two // rewind
*i commented all french translations!*
"Let's rewind, shall we?" Alex told John, and his voice took on a flirty tone that made John's head spin. The spinning had been happening all morning, from when John woke up to see a gorgeous man in his bed, to now, when he was being told how the man got there.
But now Alex was talking, and John was listening - John would always listen. Always.
Alex wandered into the club he had seen on the street. The neon sign on the front of the building claimed that the club was titled "Working On Three". After what had just happened, Alex was soon working on his third pint of Samuel Adams beer. He needed it.
A man stumbled up to him and said, "Is that your third one?"
Alex nodded and smiled at the man. He thought he looked professional and graceful, but really he just looked like an idiot. "I'm done with love. Love is stupid."
"Same, but I'm done with my parents, and I'm going to join you 'cause you're adorable," the man said, and he sat down. "My name's John."
"I think you're adorabler. My name's Alexander," Alex replied, then he noticed how weird his name sounded. "Aaaalllleeeexxxxaaaannnndddeeerrr...." he drew the word out.
John laughed. "So, why are you done with love?" he slurred, gesturing to the bartender for another beer.
"Love is selfish, hopeless, and blind. It makes me hurt people. This girl - her name is Eliza - has been, like, my best friend ever since I moved to NYC, and she told me she loved me as more than a friend earlier today and I totally broke her heart because I'm as straight as a circle and then I ended up here somehow and now the world is blurry but you look really nice and your freckles are so cute," Alex replied, slurring near the end.
John smiled. "I ended up here after an argument with my parents about my sexuality because I am also as straight as a circle and they have a hard time accepting that and I still think you're cuter than me, like maybe even cuter than my pet turtle cause you have gorgeous eyes!"
Alex smiled back and finished his fourth beer. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" he shouted, giddy with happiness as the newest Zedd song came on. He was a little bit dizzy, but he grabbed John's arm anyway and tugged him to the dance floor. Soon, John's hands were on Alex's hips and Alex's arms around John's neck. They were in slow dance position, even though they were grinding to the rhythm.
"Yes, babe," John drunkenly moaned into Alex's ear.
Shivers were sent down Alex's spine, and for a minute he was stone-cold sober. They stopped dancing, and he observed John. Alex was admiring everything about the freckled man.
"Alexander?" John asked, and for a second he stopped slurring as well.
Alex placed a hand on John's cheek. He delicately traced patterns on the freckles and murmured, "I really hope my drunken ass won't screw things up with you, John Laurens."
Soon, he was launched into drunken euphoria once more, the sober moment of awareness gone.
Then Jefferson materialized out of thin air.
"Wow, Hamilton, found yourself a boy toy, didn't you?" Thomas slurred, placing his hand on John's shoulder. John suddenly looked uncomfortable, launching Alex into the defensive.
Alex growled and pushed Jefferson's hand off of John. "Don't touch him, Thomas."
"Oooo... someone's really protective of their boyyyyfrienddddd..." Thomas replied, smirking.
Alex wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face, but when he reared his arm back to punch Jefferson, someone caught it. He turned around to see John, who was glaring at Thomas.
"Look, man, I don't know who you are, but we aren't in elementary school, so stop acting like it. I'm not going to have Alex waste his time on you," John coldly spoke.
"You don't know Thomas? You simply must meet him!" Alex sarcastically slurred.
Jefferson snarled and lunged for Alex, but John pulled Alex back.
"C'mon, Alex. Let's go," John said, glaring at Thomas.
They called a taxi and went to John's dorm, where a lot of memories were made.
"Apparently, that night was actually not as bad as I figured it would be," John admitted, laughing a little.
Alex smirked. "Which part of the night?"
John tried not to blush under the dark-eyed gaze and he playfully rolled his eyes back.
Alexander was unlike anyone John had ever met before. Intelligent eyes that were shadowed by dark circles and lit up constantly, thanks to Alex's top-notch brain. Dark hair that just barely passed his shoulders when it was down. A smile that made John's heart skip a beat every time it was put on display. And that was only the beginning.
John suddenly realized he was staring. He came back down to earth and quickly looked away, clearing his throat.
"Don't do that, John, it's bad for your vocal cords," Alexander spoke.
John looked back at Alex and raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Oh... nothing... I'm just rambling, I guess," Alex mumbled. It was his turn to blush.
John laughed and Alex got a little sparkle in his eye.
"John, let me take you out sometime," he boldly stated. It wasn't even a question, and John's heart started to race.
"Um... I'm not gay?" he tried.
"I beg to differ, my dearest, Laurens. Otherwise you wouldn't have brought me back to your dorm room. You wouldn't have made the first move at the bar, you wouldn't have bought me a drink -"
"Okay, okay," John said, laughing. "Maybe I'll let you take me out. And when did I buy you a drink?"
Alex looked a little nervous. "When I gave the bartender your credit card..." He cleared his throat.
"Okay, whatever," John replied, still laughing. It seems he couldn't stop laughing when Alex was around. "Let's get to know each other better before you sweep me off my feet, then. What's your favorite -"
Suddenly, Lafayette burst in through the front door.
"I SMELL PANCAKES, MON AMI!" he yelled, hopping into the kitchen.
"Jesus Christ, Laf, do you ever knock? I'm trying to have a conversation here," John scolded, but he jumped up to make the Frenchman pancakes anyway.
"Alexander Hamilton! John, I see that you have met le petit lion... finally," Laf said, pulling up a chair and sitting at the table.
"You know Alex?" John asked, flipping a pancake.
"Yes, I am a foreign student, he is a foreign student... the foreigners always find each other somehow."
"Alex, you're not American?" John then asked, but Alex and Laf had started a conversation - in French.
"Alex, pensez-vous comme lui?" Lafayette asked.
"Oui. J'aime beaucoup. Il me rend très nerveux," Alex replied, to John's astonishment.
John loved the sound of Alex speaking in the foreign language. Alex was obviously fluent, through and through.
"Vous deux serait mignon ensemble. Je l'expédie!" Laf exclaimed. Whatever they were talking about, the Frenchman had gotten overly excited and Alex was glaring at him.
John glanced down to see that Laf's pancake was done, and he quickly slid it onto a plate and turned the stove off. Alex and Laf continued conversing in French until John set the plate in front of Laf, who immediately started to eat.
Alex looked at his watch and gasped. "It's eleven AM and I have a paper due tomorrow that I haven't finished!" He immediately jumped up, grabbed his wallet and phone, and put on his jacket.
"C'mon, Lexi. Can't the paper wait?" John asked, trying (and failing) to keep traces of longing out of his question.
Lafayette immediately started coughing and he almost choked. "Lexi?" Laf squealed in delight at the nickname.
Alex's flirty smirk had returned in full force, and John felt his face heat up again.
"No, babe, it can't. But, hey," Alex grabbed a napkin, pulled a pen out of his jacket, and scribbled something down. The napkin was handed to John, with a number written on it in smooth black ink.
"Text me about that date," Alex said, and John's gaze drifted up to his. John was soon smiling like an idiot.
With that, Alex winked and strutted out the door. John's gaze followed him out and stayed on the door long after Alex had left.
"Mon ami?" Lafayette giggled and poked John's arm.
John jumped a bit and looked at Laf. "Yeah?" he said, dreamily.
Laf rolled his eyes. "You are so - how you say - head over heels." Then Laf pointed at his plate. "I want more food."
John blushed, rolled his eyes, and stood up to make Laf more pancakes.
i blame all french errors on google translate.
so much fLiRtAtIoN it's so cUTE
thanks again for reading!
xoxo - luna✨
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