The steady rays of sunlight began to peak through the broken building. The two sleeping boys stirred slightly but did not awake. Good thing Vincent was still awake. Although he looked really tired, he still got up to wake the others. As he got up, he began to pack up the traps as well. Darryl and Vincent had made plans to leave today. Try and figure out a cure maybe or find more survivors that could. As he slowly packed up the traps, groans filled the early morning air. He nearly caught his hand in a trap due to the sudden noise shocking him. They were getting up earlier. They were becoming more... developed. Slightly scary but there were bigger problems. Like Zak. Would he stay with the duo longer or just pack up and leave now? It didn't matter. But Vincent knew Darryl had already gotten attached to the boy. He rolled his eyes as he left one trap open. This would be fun. He grabbed a rock throwing it perfectly into the trap triggering it, so it snapped closed. The two jolted awake instantly. Darryl had acquired his butcher's knife immediately and Zak scrambled to get one of his weapons.
"VINCENT!!!" Darryl yelled as Vincent began to laugh uncontrollably. Zak was panting heavily, and Darryl whispered some reassuring words to him. "Vincent, I swear to god if you do that one more time, I'm gonna throw one of those dammed traps at you!" Vincent was now coughing from all the laughing.
"Ok-Okay!" Vincent smirked. "Sorry Zak just my favourite way to wake people up." Zak had a wild smile across his face but immediately tried to hide it. Internally he was laughing lots. But if he showed emotion then they could use that against him. Vincent saw him hide his smile and stopped smiling.
"Have you decided what you're going to do today?" Darryl questioned Zak looking hopeful. All the worst possible scenarios came into Zak's mind. They could kill you! But they could end up being your best friends... He sighed. Darryl looked disappointed. "You can come with us until we reach the forest then you can make a decision okay?" Darryl asked as he put his glasses on. Zak nodded silently all the thoughts draining him even though he just woke up. Once they were all packed up, they started towards the grey-brown looking area. Zak was walking at the back of the group as all the thoughts kept coming and going. Do you remember the last time you trusted someone? Zak shivered at the thought. He had trusted him. His former friend was an Imposter and tricked him into thinking he was actually alive. Then Zak had nearly died cause he was so careless and was too desperate to not be alone any longer. He couldn't let that happen again. They soon reached the forest and Zak knew his answer. Darryl looked back at him expectantly as Vincent just wondered off towards the skinny grey trees. Probably to look around for infected creatures. Darryl was trying not to show any emotion but couldn't hold the smile off his face. He always got too attached too people ever since Vincent... It didn't matter now. He just wanted both of his new friends safe. Zak didn't have the guts to look Darryl in the eyes and instead just shook his head. Darryl's smile washed off his face in an instant.
"Oh..." he whispered. "I see." Zak sighed.
"Look-" he was cut off. Darryl was already walking away. He sighed seeming sad. He got too attached. He now began to go his own way into the forest. Darryl only glanced back once but still regret not trying to make Zak stay. Regret was also in Vincent's mind too. He was hopeful too. Zak was maybe halfway into the forest and had thankfully not encountered any zombies. He was just walking. He had no idea where, but he was going somewhere. At least he knew people were surviving. His thoughts were interrupted by distant screaming. Being the curious person, he is he ran to check it out. Before he jumped right into the scene, he peeked through the bushes he was hiding behind to get a good look at what was happening. He gasped. He had suspected correctly. There was a wolf pack attacking two people. Those people were both Vincent and Darryl. He noticed how the wolves weren't trying to bite them and assumed they were quick zombies. Darryl looked like he was pretty injured with a long scratch down his arm. It was bleeding quite a lot too. Zak started to panic. Vincent couldn't hold off those muts for too long before he was dead meat along with Darryl too. But in the end what if he was saving the wrong people. He definitely regretted his choice from earlier, but should he help them? As Zak pondered on his options the wolves started attacking again.
"Run Darryl!!" Vincent yelled at his friend.
"And just leave you to die? I DON'T THINK SO!" Darryl yelled back. He was now on his feet swinging at the two wolves attacking him. As Vincent stopped to respond a wolf tackled him and started scratching him up. And another one. And another one. Soon nearly the whole pack was interested in killing their prey. They're lucky they can't get infected! Zak thought seeing the scene. Darryl attempted to help his friend, but the wolves just kept coming. That's when Zak spotted it. Vincent's gun. It was near the bushes he was hiding in, so he carefully reached out and collected the smaller weapon. He carefully checked if it was loaded and aimed at the biggest wolf. He inhaled sharply as he pulled the trigger. The loud sound shocked all the infected beasts. Then the bigger wolf toppled over most likely squishing the poor French man under it. All the wolves were shocked when they saw this and ran into separate directions. Zak revealed himself from the bushes as Vincent pushed the body off him. Darryl and Vincent both looked in shock at him. Soon Darryl smiled and ran towards him embracing him in a big hug. Zak smiled freely hugging him back.
"So, have you decided to stay?" Darryl asked releasing him from the hug and going over to help Vincent up.
"Yeah sure," Zak replied walking over to them. "You guys definitely need me." Vincent rolled his eyes about to say something before Zak extended the gun to him. He smirked and grabbed his weapon.
"How did you even know we were here?" Vincent asked collecting his stuff with Darryl.
"The screaming was loud enough," Zak giggled. Vincent looked at Darryl.
"BRUH!" Vincent exclaimed at his older friend.
"Its not my fault!" Darryl replied. "I was scared!" Vincent shook his head.
"Well at least you guys are okay," Zak replied smiling at his two new friends.
"Define 'okay'," Darryl replied looking at Vincent.
"You got it worse than me," Vincent replied.
"Yeah sure whatever you muffin," Darryl replied. "When we find a place to stay for the night, I'll wrap any wounds either of you have." Zak sighed.
"Bruh!" Zak exclaimed high fiving Vincent as Darryl shook his head.
"Now I've gotta deal with two of you!"
Wow this one is longer :/
Hopefully i will find more time to make more chapters cause it's getting better and im enjoying it LOADS
i also really hope you guys are enjoying it too ;-;
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