Clay paced at the door. The blizzard had come at an unexpected time this autumn. Techno had rushed out in a single word to go get the others. It had been too long now, and they were both back now. No sign of Techno. Clay shook his head feeling he was ok and went to sit down. Whereas Techno wasn't as ok as clay had thought. The snow was only getting deeper out here, and he had to quickly drop the person he was somewhat dragging and the one on his left shoulder. He grabbed the person he had and quickly ran into the mansion. Clay looked at him shocked and stood up immediately. Techno ran out as quick as he came in with Clay yelling at him. Techno grabbed the guy he dropped off his shoulder and ran inside putting him in the mansion as well. Clay had gotten two people to get over and help carry the people. He got one and Geo helped Jacob carry the other one. Techno then re-entered and shut the doors with a loud bang as he carried the other guy downstairs and onto a couch. Techno panted as he checked the guy for vitals. He knew Geo and Clay were already downstairs being busy with their regular bickering filling the mansion. Jacob came leaping up the stairs caring a medical bag. He had been instructed by the best doctor himself on how to treat hypothermia. Techno grabbed at least two blankets from a cupboard wrapping the unconscious human in them. Jacob had already checked the body for wounds and came back a negative thankfully. Techno then started a quick fire in the fireplace before heading downstairs to assist the doctors probably stressing out. He was nearly taken out by Geo running to the drawers, where the kept most bandages, and Techno quickly entered the big room. One of the guys was now conscious and probably in shock due to how much Clay was trying to get him to focus. The other guy was shirtless, and he had quite the stab wound with the funky looking green puss trickling out of it. Ew. Techno decided to not look at that and instead help Clay with the in-shock guy.
"Techno your literally everyone's life saver," Clay chuckled as he heard Techno approach. Techno laughed nervously behind him. "Hey Techno, can you help this little guy out while I assist the infected one?"
"Can do," Techno replied crouching down in Clay's place as he pulled a face trying to think of what to do. "What's your name?" he asked but the only response was some more heavy breathing. "Ok then," he sighed thinking harder. "My name's Techno and this is my mansion." The person then exhaled softly leaving a long pause. Techno was just about to speak when the other spoke.
"M-My name's Zak," Zak responded shivering. "Nice to m-meet you." Techno smiled.
"Nice to meet you too Zak," he responded thinking of more questions to ask him. "My friends over there are Geo and Clay, both are excellent doctors, so your friends are in good care," Techno smiled, and that smile was too contagious for Zak's liking and he returned the smile. "By the way," Techno continued. "What are your friends names?"
"That over there is Darryl," Zak muttered. "And then there's-" he cut off with a sharp inhale. "Where's Vincent?" He began to panic again and Techno quickly sh'd him.
"Don't worry," Techno whispered. "He's upstairs." Zak sighed in relief.
"I've only known both of them for a little bit, but I've grown attached," Zak laughed. Techno smiled and suddenly a scream filled the mansion.
"WHERE THE FUCK!" the voice was significantly French, and Techno assumed it to be this Vincent. Clay and Geo both looked shocked, more shocked than Zak, and Techno hurried upstairs Zak somewhat stumbling after him. Vincent was struggling to get past Jacob who was trying to reassure him. But it wasn't really doing much. Techno grabbed Jacob and seemingly telepathically told Zak to help his friend. Zak went closer to Vincent holding his hands up silently. Vincent saw him and his eyes drifted into a calmer tone. Nearly just as quick as the mans scream he was swaying, and Techno propelled himself forwards to catch him. Extreme exhaustion was written all over Vincent's face and you could assume that he had been looking after everyone for a long time. Next thing you know Vincent had blacked out again and Zak helped rewrap him with the other two.
"Would you like something?" Jacob now addressed Zak.
"Coffee maybe?" Zak mumbled sitting next to Vincent heaving a heavy sigh as he looked outside to see the blizzard. Through the strong glass it looked so peaceful and welcoming. But he remembered the storms cruelty and cursed it in his mind. Jacob returned a few seconds later with a hot cup of coffee. Zak thanked him before taking it with his half frozen left hand seeking the relief of warmth to seep through it once more.
"It's nice isn't it," Jacob whispered stirring the fire with the appropriate length stick. "Blizzards are always quite spectacular up here just not if your stuck in one." He chuckled. Zak chuckled as well taking a sip of his warming coffee.
"I'm Zak," Zak responded meeting eyes with the black haired yellow eyed boy not too older than him.
"Jacob!" Jacob replied smiling. A figure nearly flew past Zak's eyes but he didn't think any of it till it was right in front of his face. There right in front of him was a boy not taller than him, creamy brown hair, patched face and luscious scarf.
hehehhehhehehhe im on a high rn but thorns is gonna be speeding up a little more bc i hate this again haha also twisty hehehhe
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