It Was Nice for a While
The morning was somewhat pleasant to say the least. The steady rays of sunlight coating the trio and trees in a golden honey. Zak yawned as he smiled. It had been a while since anything this nice happened to him. Little to no worries at the moment, surrounded by people he could trust, and a wide smile plastered onto his face. The small murmurs of his companions told him to instinctively get up and get ready.
"So, you actually stayed awake?" Darryl yawned and smiled at Zak standing up with a huge stretch. He was bigger than both his friends so maybe he was just flexing. Zak started going off at him and Darryl reassured him that he was just stating stuff and it was nothing against Zak at all. Or was it? We may never know. Now Vincent was up due to the yelling and he shook his head. After eating what little they had the trio ventured through the woods. Zak was continuously scaring Darryl about hoards and stuff which wasn't very nice. Darryl got scared every time Zak did that due to the fact that he didn't want to be responsible for his two closest friends dying. Soon they were out of the forest and it appeared to be midday. They stopped for a water break and then continued towards the pastel grey almost melted buildings. The trio were just having fun and talking about random things before the apocalypse. That is where Darryl snapped.
"EVERYONE BE QUIET WE SHOULD BE ON THE LOOK OUT OKAY?" Darryl yelled and everyone shut up immediately. As they stood there in the silence no-one noticed the mob approaching. No-one had time to react as the group of intelligent and plague zombies attacked them. Most of them were able to hold their own but not for very long. They had to not be bitten by either zombies unfortunately. The first person to get injured was unfortunately Darryl. He shrieked in pain as a knife struck his lower abdomen thankfully missing organs. As the next strike came from the intelligent zombie, he was unprepared, and the knife hit his chest. Terrible unfortunate event that was. And he DIED. Joking, joking please don't kill me. Anyways. Vincent noticed this and quickly murdered the zombie. He grabbed Darryl flinging him onto his shoulder in a mad panic. He was very skinny, but he was strong. He grabbed Zak's arm and raced away. Zak yelped in shock but continued to run with the French man. Soon they were far away from the mob and basically 12 metres from the forest they came from. Zak panted only just realising Darryl was somewhat dying. Vincent didn't even take a break. He took his bag off and then laid Darryl onto the ground resting his head on the bag. Zak watched as he kneeled next to Darryl holding some sort of smaller bag. It was clearly a medical bag, but it was confirmed when the French man pulled a bandage out. He quickly lifted Darryl's unconscious body up and wrapped around his chest at least 3 times. Then he proceeded to hold his hands tightly on the oldest chest. After what seemed like hours of the two of them just staring at Darryl waiting for him to move, it was just a few seconds by the way, he twitched and let out a soft mutter. Both boys perked and smiled at the sight of this. Darryl sat up in an instant and groaned instantly lying back down on Vincent's bag. Darryl now clutched his chest in pain.
"Hey its ok," Vincent whispered. "How do you feel?"
"I'm in a fair amount of pain but other than that-" Darryl cut off inhaling sharply.
"The city is clearly not our place," Zak cautiously joked. Vincent smiled in a relieving kind of way and Darryl nodded looking away from the other two. The tallest now sat upright and wheezed slightly. Vincent supported him gently as everyone sat in a warm silence. Darryl's eyes widened when he saw it. He gently nudged the others until they're eyes couldn't miss it. A mountain. It looked cold definitely but on a nearer peak stood one mighty mansion. It looked huge from even where the trio were sat. And that was fairly far away.
"Lets go there," Darryl breathed. "It'll be safe and we won't have to worry too much."
"Ok but," Vincent sighed. "You should rest first."
"No we should go now ok," Darryl responded looking Vincent dead in the eyes. Most would think Darryl was annoyed but he wasn't. Vincent held his gaze for a few moments before seeming to telepathically realise the situation. Zak was dumfounded at there staring contest but shrugged it off.
"I guess we go now," Vincent then looked at Zak. "You ever fasted?"
I do apologies for the lack of updating but good news
Ive gotten back into writing this story so expect more regular updates i dare say??
Get ready for death haha
(Wrote this in a car lol)
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