Chapter Ten
-Bill's P.O.V-
The school day had dragged on a little too much for my liking. I couldn't wait to get home. You see, next week was Leah's birthday and every year I always planned her gift a week before, just so I had everything perfect. I told her and my fellow losers that I would not be hanging with them after school because I promised Georgie I would spend time with him. Which wasn't a lie, I did want to spend time with Georgie as well as sorting out Leah's gift. The losers knew, but Leah had no idea. As soon as the final bell rang, I said goodbye to Leah and rode home.
"Hey Bill, look at what I drew today!" Georgie excitedly rushed over to me with a piece of paper in his hands.
"W-w-what is it?" I asked and took the paper off of him.
"Its me and you in a boat see, I'm the captain!" Georgie placed a hand over one of his eyes and made the pirate sound. I couldn't help but laugh at my little brother.
"O-o-one day I'll m-m-make you a paper b-b-boat"
"You mean it Billy?"
"Of c-c-course"
I greeted my parents and made my way up the stairs, Georgie following close behind. I let my backpack drop behind the door and grab a catalogue from under my bed. Georgie climbed up onto the bed and began looking as well.
"Why are you looking at jewelry Bill, you don't wear jewelry?" He asked scrunching up his nose. He always did that when he was confused about something.
"I-i-its not me it's f-f-for Leah" I told him.
"Because it's her birthday next week" I explainrd. I got up off of the bed and walk over to my chest of drawers. I took out a box o had managed to hide from her and emptied out every last bit of money I had been saving for the past 11 months.
"Wow Bill you have so much" Georgie's eyes lit up when he saw the money fall onto the bed.
"It's c-c-called saving" I smiled down at him and began to count. I watched Georgie run out of my room quickly only to return with his piggy bank.
"Here!" He handed it to me.
"W-w-what are you d-d-doing?"
"I wanna get her something too!"
"A-a-are you s-s-sure?" Georgie nodded with a big grin on his face. "I'll add it t-t-to mine and the g-g-gift will be from both of u-u-us" I told him, emptying the small amount of money he had on his piggy bank. Thats what was amazing bout Georgie, he was so kind and had the biggest heart.
"Which one are we going to get her?" He asked grabbing the catalogue and began flipping threw the pages.
"I have no i-i-idea"
"This one!" Georgie yelled and pointed to the one he had picked. A huge smile had formed on my face, it was perfect. Just like her.
-Leah's P.O.V-
Chopping up garlic was no easy task, especially when it had to be chipped up extremely small but it had to be done. I looked over at my mum who was dicing up the peppers. I was helping her cook my favourite dish, Arrabiata. It was an Italian pasta dish and was spicy.
"When you've finished that Leah will you do the tomatoes whist I start the pasta?" My mum asked scraping the now diced peppers onto a plate.
"What's wrong?" She came up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.
"It's nothing, I have this friend....Gretta and she's in a sticky situation and I don't know how to help her" I explained. If she knew it was me she'd be so disappointed.
"Maybe I can be of some assistance?" She suggested. I chewed on my bottom lip. Should I?
"Well you see....she likes two boys well no she's in love with both of them and she's sort of seeing them both but one of them doesn't know if that makes sense" My poor mum looked traumatize.
"So let me get this straight" my mom laughed nervously " you're friend... Gretta is it? is seeing a boy who she loves but she is cheating on him with another boy that she loves?" My mum asked making sure she had heard right.
"Yeah basically, but the other boy knows she's in a relationship with the other one"
"Oh my" My mum looked down at the counter, not knowing what to say.
"Well that's a disgusting situation to be in, for the girl anyway!" My dad came in through the kitchen door and kissed the top of my head and did the same to my mum.
"How was work?" My mum asked him.
"It was good" my dad turned his attention to me. "Your friend is what you call a slut"
"I'm telling you Diane, that's what they call the girls today that cheat and sleep around with multiple boys" my dad shrugged ignoring mine and my mum's shocked expressions. "Dirty, pure filth. And you said she loves both of them? You can only love one person"
"Your father's right, obviously your friend doesn't know what love is. Love only comes once in a lifetime" my mum reached out and grabbed my dads hand, her eyes were full of love.
"Exactly, that's why when the girl I loved got sent to prison I had no choice but to settle for your mother" my dad joked. I couldn't contain my laughter as my mum raced around the kitchen trying to smack him with the dishcloth.
"No but seriously Leah, you tell her that she can't keep stringing the two boys along, she either needs to come clean and choose or let both of them go" my mum explained to me.
I didn't want to either of what she just said. I loved the attention I was getting from both them. What about my feelings, how would I feel if I had to give one up for the other or both of them. That wasn't going to happen.
So guys, what are you opinions on Leah and her character because I would love to know aha, stay blessed xo
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