turns to the stunned crowd before him, his smile wide and genuinely delighted.
"Rejoice, for it is done!"
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
Two things,
1. A lot of you have been asking in the comments where Rhys is, he is back at the Night Court, doing Rhys things. He will be coming back into the story soon, but in the meantime he will remain a mystery. I am sorry about that, trust me I tried to do a chapter from his POV, and it just did not work.
2. I am going on vacation for March Break, so I will not be updating again until next week. I am sorry for that, and will do my best to make up for it with some awesome chapters after! But for now, sorry about that cliffhanger!
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