Chapter 3 - Feyre
Tamlin and Lucien are morons. Complete and utter morons. I've been following them for the entire three day journey from the manor to the portal, cloaking my scent and keeping out of their sight. They didn't even notice.
Now I'm sitting in the trees watching the two strangers Tamlin attacked beating their hides into the ground. It's taking all my self control not to laugh out loud. But as much as I want to, I can't let the two idiots be killed by two random people who came through a portal. They're too damn useful.
I send my magic out in a calming wave of darkness. It's a useful trick, one I picked up and perfected since leaving the night court. I'm not sure how it works exactly, only that it nullifies any magic in the area except mine for a short period of time.
I watch the blond girl and the white haired boy, and I see the slight tinge of panic that they both display when they're power slips out of their grasp. I feel slightly bad about that, but it's necessary.
By contrast, I relish Tamlin's panic. The wild look in his eyes as he stares around the clearing, searching for the male he's now sure is here. "Rhysand!" he shouts, fear, panic and fury mingling in his voice.
He doesn't stop, he just keeps yelling, his sentences getting less and less comprehensible as he goes on. I roll my eyes. Enough.
I walk out from behind the trees. "Mother bless me Tamlin, SHUT UP!" I say.
He looks at me, confusion darkening his face for just a moment, then he starts babbling again. "Feyre, I told you to stay at the house! Rhys is here, you must have seen his magic. Go back to the house, the wards are still up, he won't be able to touch you there. Feyre!"
I ignore him and walk towards where the blond female is standing. From the way she carries herself, her darting intuitive glance, I can tell that she's a leader. Tamlin follows me. The white haired male is still standing a short distance away, watching us. I can't tell if he's stopped fighting because he lost his power, or if he's just waiting for the right moment.
Tamlin grabs my arm and spins me towards him. "Feyre, get back to the house, NOW!"
There is wrath in his eyes, and his voice is pure command. No softness, no room for argument. Except for the fact that there is.
I shove him back, and though I don't mean to I send a bit of power coursing through my limbs. He flies backward several feet and lands with his ass in the mud.
"You moron" I say, looking at him. "Rhys isn't here. That was my power, mine. And, for the record, it saved your sorry asses. Without it these lovely people would have slaughtered you. They were playing with you. Mother bless me Tamlin, give it a damn rest."
To punctuate my statement I send some air coursing towards him. It hardens and anchors him to the ground with invisible bonds. I don't know how I'll explain this away later, but right now I have bigger issues. Though I know that the two strangers aren't night court, I don't know who they are.
I walk to the female. She's eyeing me warily, her eyes piercing me. She gives me a smile sharp enough to split hairs. "Hello," she purrs, "And what can I do for you this fine morning?"
From the way she's speaking I can already tell that questioning her will be useless. She won't give me a true answer, not if she doesn't want to. Instead I send my power out, towards her mind. To keep her distracted while I find a way to break her mental barriers, I ask "Who are you and what do you want here?"
She grins "Why I am Mary, and I'm here because I want to teach you all how to bake apple pies. It'll be swell!" her voice has adopted an odd accent.
I roll my eyes. I'm finding it hard to get through her barriers. They're made of a kind of magic I've never encountered before. It crackles and burns like that of the autumn court, but it's different. Less malevolent, more powerful. Even shaping my power into that of flames it doesn't recognize me, its like my power is a key that just won't work in this lock.
"Why don't you just answer my question?" I ask, trying to keep her occupied.
"Oh, you know, I just don't think that's going to happen!" she says brightly.
For a moment I'm confused, then I feel the sharp prick of a blade against my throat. The male, who I had forgotten about, is holding a knife against my neck. "We have a few questions of our own," he breaths in my ear "starting with how the hell you took our power."
"Feyre! Feyre let me free. I'll take care of that bastard!" Tamlin shouts, fighting his bonds.
I ignore him, as per usual, and make myself melt into shadows. I winnow up, into the air above my head. Once I'm in the air, some instinct I can't control kicks in and Illarian wings sprout from my back. They fan out behind me and I float back down to the ground gently, several feet away from the flabbergasted male and the female. I can't quite read the expression in her eyes, but she almost seems to be... laughing.
"I don't like being threatened. " I warn. "Your power will return in about 5 minutes, all I did was... calm it down some. Now why don't you tell me who you are and what the hell you're doing here?"
The male opens his mouth as if to tell me to go to hell, but the female shuts him up with a look. Then she turns to me and says, "Information for information. A question for a question."
I shiver internally, the words reminding me too much of the bone carver, but I nod. She smiles and says "My name is Celaena, that's Aedion. We're from Terrasen. We're here because a portal opened up and we needed to see where it lead. There have been too many different forces attacking of late, and we had to see if this portal was the beginning of an invasion. There, that was two answers. You owe me two questions. "
I rasie my eyebrows. "What do you want to know."
she smirks. "Well, you're name is Feyre, you're obviously fae, so I guess my questions are, where the hell is this place, and are you planning on attacking Terrasen?"
"This is the Spring Court, in Prythian." I say "and we have no intention of attacking your court. I don't even know where Terrasen is."
I see that she catches the slight inflection on the word we. Her eyes narrow. "Is anyone in this dimension planning on attacking us?" she asks.
"Not to my knowledge," I say, "but we didn't open the portal, whoever did might be planning on attacking you, I don't know. And you owe me a question"
She nods and I think for a moment. "Do you mean harm to this land?"
She shakes her head. "We do not. Honestly we have no intention of hurting anyone at present. Though we're the same as you. We didn't open the portal, so we don't know what its owner wants to do with it."
I consider that. Since the portal is now closed, we're obviously safe for the moment. But it's still worrying. I don't like the idea of some unknown threat from some unknown dimension being able to winnow right into the center of Prythian. I don't really care if they attack the Spring Court, but if they opened a portal to the Night Court... Mother Bless me, don't we have enough problems on our hands?
I decide not to worry about it too much right now. If I were to panic about every single possible threat to my Court I would lose my mind.
Celaena is watching me closely, and I get the almost inescapable feeling that she can understand every thought going through my mind. I give myself a mental shake to dispell the feeling and just wait.
After a moment she asks "Who are the morons who got here before you? You called the blond one...Tamlin? But I didn't catch the other's name. And who are they here?"
I glance back at the two males on the ground. Shit . I forgot about them. I dispel my wings, but its already too late. They've seen them. I can see the fury and confusion on Tamlin's face, the smug smile on Lucien's. I sigh and turn back to Celaena. "The red head is Lucien. Tamlin is the High Lord of the Spring Court, Lucien his emissary. Believe it or not, in the Spring court they are apparently the most powerful and most respected males alive. And Tamlin is my fiancee"
Celaena narrows her eyes at me, and then seems to grin. "And have you told him you're mated to someone else yet?" she stage whispers.
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