Three Words of A Feather
This is a story made totally up by not one, but two imaginations. A task that may have seemed impossible until now. Watch as a dramatic scene unfolds...
Eve = Italic
Kerri = Bold
Once upon a time there was a plastic boy who was very meltable.
Kerri : Hold up! Thats not a word...
Eve: Of course it is!
Kerri: Its not a word!
Eve: That is totally a freaking word.
Kerri: Whatever. Continue.
He was the prince of Pen Island --
Kerri: Wait... Penis Land?
Eve: What else? Its my favorite place to be.
Kerri: Eve!
Eve: Come on... back to the story.
-- where pens write by going in things.
Kerri: That doesn't even make sense!
Eve: Pens.... in Penis Land... going in things....
Kerri: *Groans*
One day the pens became gay but thats okay because gay pens are awesome. So the pencils decided to go talk to the king--
Kerri: Wait... Who is the king?
Eve: He's the plastic boy.
Kerri: No. Thats the prince.
Eve: Whatever... Maybe the king is wooden.
Kerri: Fine. Lets keep going.
--of Pencil Island to discuss their... issue. Which wasn't about the gay pens, cause gays are HOTT.
Kerri: Two T's? Really?
Eve: Its cause they are super hot... They need extra T's.
Kerri: ...
So they told the King that they had a problem, that the pens were irritating them. The King said, "I don't care" and the pencils were sad. They really thought he cared. But no, he's a dick.
Eve: Fitting since he's on Pen Island *laughter*
Kerri: Ummmm... No he's on Pencil Island.
Eve: Well he's still a dick.
Kerri: Let's move on...
The plastic Prince was horrified by the news of his father peeing--
Kerri: What?
Eve: Oh... Shit.
--being so rude to the poor pencils even though he had a reason. His reason was, that the pens were assholes. So the prince decided to take the pencils to the castle on Pen Island under seige.
Kerri: What the hell is seige?
Eve: I don't want to explain to dumb people.
Kerri: Thats terrible!
Eve: Says you... you couldn't spell dumb.
Kerri: Shut up! Lets just move on, shall we?
His plan failed to convince the King of his land to listen to him at the council meeting.
Kerri: That sentance literally makes no sense at all.
Eve: Your fault.
Kerri: How exactly?
Eve: Cause you messed up my sentances!
Kerri: Thats kinda the point....
Eve: So.
Kerri: Onwards!
So back to the matter at hand. The Pens bought eight things of ink because they need it.
Kerri: Thats the matter at hand?
Eve: There isn't really one...
Kerri: There is always a matter at hand!!
Eve: Obviously not always.
Kerri: ....okay....
The Pens were excited that they had more ink. Ink is to pens what sperm is to men.
Eve: That was a cheat.
Kerri: Ehhhh... Whatever.
Anyways the King commited suicide because he hated his dick--
Kerri: How did I know you were going to say that?
Eve: You know me so well!
--because it was amazing. He was very stupid and so he had to die.
Eve: Where are we going with this?
Kerri: I don't know, the pens got ink, the king died...
Eve: I think this is more fun to write than it will be to read.
Kerri: Nahh... I think it will be pretty funny to read too...
So the Prince became King and mixed the pens and the pencils together, forever. The super boring end.
Eve: So this is kinda like black and white people with a couple of gays and a dash of royalty mixed in...
Kerri: So it is...
Eve: Us racist bastards!
Kerri: Here, Here!!
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