The return of the 30th century idiot [6]
The return of the 30th century idiot
I always try so hard but I am never "The One" – Caroline Forbes
It was the next day, The day after the ball, The day after the whole Diana Fiasco, The day after Caroline didn't come home with them. It looked like a gloomy day, The sun didn't look that bright, The temperature was okay-is and it just didn't have a good feel.
Jessica woke up with a plan, She had thought of it all. She thought that today she would head back to the castle of vain and get into the control room to get the entry list. It was a list that contained the name of every person that walked in and out of the castle and it was rumored to be a piece of myth.
Jessica got up from her bed, Her hair looking messy and her clothes wrinkled. She knew that she looked like a mess so she made herself look a bit presentable by combing her hair and making her clothes look a bit proper. Caroline had lent some of her new clothes to Jessica and they fit Jessica properly.
She finished her hair and went to put the comb down when she noticed her right hands veins. They were looking black, Veins aren't supposed to be black. She went downstairs to the living room in a hurry to ask someone about her veins.
She reached the living to find raven sleeping on the couch and Kai sleeping next to her.
She just sighed and decided to not wake them up. As she was heading towards the chair she heard footsteps and turned around to see Sebastian standing near the door, Snickering.
"Stop laughing you'll wake them up!" Jessica whispered as she went towards him. "I want to be the one to wake them up, The look on their faces could be my birthday present honestly," Jessica commented as she controlled her laughter.
"We both aren't going to wake them up. Raven is not a morning person she's a literal night bat," Sebastian said as he to controlled his laughter. They both came to an agreement to not wake them up without Caroline.
They stood against the door, Making no noises just thinking and waiting when suddenly the sound of the entrance door barging open and then getting slammed woke Jessica and Sebastian out of their trance.
Jessica almost immediately took out her dagger while Sebastian got into a attack position, And then came the sound of Caroline screaming "I AM HOME YOU IDIOTS!"
That was sure to wake raven and Kai up. Caroline entered the living room with sunglasses and a hat and she was about to greet them before Kai fell down from the couch, with his butt landing on the ground which woke raven up and she fell on Kai..
"Raven, Get off me! You can't take advantage of me in my vulnerable state!" Kai exclaimed as woke up and laughed a bit.
"Oh for the sake of that 30th century idiot can you please not act all innocent," Raven told Chase as she opened her eyes and realized that she was on top of him. She then started laughing and rolled of him and held her stomach as she laughed a lot on the floor.
"Okay I can't take it anymore you guys are adorable!" Caroline exclaimed as she laughed as well for a bit and Sebastian chuckled a bit.
"Wow I never thought I'd live to see the day where raven would be laughing." Jessica commented as she smiled and chuckled a bit.
"Okay that's enough of that, Now how was your night Caroline?" Raven asked with a wink as she stood up and put her hair in a pony tail.
"Yeah I mean the last time we saw you, You were doing something in the hallways weren't you?" Jessica asked Caroline as Caroline gave out a fake gasp
"Come on we were just making out.......and making out a lot but it didn't go any further." Caroline said as she went towards the table to keep her hat and sunglasses off.
"Fine we believe you." Kai replied as he mouthed "No we don't" To Jessica and Sebastian. Raven left the room and headed to the bathroom. Kai left soon after to go to his room and they three were left in the living room. Caroline removed the blankets and sat on the couch while Sebastian headed towards the armchair.
"I need to talk to you guys about something," Jessica Told them as she leaned against the door.
"Then speak, What is it about?" Caroline asked looking a bit concerned.
Jessica went towards her and showed her arm to Caroline. Caroline looked shocked as she stood up abruptly. Sebastian got surprised and went towards Jessica to see what Caroline was so shocked about.
"Is it that bad?" Jessica asked Caroline as she took a deep breath.
"No, No it's just okay wow. Has it spread? Is it only on your right arm or has it started spreading already?" Caroline asked Jessica anxiously.
"I don't think so, What's wrong?" Jessica replied. As she took back her arm.
"When's your birthday? Why did we not think of this earlier? God! We need raven over here!" Caroline exclaimed as she looked really worried. She sighed and went out of the room, Searching for raven while Sebastian went over to Jessica to see what had happened.
"Black veins. They are working their way to your heart, It's the curse. Jessica you need to activate it. Black Veins are a sign of deaths and misery. When did this happen?" Sebastian asked her as he was about to take her right hand. He took her right hand and examined it before giving it back and sighing.
"My birthdays on May 12th. It's may 5th today. I have less then a week to take someone's life. Next what? I am a mass murderer." Jessica said to him as she started to pace around the room out of a mixture of emotions.
"You'll be fine, We'll find one of Eleanor's guard's and you can kill him. Killing him won't be a crime, He's a criminal," Sebastian said as he looked at her, Slowly pacing around the room, Looking like she was having an argument with herself.
"I will be far from fine! I can't just kill Someone for my survival! If I do then what'll be the difference between me and that ignorant Little Bit- Jessica would have continued her sudden outburst if it weren't for raven to suddenly barge into the room with Caroline, Looking like she had just killed someone.
"-Control your tongue, You probably aren't old enough to swear yet. We are heading to the town square today and Jessica is going to kill someone, Got that little minx?" Raven commented and Jessica shut her mouth and gave a fake smile as she closed her eyes to take a deep breath.
Caroline went towards Jessica as Jessica had closed her eyes to wake her up and when Caroline touched Jessica's shoulder Jessica abruptly opened her eyes, As if I'm shock. Jessica looked like she was hyperventilating, She put her hand in her hair out of frustration as she went over to a wall for support.
Caroline turned around to face Chase and raven with a annoyed expression. Sebastian shook his head, Looking concerned and raven was in a trance of her own. Caroline then turned around to face Jessica, She went towards Jessica. "Jessica, Do you need some help?" She asked genuinely.
"You know what, No I am fine. I am fine." Jessica said as she tried to control her breathing. She maintained herself as she fixed her posture and then walked over to the couch.
The blue couch looked like the only colorful thing in that bland room. The walls of it looked old, There were some tapestry along it though. It felt as if the room was going in circles and the only stable thing was the couch for Jessica.
"Are you sure, Talk to us- Kai had entered the room suddenly and he would have continued if Jessica wouldn't have cut him off in the middle. -I Cannot talk! Just shut up! Shut up!" She screamed.
Jessica didn't understand what was happening, Everything just felt so loud and dizzy and she felt like she was drowning. It wasn't common for Jessica to have outbursts or feel strange, Jessica always put up the brave face.
"It's happening, She's venting and she'll literally pop if we don't do something." Caroline added as she tries to approach Jessica.
Jessica started to calm down a bit, She then stood up. "There's nothing wrong with me. I just need to kill someone by today and I'll be fixed. Don't worry." Jessica lied and went out of the room in a hurry. She went towards the entrance of it, Well entrance and exit as it was the only way out of the mansion.
The rest of them looked at Kai and he nodded and left the room to go with Jessica. He hurried to the entrance, Thinking that he would find Jessica out of control and crying but instead she was sitting by outside, putting a calm face.
kai sighed as he looked at Jessica, Took her hand by which he forced her to get up and walked towards the forests that covered the mansion. Jessica didn't object, She just put up a annoyed face and a grunt while they were walking. Kai then suddenly stopped, In the middle of the forest.
"What are we even doing here?" Jessica asked him as he left her hand and walked a bit to the side.
"Scream. Let go of it, Give in to the urge to scream and just release it." Kai said to her in a motivational voice.
"Excuse me?" Jessica answered with a confused look on her face.
"let it all out, Your emotions are like a balloon that's getting filled to the brim. You know what Happens when a balloon has to much air? It pops. You are going to pop unless you let it all out. Don't worry about anything else in the world, Just let it go." Kai replied to which Jessica looked a bit worried. He then nodded and reassured her, And she was convinced.
She let it all out. In just a split second her screams had started, Her hair went up in the air and it felt like a huge breeze had been left out from her in the middle. Jessica let it all out with all of her power, And it felt great.
Kai walked up to her with a smile. She chuckled a bit and took some deep breaths. She did feel better, She felt a weight lifted from her chest and she felt calm, This time the real calm.
"I told you it helps." He commented to which Jessica chuckled and she was about to turn around to go back to the mansion if she didn't hear a sound.
The ground was shaking, Not as an earthquake but as huge foot steps. Huge winds started blowing their way and then she spotted them.
She didn't recognize what they were instantly but she got a good view on what they looked like.
Creatures made of stone and the broken glass. Jessica could only get a look of their legs but that was enough for her to know what they were. Mary had told her stories about Supernatural creatures that were made of Stone, They were supposed to be the guardians of the five elements but one of them turned evil and corrupted the rest of the stone guardian's as well. They had the ability to turn anyone that looked into their eyes into stone, But they were supposedly all killed.
Jessica looked over at Kai, Kai understanding what they were. They couldn't go back to the mansion, It was to far away, They had to fight this one.
"Your powers wind right? You can create whirlwinds, Create them and surrounded the whole area in a circle format that extends towards the mansion. I'll take the high ground while you go and get the others." Jessica ordered. She felt like she was made for this, She enjoyed fighting, It was one of the things that she did best.
"High ground as in? Yes I can create whirlwinds and I can surround them over the area. Caroline can lure that one in by clearing a path way and Sebastian can take the high ground as well. Raven on the other hand can make a meteor shower appear and they can act like boulders against him." Kai said quickly as he began to conjure up whirlwinds surrounding the area.
Jessica nodded as she got herself ready to get the high ground. She extended her arms and began to manipulate gravity under the area that she stood on. It pained a bit, But she got it. She then started going upwards, With total control. She enjoyed this, She enjoyed having the power to bend gravity itself on her will.
When she got high enough to see above them tall Giants, She started making chunks of the ground go upwards and then she made them to start attacking the guardian by falling on it. She was half way successful, They diverted it's attention but it needed more. She did all that she was able to, She unrooted the tallest trees from the ground and tried to make them fall and Peirce the guardians eyes. The only way to kill a guardian is by disarming it's only weapon.
She continued her effort for a few minutes until everyone appeared. kai continued to make the whirlwinds stronger and higher while Caroline made some sort of wall made out of ice, The sharpest of ice of course. Raven looked over at Jessica, Screaming the words "Lift me up!" to her to which Jessica answered.
Jessica was still in her position in the air, She was still bending gravity from one hand as she used the other to bend the gravity over at the place where raven stood. Raven got ready in her position to rain hell fire, while Sebastian worked on the job of actual fire.
It was getting closer, The guardian had spotted them and it was heading towards Jessica first. It started to pick up tree's and throw them towards her which she nearly avoided. It was getting tiresome, Jessica hadn't activated her powers so she was losing a lot of energy and she didn't know how long she could manage.
Then she saw it, A rock that was very sharp and embedded into the ground. She thought that if she tried hard enough then she'd be able to manage to keep manipulate the gravity of the area that the huge rock was on and then she'd be able to Peirce it's eyes.
She tried to use her mind to manipulate the rock to move but it didn't and the guardian didn't stop. She tried with all that she had but then suddenly noticed a villager, The bakers wife. She was running from the guardian as well, And the guardian threw a tree at her.
She had to stop the tree, She saw that Caroline was looking at raven, If Jessica had left raven right now then Caroline could have conjured up a pool of water under raven so that it would break her fall, It was all thought out for Jessica thought when she used her left hand to bend the gravity under the area the tree was flying over, she managed to stop the tree but in doing so she also activated the Rock.
The rock started to go upwards in a very fast rate and it happened. It pierced the guardians eye, Which led the guardian to fall. She thought that the villager must have moved over but she was wrong. The guardian fell on the villager, Crushing her under it.
Jessica lost all control then. She started to fall down from almost 14 Miles up in the air, She had blacked out. Luckily Chase created a small and controlled tornado that caught on to Jessica and slowly started decreasing as it became smaller and landed Jessica on the ground.
"She's a strong one that girl." Raven told them as she looked at Jessica.
"And that's before her curse. Wonder what'll happen after?" Caroline said as he went over to Jessica's blacked out body. She turned Jessica's body around to examine her veins.
They weren't black anymore. They looked regular, They had went back to normal.
"Raven, Tell me that's not why it's not black anymore." Sebastian asked raven as he looked in at her in shock.
"Yes. She's done it." Raven said with a Huff. They decided to talk about it later and Sebastian carried her inside the mansion to her room and he then left her in their.
Sebastian went back to the living room after that, They stayed and chatted for a bit, Waiting for Jessica to wake up.
Darkness. It was a room full black in color. Jessica was in a black room, The last thing that she remembered was blacking out and falling. There was no one in the room except her, she was alone.
She couldn't quite make out where she was, There wasn't a light source but she could still see. The walls felt like they were closing in until suddenly she started hearing voices.
A girl had appeared in front of her. It was Susan, She had let her hair down and she was in the same outfit that she wore at the time of her death but this wasn't all bloody or muddy, This one was clean.
"Enjoyed staring at me you little minx?" Susan said to her and Jessica was left in awe. Susan was dead, Does that mean I am dead? She thought as she tried approaching Susan. "I died. Get over it already. Oh wait you can't, You are the reason why I died." Susan abruptly commented which caught Jessica of guard.
"Stop it. Stop talking about it!" Jessica replied to which Susan scoffed. "You are the reason why Eleanor came into my home, Abducted me and then gave Eleanor the chance to kill me. If it weren't for you and your dumb relationship problems, I'd still be alive." Susan told Jessica as she started walking in circles around her.
"I am not the only person you've killed recently. Here, Let me bring to you your latest murder. The poor bakers wife. What did that women even ever do to you?" Susan went on. Jessica was left speechless, She couldn't argue because she agreed. It was her fault she and the bakers wife had died. Did she even deserve to live like that?
"Have you no shame you stupid girl. I had a family! A family. You won't even know what that word means!" The Bakers wife spat. Susan and the bakers wife continued to make Jessica hate herself more then she already did. The comments which Jessica thought she deserved, The weight that Jessica knew she'll carry till she dies, Did Jessica's life matter enough for that?
Oh if she had known how much her life mattered. Without even knowing it, Jessica had done something that would affect Everything else in the game of cat and mouse for Eleanor. Jessica's life mattered everything.
Note: Guess which great procrastinator is back? Me duh. Yeah so this chapter was quite the rush, was it hurried? Yes, Did I enjoy writing it? Absolutely. I love writing my chapters once I've finished the idea behind it and we'll YouTube. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and This is a very important question I need to ask you guys, Sebastian and Jessica, Yes OR No? Thank you so much for reading, I hope that you have a great day. <3
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