Zak was being chased by an unknown figure. He didn't realise until it was too late. He had been running through his former home before hitting a dead end. He turned to face his pursuer his bat in hand ready to swing. Unfortunately, he recognised the face of his pursuer. And that my friends led to his demise. Whilst Zak was distracted the guy chasing him plunged a kitchen knife into his chest. The rest of Zak's life was short lived due to the mere problem of there being a knife in his chest. As everything was going dark all he could do was try to think back to where he remembered that face. Then he was dead. Just kidding. It was a dream. Lol. Zak woke panting hard. It looked like it was the middle of the night. He had fallen asleep even though he was meant to be on watch. He then began to check on his friends. Vincent was still fast asleep, but Darryl was wide awake.
"Hey!" Zak whisper yelled at him. "Go to sleep!"
"Good morning," Darryl chuckled to himself. But the smile soon faded from his face. Zak had no idea why but figured it was some sort of vibe he was giving off. Darryl nodded getting comfortable again. "Are you okay?" He whispered over to Zak who just nodded quietly. Darryl looked confused but still complied falling asleep easily. Once Zak was sure Darryl was asleep, he started piecing his dream together. More like a nightmare though. Soon he had begun muttering things to himself quietly. Maybe an hour or two had passed and he was still thinking about why that person was so familiar. He had acquired a stick and had started drawing the features of the person in the dirt. He had drawn the person and then realised a crucial bit of clothing he wore. As soon as he had drawn the scarf the stick snapped and so did the slow cogs in his brain. Dylan... Zak remembered all too well the day of his betrayal.
Zak had just woken up in his 'home' and had started looking for his friend. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He must've walked over it multiple times because he could only make out a few words.
'I'm leaving you'
Zak gripped the paper harder before throwing it out the window. He had no idea what he had just done. He didn't realise Dylan wasn't betraying him.
Zak shook his head trying to get the thoughts out his mind. Why did he leave me?? He heard rustling in the bushes near his two sleeping friends and got up immediately. He grabbed his bat and tiptoed over to the area careful not to disturb them. He peered through the undergrowth to see a little squirrel. He would've said something like 'awww' or 'cute' but no. It was foaming around its mouth. So, Zak put the poor thing out of its misery. A quick hit to the head with his bat and it was dead. He started walking back to his seat when he noticed eyes in the forest. Why can't I get any peace?? Low snarling alerted him of the zombie coming to attack him. He held his bat ready to swing. Then the creature disappeared, and Zak looked shocked. Something hit him in the back, and he tumbled to the ground losing his bat. A zombie a pounced right on top of him. From what Zak could tell was that this one was one of the smart ones because it had acquired Zak's bat before hitting him in the head with it. The sound was enough to wake both of his friends up. They were just in time to tackle the zombie off the now unconscious Zak. Insert battle. Darryl wrenched it away from Zak as Vincent checked their knocked-out friend for vitals. After Vincent had done that, he grabbed his machete and hacked at the zombie. But the zombie took no notice of his attempts to kill it. Instead it pulled the bat up over its head ready to knock Darryl out too. But when the zombie brought it down the bat was no longer there. Including half of its arm. Turns out Vincent had hacked it off whilst it was mid-air. Now the zombie turned to the French man growling and looking for the nearest weapon. That being the machete it grabbed the sharp ending trying to get it off Vincent. Darryl had now picked up Zak's bat and hit it clean across the head. The zombie crippled to the floor and Zak started to stir. Darryl went to check on him whilst Vincent disposed of the body as to not draw other zombie's attention.
"Huh?" Zak whispered touching his pounding head. Darryl sighed in relief.
"You scared me you muffin!" he exclaimed passing Zak back his bat. Zak still confused took the bat and tried to stand up failing. By the time Vincent had gotten back Darryl had checked Zak and thankfully he had no concussion.
"I don't think your very cut out for this," Vincent chuckled as Darryl helped Zak up.
"HEY!" Zak exclaimed. "Are you a pro at watches?" Zak countered looking at him smugly. Vincent tilted his head. Darryl watched nervously.
"Uhm..." Darryl muttered.
"I'll have you know on my first night keeping watch I managed to kill a zombie in silence," Vincent growled. The two then seemed to have a starring contest. Darryl soon cut in.
"Can we just go back to sleep??" he mumbled. After he said that the two of them slouched and turned away.
"I got the rest of the-" Vincent sighed before being interrupted.
"It's ok I can do it," Zak shooed them away. "I got this." Darryl collapsed onto his sleeping bag falling asleep without getting in. Vincent then tucked his friend in before wandering over to Zak.
"I'm sorry," he murmured leaning against the tree Zak was sat in front of.
"No," Zak looked up at the French man. "It was my fault. I did after all put us in danger." Vincent shook his head.
"Well apology accepted," he smiled as Zak smiled back.
"Now go to sleep," Zak punched him lightly. "I have no idea how much longer you got to rest sleeping beauty." The smaller boy then laughed quietly.
"Shut up," Vincent yawned but did follow Zak's directions and resumed his sleeping. Zak sighed looking up at the sky. Dylan. I don't care where you went or why you did it because instead, I've got better friends. And I know for sure now I would die for them. Zak looked over at his friends. Both were sleeping peacefully again. He knew some time soon he would tell them all everything. But some questions came back into his mind about their past. He then pushed those questions out of his head. Hopefully, they would be answered soon. But for now he decided to enjoy the night while it was still around.
OmH- ITS BEEN FOREVER. I AM SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES. But there will most likely be more chapters coming out soon and then I disappear for 1 month again xD
Also is it just me but does Hop from pokemon sword and shield remind anyone else of skep bc like BRUH
Anyways have a lovely day!!!
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