Chapter 5: Shouto's Love
Shouto grabbed the writer's shoulder and ripped the hands of Katsuki from Izuku's waist. "Shouto?" The light headed writer asked, confused and utterly lost. The actor didn't seemed fazed by the rude action of the business man, though you can see the fire sparkling underneath his eyes.
"What the fuck was that for bastard?!" Katsuki exclaimed while rubbing his wrist. Shouto glared at him with those mismatched eyes and pulled Izuku close to his chest protectively when Katsuki tried to grab him back. "You're not allowed to touch him, nonetheless kiss him asshole" He growled dangerously, while the writer clutched on to the business man's shirt. "How dare you?! It's not like you own Izuku shit head!" The actor exclaimed back, fist pulled back for a readied punch. "Well, you need a lesson for your childish manners Mr. Bakugou. You acted like a freaking child and you are acting selfish!"
Soon the unit was silent. All of their neighbors were now looking at them, watching the scene like it was a fucking movie. Annoyed, Shouto pointed at the exit door. "Go" in a single powerful command, the crowd dispersed one by one. "Even you Katsuki" he added.
The actor wanted to attack the half and half bastard but Eijiro yanked his arm and dragged the screaming adult out of the unit. "Sorry" the redhead mumbled before stepping out with Katsuki.
Shouto heard a light sob from his chest.
Looking down, he saw silent Izuku clinging on to his shirt tighter. "Come on, the night isn't over yet" Shouto said with a small smile, herding the writer into his room.
The writer huffed when the business man threw him softly to the bed. "Katsuki stole your first kiss but I will steal something more important..." Shouto whispered into Izuku's ears as he climbed on top of him. Straggling the little man beneath him. He trailed small kisses on the soft white skin on the neck of the green head, causing little moans.
Aroused, Shouto slowly removed his shirt revealing the hiding muscles. The writer blushed, hiding his face under his hands. "Damn it Shouto" he mumbled shyly. "Come on Izuku, I've been waiting for this five years of my life. Don't hide" the business man pried the hands of the writer, showing the red blush creeping up his ears. "Fine"
Slowly the two kissed, mouth twirling and explored each other's domain as their hands danced on the hem of their clothes. Soon, they are naked on each other's grasp. Izuku's face showed nervousness causing a playful smirk to appear on the business man's face with lustful eyes.
"Don't worry Izuku, I'll be gentle...I promise" he whispered. He clapped once and the lights shut off. "Thank you" the writer whispered back.
Shouto lined himself with Izuku's entrance and pushed ever so gently. The writer's breath became uneven as he pushed even further causing a whimper. "Shhh, It will be okay" he whispered then kissed Izuku on the forehead for comfort. Soon enough, he reached the end and adjusted for a better position.
"Ready?" Shouto asked, voice full of lust. The flustered writer nodded, eyes half closed and breath coming short. "Your so painfully cute..." Then, he slowly repeated the process until they had both felt the never ending pleasure.
They moaned loudly in unison while moving together. "Izuku, your so tight" the business man groaned, pushing deeper every thrust. The writer cannot speak because of how much indulged he is on the pleasure.
Not until they had hit the climax. Izuku arched his body as he gripped the business man's back, clawing. "Shouto!" He exclaimed in pleasure. "Izuku" Shouto groaned, hugging the smaller man below him.
The two hit the bed panting. "I love you Izuku" the business man said planting a kiss on his forehead. "I love you too, Shouto"
(AN: Im sorry, if it's NOT hardcore)
The night was filled with laughter as the two cleaned up and talked together. Finally, the two cuddled to sleep.
On the other hand, Katsuki felt like shit. He was comforted by Eijiro for almost an hour but his feeling wasn't subsiding.
"Come on, don't be like that dude. It's not that...bad. I mean, you kissed the boy and all; though Shouto was kind of rude kicking us out" the red head muttered. But the actor didn't even listen, he was too busy imagining somethings. "Fuck this" Katsuki said throwing his arms on the air. "Go home shit hair, I'll go to sleep" the red head sighed then walked out of the room.
"Goodnight Katsuki"
The blonde plopped on his bed, feeling weary and exhausted. His mind lingered on the two men who had been his first friends ever since. Somehow, his heart isn't only beating for the writer but towards the business man too.
Just why?
"Damn it!" He exclaimed, gripping his yellow hair in rage. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!"
For an hour, he tried to calm down but the memory of the soft lips of Izuku and the lustful look from Shouto across the room that lasted for like a second...he was wrecked, he didn't know how to feel.
"Fine, stupid heart, I'll test it out tomorrow!" He growled, flipping the blanket and flinging it over him.
The next day came short.
Shouto sat by the bed, feeling a bit guilty. Why? Who knows... But something is definitely wrong. He felt contented and happy, but his heart is not yet full.
The business man placed a hand on his heart and looked at the sleeping figure of the writer.
His eyes closed, green hair brushed up in a messy way and his body covered by luxurious green robe.
A: I'm alive!
A: I survived the small 🍋
A: 😏😏😏
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