A Whisk off to Perception and Psychology
Category : Psychology
Dedicated to PatricijaBagdona GraciePacie123 -Megleigh2002- Moskii arbevmo Jared0703 ErzaAmoureaux KingSatoru
I'm sorry all for not being alert and updating... but recently I kind of made a comparison...err it's related with psychology...
Terribly sorry about the specialist terms peeps..I'll try to make it simple as possible...
Sword Out.:)
Ok...so this is what Brewer and Treyens did in 1981 to 30 participants. Why? They wanted to find out whether context would affect perception.
So they took these participants to a room and told them(participants) that it was an office.
After sometime, they took the participants into another room and asked them(participants) to recall what objects they saw.
Most of the participants responses were fit to the context of office like desk and chair. 9 participants even said they saw papers which was not at all found in that room...
Thus Brewer and Treyens came to a conclusion that context affects expectation.
Now let's look into our lives...
In the terrible scorching deserts, would you expect a proud of lions?
Or in a hospital room filled with cries of babies would you expect a hoot of an owl?
Or if your friend is in a state of grief would you torment him or her with arguments?
Or if you were to go to a wedding wouldn't you put on the wedding cloth or would you still choose to go in normal clothes?
Mathew - 22 :11 "But when the king came in to see the guests , he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.
12 So he said to him , 'Friend , how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.
13 Then the king said to the servants , 'Bind him hand and foot , take him away , and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
So my dear folks what I meant to derive is...
If in day to day lives we find ourselves agreeing that we expect things according to context...Our God does too!
He, God Almighty expects us to wear the white robe of His and only then would He allow us to stay in the wedding.
The white, spotless, unblemished cloth that perfectly fits in the context of this verse...
1 Peter 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ , as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Well, I would like to say this lesson is also for me to grasp and understand....
If there are any doubts or if there is more explanation needed...I would gladly try my best and help:)
Thanks to all!☺️️☺️😊
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