The the first thing I got after a reached school was a glimpse of the school hall.
It looked magical.
The whole place was bathed in a golden glow and festoons hung all over the place.
Most of the Arts Club were already there in the changing rooms and Zoya had actually changed into her costume. She looked like a Bollywood heroine in her white lehenga and her long curly hair flying behind her.
Aaliyah was in her performing costume too. She had changed her jacket colour from neon to black. Her whole outfit was dazzling but I would have admired it much more if somebody else had worn it.
Next to her was Maya wearing a neckless coral blue outfit with platform heels, every single hair of hers in place and her whole face dripping with Lakme foundation.
"Hey wanna hear me play solo?" I turned around and saw Reyansh standing with his guitar.
"I'd love to" I said. He played and I listened to him.
He was going to nail it! There was no doubt!
"Where are Mishti and Zoya?" he asked after he'd finished.
"I don't know. They were just somewhere around here"..that's when I realised Mishti and Zoya were missing.
"I need to go see where they are" I said and hurried out of the changing rooms.
I went upto the second floor. The corridors were deserted. I walked into the girl's lavatory and saw Mishti and Zoya together. Zoya was washing her tear stained face. The Revlon mascara had done its work. Her face was a mess!
"You just missed some good drama", Mishti pouted.
"Mishti! I am really sorry. You know for what." I said shortly.
"Whoa! That was quick Ri! This senti queen brought me in here and launched into her histrionics! We've been here for half an hour!"
"What?" I asked, bemused.
"SHUT UP YOU TWO!" Zoya shouted above the noise of the gushing tap water.
Mishti looked at me and grinned. It had been just two days since the last time I spoke to her but it felt like it had been ages!
Zoya finally turned off the tap and turned to us.
And after what seemed like forever, the three of us huddled into a group hug.
"I can't believe everything is normal again", I said.
"Not everything, we need to fix my face" said Zoya.
"Right" I said and started rummaging though the contents in my bag and pulled out the BB cream, lipstick and everything I could lay my hands on.
"Two hours for the show!" Mishti squealed. "Girls, guess what? I lied to my parents!"
"Well, that's nothing new" I said.
"I told them I am a backstage assistant. I told them nothing about the aftershow DJ night. I didn't even show them my dress."
I had to laugh. I tried to imagine what Mr and Mrs Kanwal might say if they found it she had worn a strapless gown and danced to Tareefan, all evening with her boyfriend.
Ten minutes later, we were done with Zoya's makeup and were ready to go down.
"Now for a fiasco free show! Thank God! All the drama is over!" said Zoya.
"Oh no it's isn't!" said a shrill voice from behind us. The lavatory was slammed shut and we heard the door being bolted. We turned around just in time to see Aaliyah Khurana's silhouette dashing across the corridor whooping with delight.
That's when I panicked and had a complete meltdown right there in the bathroom.
Zoya started banging the door frantically and screaming. But I knew there was no one on the second floor to come and open the door.
"I and Zoya left our phones outside the bathroom!" Mishti cried.
"Great!" I said, "Aaliyah would have taken it now!"
I couldn't belive that the thick headed drama queen had followed me all the way upstairs and locked us in!
"What did she do that for?" I asked no one in particular.
"The question is, how do we get out now?", Mishti asked.
I pulled out my phone - I had forgotten to charge it! There was only 8% battery left!
Just great!
"That's enough to make a call" Mishti said.
"But who do we call?"
"Reyansh.. Abeer.. Lisa.. SOMEBODY!"
I hurriedly called up Reyansh. No answer!
"What the hell is your boyfriend doing down there?" I snapped at Mishti. She scowled.
"It can't end like this!" Zoya wailed.
The battery had come down to six percent.
I called up Abeer. The phone rang a million times before he finally PICKED UP!
"Hello Riya, where are..."
"Abeer, listen, we're locked up in the second floor girl's lavatory. Come and open the door...".
The battery drained out completely .
I didn't know if Abeer had even heard us! What if he hadn't? We'd probably stay locked up here all night! Zoya wouldn't be able to perform and all of us would miss the whole show!
I didn't want to cry but..hey! I still hadn't done my makeup right? Which meant I could actually cry!
So I sunk down to the bathroom floor and had a really good meltdown.
My BFF'S didn't stop me. Mishti had her hands in her face.
Zoya bit her lip and walked up and down the bathroom.
God! Where was Abeer?!
A/N : And we're getting so close to the end! Just three more chapters to go and more drama coming up guys! So please do continue reading. If you liked this chapter, please do give your vote.
See you in the next chapter. Thank you! Lots of love as always.
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