Chapter Twenty
-Richie's P.O.V-
"What the fu-" I clamped my hand over Eddie's mouth, Patrick and Leah's head snapped towards our direction.
"What was that?" I heard Leah ask, the two of them making their way towards us. Shit. I motioned towards the exit of the junkyard, and we quickly began to creep towards it. Making sure to stay out of their sight.
"Probably a rat" Patrick spoke in an unbothered tone.
Once we thought it was safe enough, we stood up and ran as far away from the junkyard as possible. How could Leah do this! I knew something wasn't right, but I had so wanted to be wrong. How could she cheat on Bill? And to top it off, with Patrick Hockstetter. Really?!
"I can't believe..she really.... did you see that?!" Eddie frantically said once we had come to a stop. I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.
"I fucking told you something was up" My eyes wouldn't change from the widened state. "You didn't believe me..BELIEVE ME NOW?"
"But why, why would she do that to Bill?" Eddie was panting so hard. I watched as he pulled his inhaler out of his pocket.
"I have no idea" I placed my hand to my forehead and started to walk. " We gotta tell him!"
"It'll crush him, we can't Richie, I won't allow it" I could hear Eddie trying to keep up with me. I sighed in annoyance and stopped to face Eddie. He was right, but Bill was one of my best friends I couldn't keep this from him.
"Eddie, we have to! Imagine if you had a girlfriend, you'd want us to tell you if we knew" I began to explain. I had to explain with a straight face because the thought of Eddie having a girlfriend was funny to me. It was never going to happen.
"He loves her too much; would he believe us?"
"We need evidence, good hard evidence" I mumbled. "Okay, we get evidence and then we tell him"
"Well yeah because then we have proof and we don't look like idiots"
"You look like an idiot everyday" I told him raising my eyebrow slightly.
"Shut up Richie!" I snickered slightly.
"I'm telling Stan though, we need all the help we can get!" I started to jog in the direction of Stan's house.
"Wait for me!"
-Bill's P.O.V-
The sound of the piano filled my ears as I slowly made my way downstairs. I turned the corner; I saw a very frustrated Georgie banging on the keys. He had always wanted to learn piano, just like me when I was younger, but mum didn't have the time to teach him like she taught me. Maybe this would be the perfect time for me to teach him a little something. I smiled to myself and sat beside him.
"Y-y-you okay Georgie" I asked
"I can't play Billy; I really want learn but I can't" He looked up at me, his brown eyes becoming watery. Georgie was very emotional.
"Hey, d-d-don't cry, I can t-t-teach you"
"You can?" His mood changing instantly, the big smile that had spread across his face made me so happy.
"S-s-sure I can"
I had spent the next two hours teaching Georgie how to play frere jacques as it was quite easy to play on the piano. Of course, he struggled at first, but he had slowly began to pick it up. It was nice to spend this quality time with him, I didn't want him to think that I never had time for him so day's like this, where I was babysitting, were very important to me.
"I am a genius!" He exclaimed and kissed his fingertips like an Italian, which made me laugh.
"Y-y-you did g-g-g-good, I'm proud of y-y-you" I held my hand up for a high five which Georgie quickly returned.
"Thank you for teaching me Billy! You're the best big brother ever" He jumped up and hugged me tightly.
"You're w-w-welcome Georgie"
Hey guys, small little filler chapter here. The drama with this story is only just getting started. I hope you've enjoyed this cute little chapter. And just a little note, NEVER take your siblings for granted guys, tell them you love them every day, even though they may be a pain sometimes. You just never know!!! Stay blessed xo
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