Chapter 4 ~ Omelettes
Dean immediately began to regret his life decisions when he woke up yet again to a blaring alarm at 7 in the morning. His first class was at 8:30 that morning, and he wished he could've just set his alarm for 8 rather than 7. Then again, Dean wasn't the quickest in the morning. He'd take a shower, change, and get breakfast, and that all took an hour to do. He'd then give himself half an hour to wake up and walk to his class, which was half a mile away from the dorm.
Cas was still asleep, as he managed to sleep through Dean's alarm. Cas was a deep sleeper, so he used a special alarm to wake up.
Dean walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, and walked out to his bed to get some clothes. As he did, he saw Cas begin to stir, but Dean got into the shower before he could see Cas fully wake up.
Dean stepped into the shower, sighing as the hot water poured onto his body. He loved the feel of a hot shower. He ran his hands through his hair, lathering it with soap and letting the water rinse it from his hair. After he washed his body and the soap was rinsed from his body, he stepped out into the cool, crisp air. It nipped at his skin, and he quickly wrapped himself in a towel to try and warm himself, protect his skin from the cold air.
As Dean pulled his clothes on, he heard a knock at the door.
"Are you in there, Dean?" Cas asked, his voice floating into the room.
"Yes." Dean called. "I'll be out in a minute."
Dean heard footsteps walk away from the door, indicating Cas had walked off. Dean pulled his jacket on and opened the door, only to see a half awake Cas sitting on the side of his bed, pulling his shirt off to begin changing. Cas glanced over at Dean, and they barely locked eyes before Dean shifted his eyes away.
"You can use the bathroom now." Dean remarked, walking into the kitchen. He grabbed a pan, put it on the oven, and began making an omelette. Dean had been cooking for himself and his brother since he was six, so he could make a whole array of dishes. And luckily, Bobby had bought him a cookbook when he was 10, so Dean had used that cookbook to fix breakfast, lunch and dinner for himself and his brother since then. He'd hide it from his father, then take it out while his father was off working, and cook enough food for a few days.
"Whatcha making there?" Cas questioned, sticking his head out of the bathroom at the aroma of food cooking.
"Bacon and egg omelette." Dean replied, holding up the pan to give Cas a little glimpse. "You want one?"
"Mhm." Cas spoke, nodding. "I always like a good omelette."
"Well, I'm not the best cook, but my brother always likes my food, so I guess you'll like my omelette just fine." Dean remarked. "You want any drinks with that?"
"A water." Cas droned, closing the door of the bathroom. Dean nodded and poured a glass of water, stuck three ice cubes in it and set it on the table, then went back to fixing his omelette. By the time he was done, Cas was out of the shower and dressed in his usual outfit. He took the glass of water and drank half of it, then began eating his omelette as soon as Dean placed it on the table in front of Cas. "Mm, this is delicious." Cas commented, shoving a forkful of the omelette into his mouth.
"Thanks." Dean replied, taking a forkful of his own omelette.
Cas seemed to savor every bite of the omelette, the flavors swirling in his mouth. Dean caught himself staring at Cas once or twice, and forced himself to stare in the opposite direction while shoving forkfuls of his omelette into his face.
Cas finished his omelette first, and his fork fell to his plate with a clatter. "That was amazing!" He exclaimed, standing up to put his plate in the sink.
Dean blushed and mumbled "thank you" before he finished his own omelette, placing his plate in the sink.
As Dean poured water over the plates, he suddenly remembered something.
"Hey Cas?"
"Hey, I have a shift at McDonalds tonight, I won't be back until 10."
Cas tilted his head, glancing at Dean with a confused expression. "I didn't know you worked at McDonalds."
"I have to," Dean responded, shrugging his shoulders, "I don't have much money, and that and a librarian are my only ways of getting money right now. Well, other than my family friend, but I don't like to burden him."
Cas nodded in understanding, sensing the topic wasn't one to press any further. "Well, I'll try to have some dinner ready by the time you get back. I don't cook as good as you, but I can cook."
Dean nodded, grabbing his school stuff. "Well, I'll see you around ten tonight."
"See you at ten."
Dean walked out of the dorm and headed to his classes, meeting up with his friend Benny on the way, who he had met while getting lunch in his second week of college.
"Hey brother, how ya doin' this morning?" Benny questioned, as he walked right next to Dean.
"I'm good, just had breakfast. What about you?"
"I'm good," Benny replied, shrugging as he gripped his bag, "My roomie is giving me a whole lotta crap lately. He's an early bird, so he doesn't like that I'm a night owl." Benny turned, stopped for a quick second, and glanced at Dean. "How's your roommate? You two getting along?"
"Yeah, we're getting along fine." Dean said with a shrug. "He and I have different majors so, different classes. But, we'll go out to eat or watch shows when we're both at the dorms."
"That's nice, it's good you two get along." Benny commented, turning his head to face left. "My class is right here, so I'll see you at lunch, brother."
Dean nodded and waved goodbye to Benny, who walked off in the direction of his classes. Dean pulled out his phone, checking to make sure he wasn't late, then ran to his class. He got there just minutes shy of the class starting, and scrambled to find a good seat.
When the class started, Dean managed to actually take some decent notes, trying his hardest to listen and write down whatever he could. The class seemed to drag on for a long time, and yet seemed to go by really fast, and before Dean knew it, it was 10 am, and the class was over. Dean grabbed his bag and headed back to his dorm, dropped off his bag and then headed to the campus cafeteria.
There, he met up with his two friends, Charlie and Benny, whom he always ate lunch with. He would invite Cas, but Cas had already said he sat with three of his siblings.
However, when he walked to his lunch table today, he saw a new kid, a girl, sitting next to Charlie, and the two of them were talking and laughing. As Dean approached the table, Charlie seemed to snap out of her trance, and she glanced at Dean.
"Hey Dean!" She waved her hand, and when Dean sat down, she turned to quickly face the girl sitting next to her.
"Dean, this is my girlfriend, Dorothy. I invited her to sit with us."
"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Charlie." Dean mused, holding out his hand to shake Dorothy's. Dorothy smiled and shook his hand, her brown hair bouncing slightly.
"We just started dating two days ago." Dorothy remarked, smiling. "I just transferred here two weeks ago. I don't really know anybody, so Charlie took me in."
Charlie glanced at Dean, beaming. "And besides, Dorothy is really nice. She's studying Aerospace Engineering!"
"Oh, you're into engineering too, then, huh?" Dean remarked, and Dorothy nodded.
"Yeah, I am. Charlie mentioned that you're in Mechanical Engineering. I would've gone with cars, but planes and flying fascinate me more than cars." Dorothy remarked, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. She glanced at Benny, who was munching on a slab of steak. "What's your major?"
"Mine?" Benny questioned, glancing at Dorothy. "I'm majoring in Phlebotomy."
"Ooh, so you're gonna be drawing blood from people for a living?" Dorothy asked, and Benny nodded.
Charlie took Dorothy's hand and pointed at something on her phone, which made Dorothy laugh. Dorothy soon became immersed in whatever Charlie was showing her, so Dean took the time to strike up a conversation with Benny, and the two chatted for the rest of lunch.
Dean's second class started at 1 and ended at 2:30, so he got off in time for his shift at McDonalds, which started at 3. He had to deal with a few rude customers, including a middle aged man who demanded to get a refund on his burger and a woman who had a mind blowingly difficult order, and wouldn't accept anything less than perfection.
By the time his shift ended at 9, Dean was just about fed up with people. He turned the keys into the ignition, revved up his car and drove back to his dorm. Cas was there, and true to his promise, had dinner ready by the time Dean walked in the door. He had prepared two hamburgers, which was one of the few things Cas even knew how to make.
"Hello Dean." Cas murmured when Dean walking in, setting his stuff down on the table. "I made burgers."
"Sweet! I love burgers." Dean remarked, sitting down at the table. Cas placed a glass of water down next to Dean before he sat down in his own seat. Dean took a large bite out of his burger, and continued to munch hungrily. Cas, however, ate slowly, taking time to sneak in small conversation with Dean.
"Is the food okay?" Cas asked, tilting his head. Dean nodded, making a noise of delight as he wolfed down his burger. Cas smiled and took a bite of his own burger, which was, to him, mediocre at best. Cas didn't like his own burgers.
Dean, to no surprise, finished his burger first, and got up to wash his plate once he was finished. Cas finished eating two minutes after Dean, and he washed his plate too.
"Do you wanna watch anything on the TV?" Dean asked, and Cas tilted his head in thought.
"Mm, AHS. I need to finish off Coven." Cas said, sitting down on the couch.
"You watch AHS?" Dean asked, and Cas nodded. "Hm. I wouldn't have taken you for a fan."
"My brother Lucifer got me into it." Cas continued with a shrug, taking the remote and flipping through the channels. "Are you not a fan?"
"Oh no, I am. A huge fan. I love anything scary, from horror movies to horror shows. Especially Halloween, that movie is a classic." Dean raved, sitting back as he watched Cas flip through the channels, and ultimately ending up at Netflix. Cas flipped through the shows on Netflix until he found AHS, and pulled up Hotel.
As he started the ninth episode, Dean had to look off at the kitchen as to avoid staring at Cas. Dean didn't seem to fall easily, but when he did, he fell hard. And he was trying valiantly to convince himself that he wasn't falling for Cas, but he was failing tremendously.
"What season of AHS is your favorite?" Cas interjected, breaking the silence and startling Dean back to reality.
"Hm, that's tough..... I'd have to say my favorite so far is Murder House." Dean mused. "But, I did hear that the new season, Freak Show, is supposed to start next month, on the eighth. What about you?"
"I really like Coven so far. The historical aspect really lured me in, but the magic aspect is rather intriguing as well." Cas claimed, watching the episode intently. Dean murmured in agreement, his eyes trailing from the show to Cas and back to the show. And as Dean sat with his back against the couch, he felt peace. And he loved that feeling.
So I missed updating last week, and I apologize, I was so busy thinking about Thanksgiving that I didn't remember to update this story. But I am updating it today! Also, Charlie got herself a girlfriend! It's gonna be a background thing but I wanted to give Charlie a girlfriend so I used Dorothy cuz why not
~ Liz
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