The Ultimate Choice
"And you think now is the best time to bring that up?" Clay hisses as Geo continues to sob. He had started sobbing harder now and it can be assumed that he was upset that the truth was finally falling out. Vincent cleared his throat before speaking.
"It doesn't matter when it's brought up or not," he mumbled. "It's the truth and it must be discussed." The guy then coughed but that cough was supposedly looked over.
"Is it true though?" Techno pondered. "Where's your proof?"
"Well," Zak spoke carefully. "Here's the tea." Everyone now sat on the couches of the room and Geo stopped sobbing to hopefully come up with a reasonable argument that he wasn't. "I watched as Geo walked into the living room and poked Vincent continuously until he was sure that he was asleep. And that means he's most scared of Vincent funnily enough. He then proceeded to sneak out the back door and we followed him. We watched as he met with an imposter ally, I presume and that's when the avalanche hit." Zak shook his head opening his mouth to speak but couldn't.
"Y-Your right," Geo muttered not taking his eyes off Jacob's body. "I am an imposter and before you kill me can I explain myself." Techno nodded taking his sword out ready when given the go. "I-I didn't mean to hurt any one of you guys and in all honesty I... was just trying to get back to n-normal." Clay hugged him and Techno held the sword pointing towards Geo's throat. Just as he drew the blade back someone ran into the room.
"WAIT!" Nick. "Why does he have to die?!" Everyone just turned to look at him.
"He's an imposter?" Vincent looked at him as if he were insane.
"Look," George started as he came up behind Nick their high difference really showing. "Not like we were snooping around or anything, but we found this." He held up a glass vile containing liquids that looked nearly grey.
"YOU KEPT IT!" Geo screamed as Clay ran over yanking the vile from George's hands.
"Of course, I did!" Clay smirked. As everyone looked somewhat confused, he then explained. "The trial for the anti-virus."
"AND YOU JUST DECIDED TO HIDE IT AWAY???" Techno screamed throwing the sword around like crazy nearly hitting Dylan in the face. Dylan cussed angrily in sign language but soon everyone returned to look at Clay and Geo. The two doctors shuffled nervously.
"Look I can try," Clay sighed. "I narrowed it down to 4 chemicals last time but figured it wasn't worth the risk. But since now it is," he swallowed before continuing. "I shall go try them out." He wandered downstairs and sat at his desk in front of the shelves containing the numerous chemicals. He grabbed four bottles. The labels read, mg, fr, hg and po. He looked at each chemical before scaring himself.
If he didn't get this right, he could end the apocalypse with a nasty mutation.
If he did get it right, they'd be one step closer to rebuilding the world.
Footsteps growing louder told him Geo was here. He felt the cold hand on his shoulder as he began to sob.
"I can't do this," Clay sobbed until Geo sat next to him.
"You got this Clay," Geo spoke strongly. "I wouldn't have this any other way." Clay looked up at him wiping the tears from his eyes. "There is no-one better to cure me okay," Geo smiled. "My life is in your hands and I'm confident in that." Clay smiled returning his eyes to the bottles. He grabbed one and emptied it into the vile. Geo watched in anticipation.
"Here goes," Clay spoke softly as he loaded a needle with the now faded burnt orange mixture. He then injected it into Geo's wrist. He held the pose until the needle was empty and he looked to Geo to see a reaction. None yet. Geo swallowed nervously as he sweat profusely. Clay would not be able to mix another base cure as they had run out of supplies with that one. It was go big or go home. And there was only one way to do it in the apocalypse.
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