Be The Person No One Saw Coming
There are times you just want to give up and not care. Walk away from it all and never look back like it never happens before.
The sun is betting down so hot you can't breathe. Not wanting to move much to hold your energy, you have left. Is this it? The way it all ends with the heat coming down on you, taking your breath .
A little hope is on its way. You don't see it or hear it. It's in its way have the faith you need to hold out just a little longer you will see.
I know people hurt you and I know they try to tear you down. For the shining star you are. Our is jealousy of you for being free and having your own thoughts and feelings .
No matter how hard they try, they will never win, for they never had to the true key to take you done. For no one will ever have that key but only you and you alone. The key is inside you. It's your soul itself, for you know what is right or wrong with you.
Look to the west. You see it coming? It's on its way to give you a release. The sky is gray and dark, with a shade of purple in its beautiful clouds. The most beautiful way the world cleans its self is a rainstorm to give us all a clean slate to start again.
Standing there with your face to the sky, letting it open up and wash over you. Be azure you are safe and free from all the hate that people spread about you. The ones that know you see you for who you are and they are proud of you for all you have become.
It's not easy and we all know it's an uphill battle to keep going forward even when every one wants to see you fall. I myself want to see you win over and over have all the good you need to be strong and true to who you are .
I stand with the ones that tell the true I stand with the ones that are hurt . I stand with the ones that people walk all over. I stand with the scared and confused. You are not alone and I am here with you. I will never tell you what to do or what to say . I will not judge you for you are who you are and I stand with you and only be here to give you positive words to keep you going only if you ask .
Remember, we all have our own battles to work through. You don't always see us fighting yo push forward. Don't judge a book by its cover, for you don't know the pages of hardship they have gone through and they keep smiling, believing in the good of others. Wanting to be a part of the positive change in the world.
Don't read about someone on someone's mb and think they speak the truth. Get to know that person and come up with your own thoughts. There are two dives to every story and you are seeing one side not always the truth and if they delete their comments or statements. Makes you think was it is really true at all?
Be the caring person not to harass a person because someone you follow tells you to. Some times they play the victim card and the true victim is the one they are blasting.
So I will stay it one last time. I stand for the kind, caring, respectful people that understand we are all beautiful souls that are all different. We think on our own and respect that we don't always agree but never bully the other or talk an out them behind their back.
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