I'm Sorry - 1
I was in the kitchen, making me and my boyfriend, Scott, dinner.
He walked downstairs and said, "I'm going out with my friends tonight."
I looked at him.
"But I'm in the middle of making both of us dinner," I said a little upset.
"Sorry, but I'm going to the bar with my buddies. Can't you just finish it and put in the fridge for me to eat later?" he said, clearly annoyed.
"Well, I mean, I can. But I really wanted to spend some time with you tonight. You're always out with your friends now, and-"
"I have to go. I'm late," he cut me off. "I don't know when I'll be back," he said and walked out the apartment door.
I sighed. Suddenly, I wasn't hungry anymore. I decided to just scrap the food, and not eat anything tonight.
I checked my phone to see what time it was.
'Why is he going to the bar this early?' I questioned.
I decided that I wouldn't dwell on it, and just go up to bed. Mind you, I wasn't going to sleep. Just to bed.
I got to our bedroom, and changed into my pajamas. I crawled into bed, and played some music on my phone, and checked all of my social media and played a couple of games.
By 6:00, I'd grown quite tired, so I plugged my phone into it's charger and got up and turned the lights off. I crawled back in bed, and pulled the sheets up to my chin.
All at once, I lost it. I started crying. I don't know why, but it felt good to cry. I had some pent up emotions that I needed to let out. I'd moved in with Scott just a couple of weeks ago, on our 1 year anniversary.
Before I moved in, he was so sweet and gentle, and caring. But now, it's like he doesn't even WANT to spend time with me. He's always getting drunk at the bar, and getting angry with me. For no damn reason either. He's even gone so far as to slap me.
I touched my cheek as I relived the moment in my mind.
The door slammed shut.
'He's home' I thought.
He walked up to me and just started yelling at me. I wasn't paying attention because I was cowered up against the wall.
"LOOK AT ME!" he shouted, then slapped me.
I fell to the ground, trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall.
I held my left cheek with my left hand, trying to ignore the stinging.
I slowly cried myself to sleep.
I woke up to the startling sound of the apartment door being slammed.
I checked the time.
I screwed my eyes shut. Dreading the moment he walks in here. As soon as I heard the bedroom door open, I curled into a ball, expecting the worst since he's been out for practically 9 and a half hours.
But tonight, was not like the other nights.
Tonight, he wasn't the angry drunk he always is.
Tonight, something else was on his mind.
"(Y/N), you know what?" he slurred. "I've been wanting to do this for awhile now."
He came up to me, and pulled me into a sitting position, and sat beside me. He started kissing me, and I immediately pulled away, wanting to throw up from the taste of alcohol on his mouth and breath.
"Scott," I say, slightly scared. "Please don't. You're drunk."
"C'mon baby," he says. "You know how much I love you."
"Actually, I don't," I mumble under my breath.
"What was that?" he asked, surprisingly calm.
"Nothing," I answered, looking to the side.
"Don't lie to me," he said. "You know what happens when you don't obey me."
He started kissing my neck, and put his hands on my waist, and tried to lay me down.
I pushed him off of me and got out of the bed.
"Scott, stop," I say, feeling violated, even though he's my boyfriend.
He then gets up and roughly pulls me towards him by my wrist.
"You WILL do what I say," he snarled in my face, then started kissing my neck again.
"No!" I shouted and ran out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door.
I kept running. I hated running, but right now, the only thing I wanted to do was run. Run as far away as possible. I didn't even take the elevator to the ground level of the apartment complex. I ran down all 13 flights of stairs. There wasn't anyone around considering it was almost 3 in the morning and most normal human beings are asleep. I ran out into the streets of L.A., and turned right.
It was late January, so it was pretty cold out. I didn't even know I'd been crying until the cold air stung the salty water trailing down my cheeks. I was barefoot and all I had on was a loose long sleeve t-shirt on and some shorts. It didn't matter to me though. I was numb. I couldn't feel anything.
I wasn't paying attention as I was running. Taking turns randomly as I sobbed. I only saw a few cars and some people. Most of the people who were out were either smoking or drunk. No one payed attention to me though. I didn't matter to them. I was just some random girl running around sobbing at 3 AM.
I rounded the next corner, and the next thing I know, I was on the ground.
"S-Sorry," I managed to say as I sobbed.
I quickly got up and tried to run off again. But the man I'd run into put his hand on my shoulder, and turned me around, and I whimpered and cowered at the touch.
"Look," I said, sniffing and wiping my eyes on my sleeve. "I said I'm sorry, I'd just like to go please."
"It's fine. I'm not mad about you running into me," he said. "But I would like to know why you're out at 3 in the morning, running and crying, while hardly wearing anything in this cold weather."
"I'm fine," I said and tried to turn away again.
"Clearly, you're not," he said. "Why don't you come back to my apartment, and I can get you some hot chocolate and a blanket to warm you up, and you can tell me what's wrong, okay?"
"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't even know who you are. I just happened to run into you. You could be trying to rape and/or kill me."
"Okay then. I'm Mark," he said holding out his hand for me to shake.
I took it tentatively and said, "(Y/N)."
"Cute name, I like it," he said smiling. "So, do you think you're okay with coming with me back to mine now?"
I hesitated, but said, "Only if you tell me about yourself on the way there so I know that you're NOT a serial killer."
He laughed.
'His laugh is cute.'
'No! Stop it (Y/N)! You have a boyfriend, a shitty boyfriend, but a boyfriend all the same. Besides, you just met this guy, what are you doing?'
"Okay then," he said and started walking.
(A/N: this is where his "Draw My Life" video comes in. I kinda didn't want to write it all out, so if you've seen it, then you know what he would say right here and if you haven't, click on the link [ ] to watch it so you do know what he says here. I don't know how to put two things up at the top yet, so I just put the link in. P.S. he doesn't tell you that he's a YouTuber, because you don't know he is one yet ;D)
We reached his apartment right when he finished telling me about himself.
"So, have you reached a verdict?" he asks.
I look at him confused.
"If I'm a serial killer or not," he said with a small smile.
"Oh right," I let out a small laugh. "My verdict is that you are indeed," I pause for suspense as he looks at me with hope in his brown eyes. "NOT a serial killer!"
"Yay!" he says and does a goofy dance.
I laugh at his silliness and he laughs with me and reaches into his jeans pocket. He pulls out his keys and unlocks his door.
"Normally, I'd let you go in first, but my dog is probably going to jump on you," he says, giving me a goofy smile.
I laugh a little and say, "It's fine don't worry about it."
He opens his door and steps in, and a gorgeous golden retriever jumps up on him. (A/N: picture above but instead of Mark sitting, he's standing, and Chica's paws are on his chest)
"Hi Chica Bica! Hi! Daddy's home and he brought a friend with him, see?" he says in a voice that you'd use to talk to a baby.
"Hi there," I say and step in.
Chica gets off of Mark, and comes over to sniff me, and suddenly jumps on me like she did Mark.
"Whoa, there," I say, stumbling back just a bit.
Mark laughs and says, "She really likes you. She usually only jumps on me like that."
I laugh and start petting her head and scratching behind her ears. She wags her tail, and I smile.
How adorable.' I think to myself.
"Alright," I say. "You gotta get off me now."
I grab her paws, and help her back down on all fours.
I follow Mark into his living room and look around. It was nice, which surprised me, considering he's a guy.
"Nice place," I quietly comment.
"Thanks," he replies. "It's not much since I live alone, but it works."
"Are you kidding?" I look at him in disbelief. "It's much bigger than me and my..." I trail off, and look down.
I didn't want to say my boyfriend. I didn't want to call him my boyfriend.
Mark must've picked up that I was on a touchy subject now, and placed his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, and immediately felt bad.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," I apologize quickly.
"It's fine. But it seems to me, that something is bothering you," he says, and warily puts his hand back on my shoulder, and sits me on his couch. "Talk to me about it. I want to help."
Chica jumps up on the couch and lies down between me and Mark, and lays her head on my lap.
"Alright," I say, petting Chica's head. "But on one condition. "You answer these questions."
"Okay," he nods while handing me a blanket.
"I'm just some stranger that ran into you on the streets on LA at three in the morning. Who was blindly running while crying, wearing only a long sleeve shirt and shorts. Why would you care? I mean, besides the fact that I'd ran into you, I ran by plenty of people who didn't even have a second thought about me. And you don't hardly know me. All you know about me is that I'm upset and my name. So, why care?" I ask.
"Well," he starts. "I don't know why I was compelled to invite you here and have you tell me what's wrong, but you seemed so upset and I just felt like I needed to comfort you even though I had no idea who you were."
"Okay, and what were you doing out this late? Early? Whatever you want to call it."
"I couldn' sleep so I decided to take a walk. I was on my way back when you ran into me."
"Okay, believable enough," I nod, and take a deep breath and make eye contact with him. "So, do you really want to know what's wrong?"
"Yeah," he says. "But first, I believe I promised you hot chocolate."
I laugh a little.
"Or would coffee be better?"
"Umm," I think for a moment. "I think I'll stick with the hot chocolate."
"Alright! Coming right up!" he says and walks to his kitchen.
Chica picks her head up and watches as he walks to the kitchen, but lays her head back down.
A few minutes later, Mark comes back with two steaming mugs.
"Here you go," he says, handing me one of the mugs.
"Thanks," I say, but take a pause. "I suppose I should start now."
I sigh.
"So, you see, I have this boyfriend. Who I've been dating for just over a year now, and before I moved in on our one-year-anniversary, he was such a gentleman. Always cuddling with me, always opening the door. He was pretty much perfect. But when I moved into his apartment, he changed. Suddenly, he wasn't so nice. And he's always going out to the bar with his buddies and not coming home until like, two in the morning.
"I've only been living with him for a couple of weeks now, and I already hate it. I want to break up with him, but my parents never liked him and when they found out I was dating him, they kicked me out and pretty much disowned me, and I know if I come running back to them, they'd just give me the 'We told you so' and shut the door in my face. The only job I have is at Target, so I can't afford my own apartment, and I don't really have any friends. I moved in with my boyfriend in the first place because my parents kicked me out. I didn't tell them about him until Christmas when I invited him over so I could introduce him.
"The other reason I can't really break up with him, is because I'm afraid of what he'd do. Not too long ago, he hit me for no reason. He came home mad and drunk, and just used me to take his anger out. Tonight he came home and, tried to, rape me, I guess. I didn't want to do anything but he kept forcing himself on me so I just ran out of the apartment."
I finish, and realize that I'd started crying again.
"I- I'm sorry," I say quickly and put my head in my hands.
"It's okay," he says softly.
I feel him move Chica so he can sit directly next to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, and pulls me towards him into a hug. In return, I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulders. He starts playing with my hair a little bit, and my tears slowly stop, as I start to drift off to sleep.
A/N: Hi guys! So I finally got this one up and I promise I WILL be up dating My Hero soon, just give me a little time because I've got band camp starting next week, and I got hired at a Culver's, so I'll be there a lot and once school starts in August, I'll have school all day, then marching band practice four days a week, and Friday night football games that I have to be at, and I'll have to work some nights, and I'll have marching competitions on some Saturdays starting in October I think. But once marching band season is over, I'll only have school and work to worry about so I'll be able to update more frequently then. I also apologize for not updating anything like practically ALL summer, I've been too busy watching YouTube videos ;) and hanging out with my two best friends, and getting a job haha. I want to also apologize for this chapter being SO extremely long, but I wanted to make sure I put enough into the first chapter, to get people hooked and also because I personally enjoy reading and writing lengthy chapters, so if you guys want shorter chapters, let me know, and if you want them about this same length, let me know, because your wish is my command! .....Well, most wishes anyways ;) But I will be updating this and My Hero soon, so just keep an eye out for those updates. Bye guys!
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