Dream #2
A.N: I post these dreams out of order, so if this reads 2, or something out of order, it's just something I decided to post before others.
This was weird. It was the Hunger Games but we were brought by bus trough a poison biome to the cornucopia. We all had pins and everyone had to decide what to do with them. BANG! Everyone is a frantic movement trying to survive the blood bath. The camera (or the POV) shifts to see Marvel with a greatsword fighting off the district 7 (I think) male tribute. The dude only had a small sword. Then Peeta rushed in with dual swords, using them in quick slashes. He tries to kill the two for a bit, but then realized the D7 male and him need to kill off Marvel first. So they do, by decapitation, and then Peeta finishes off D7 male. Decapitation is just about how everyone goes out in his HG. TIMESKIP. There are only 4 tributes left. Me (I'm from D6 for some reason), my transgender partner, D6 male-ish, Theo (D4), and the D5 female. The feast thingy is about to happen and I'm right at the edge of the forest that surrounds the cornucopia. They allow us to grab the bags and I rush in. I grab my bag and see my counterpart. Is smile and greet him (even though he is a girl, his original status was male, but now he's transgender female.), and he (I'm sticking with he, even tho it's a she to keep it simple) waves back. I run over to him and he sadistically grins and says: "I guess you've always been this dumb." There's a door to my left and a tree blocking my right. I see the D5 female come into view. She enters through the door and I see a nursery. There's a baby. She comes in with a knife and I duck and grab the baby. They both soften their glares, not wanting to do anything to the baby. TIMESKIP. They don't attack me, but they don't let me run away, since I know the most about babies. Finally we meet the D4 male tribute, Theo. He comes into the nursery, while we are asleep and takes our food, leaving our feast bags and baby food. We panic and travel to the poison lands. We know that Theo is camping out by the forest biome right next to us though. "Game Master?" I yell up to the air. "Why was there a baby?" No response. "Why," Comes a voice from behind me. "That's not a baby." Turning around, I see Willy Wonka (he's the game master I guess). He goes over to the sleeping duo of my counterpart and the D5 female. He picks the baby up and it spirals into a beautiful woman, her image blurry and fading. I ask for an explanation. "This woman is one of my best soldiers. She wanted to keep an eye on these particular tributes because they all have an unusual talent. They all have an increased ability of their districts prowess. So, you know Marvel right? He has increased strength because of his district thingy (I didn't actually know in my dream)." WW says. "What about Theo? Why didn't he kill us?" I see him peeking out of he woods, strange devices in his hands. They look sort of like gauntlets. "Does he want the last tribute? The strongest tribute to finally have a challenge!? His gauntlets are power gauntlets, right? They're super OP." I yell frantically. Finally, I decide to kill my companions. The lady fazes out of existence. Her time was up, she spent to long in the arena. I wake up to them trying to kill me. I get stabbed in the arm and I run, grabbing the food sacks. Like an idiot, I run into the forest. I see the other 2 give up. Circling back I grab a knife and I murder both of my former companions. Then, I grab all the weapons and I go to kill Theo. I have knives and an axe, that's it. Instead I find him standing over me, cracking his knuckles. The gauntlets are a ridged purple, with blue buttons. I groan as he starts to maniacally smile. In traditional anime fashion, his eyes get surrounded by a deep shadow that makes him look insane. He jumps and punches straight down on me, I duck and throw a knife. He blocks it with the gauntlets. I run out of weapons and eventually he manages to choke me against a tree. Somehow (dreams are weird guys), I get my ace back and I manage to free myself. Only to then be punched in the stomach. I'm coughing up blood and he's still ok. I run into the forest. He laughs, and I panic. Running around, I find his camp. He has a fire pit, a little bit of medical supplies, and food. I sit and grab a bandage roll. I start to put a healing salve, or what was left of it, on the burn marks from Theo's gauntlets. I bandage up and start to eat. Finally I hear a crashing, created from falling trees. I groan and watch as, a now insane, Theo comes panting back into his camp. He starts laughing and I see his insane behavior fall away. He just sits and sleeps. I step out of my hiding place to try and kill him. Instead I get a painful head injury, from in throwing me into a tree. He stands up and is now standing raggedly (Idk even why, he's not injured.) and tries to finish me off with a electric punch to my head. I duck, dazed and swipe with my axe. He gets cut in the back and drops to the ground. He cries out angrily, and in pain, and starts to get up. I cut again, and again, and again. He's probably dead, but I woke up after that...
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