I haven't done one of these in a while well here we go
br3nnnnn tagged me
I have to write 13 facts about myself.....
1. I have tourette syndrome which causes me to have really bad tics
2. I am a teen
3. I call almost everyone at my school a Homo Sapien (which is the scientific term for human)
4. Karma is my senpai and my anime waifu (and yes you call anime boys waifu just like you call anime girls waifu)
5. I ship my dog sprinkle with my younger brother's old duck (I find them adorable. She cuddles with it all the time)
6. Is ship Shizuo and Vorona from durarara together (even tho most people ship him with izaya {I also am against shizuo x izaya})
7. I have 4 pics of sunrises on my phone
8. Im currently rewatching a few animes
9. Izaya is my second senpai
10. I'm currently working on a Ciel drawing
12. I am very bad at naming 13 facts about me
13. Milkywhite03 is my wattpad twin
So I tag
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