Getting to Know Fellow Idiots
Sadly, the trio didn't make it out of the forest before nightfall. So, they ended up making their camp in a well-covered area for some shelter. All were tasked to do different things. Vincent got to make the fire as Darryl got the food and water from his bag whilst Zak looked around the area for anything that might want them dead. The fire was dealt with quickly and Zak was back quickly with no sign of anything. The night looked like it was going to be a nice peaceful one until...
"We may have a slight issue," Darryl spoke up. "There is an extra bottle of water if anyone needs top ups but there's only one can left. Unless someone found something edible in the slightest?" He looked hopeful at his companions. Vincent shook his head sadly and Zak was just about to when he had a great idea. He dropped his bag on the ground quickly rummaging through it. He whipped out a sad looking muesli bar he picked up days ago.
"I'm sure it's still good!" he exclaimed. Darryl sighed. Vincent shrugged.
"I don't have to-" the French man started before being cut off.
"NO!" Darryl screamed at him. "Everyone will eat. We can just ration it out. Two people can share the muesli bar and the other can have the beans." Zak nodded and so did Vincent.
"How about the most injured can have the beans and the other two can share the bar?" Zak suggested. It was not a bad plan. Now Darryl started checking everyone over for wounds. Zak was unharmed just a bit tired. Vincent had many scratches that had all stopped bleeding now. After Darryl figured these things out the two were starring at him with wide smirks. He sighed before grabbing the can lying back and relaxing. Vincent cut the bar in half throwing half of it to Zak and eating his share. Sadly, they hadn't eaten since last night due to the lack of supplies. But no matter how hungry they were they had each other.
"So," Zak mumbled around his food. Vincent immediately started laughing but ended up nearly choking due to his mouthful.
"Zak talk when your mouth isn't full of food please?" Darryl shook his head eating more of his food. Zak thankfully swallowed before talking again.
"So," he continued glancing at Darryl who eyed him. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" He smirked at everyone. Vincent shrugged as he finished his food.
"Sure," he looked to Darryl. "It can be like a get to know each other game."
"Fine~" Darryl finished. "I'll-"
"No, me!" Zak interrupted. "I had the idea." The other two sighed and gave him permission. "Darryl truth or dare?"
"That's boring~" Zak replied but an idea came to his mind. "How did you meet Vincent?" The two then looked at each other. Apparently, this topic seemed pretty personal for them.
"Can I have another question please?" Darryl asked.
"Why?" Zak prodded. "What are you guys hiding?"
"Just give him another question," Vincent shrugged. "If he doesn't feel like it, he doesn't feel like it." Zak sighed. All he wanted was answers.
"Okay," Zak started thinking again. "What have been the biggest events of your life?"
"Being born," Darryl started. "Graduating primary school, then middle school and lastly high school. Meeting Vincent. Rat dying. Meeting you." Darryl smiled. Though Vincent didn't smile. Sounds like Darryl had a pretty average life. "Okay my turn you muffin!" he smirked. "Truth or dare Zak?"
"Dare!" Zak replied quickly.
"Okay I dare you to... scream as loud as you can!" Darryl chuckled.
"You may wanna cover your ears," Zak smirked. Vincent did as he said yet Darryl didn't. Rip Darryl's hearing. No-one would be able to describe that in words. His scream was. Both terrifying and extremely loud. Going deaf after that wouldn't be any surprise. Darryl looked as stunned as a Pokémon. Vincent looked wide awake now. "Is that loud enough?" Zak asked with a giggle. All Darryl could do was nod quietly and Zak just moved on. "Vincent truth or dare?"
"Dare?" Vincent asked worried sounding.
"Okay I dare you to," Zak sighed thinking of a good one. "OOO! How about you climb that really tall tree over there and then stick the landing?" Vincent looked shocked and just stared at the smaller boy. Darryl was about to say something when Vincent replied.
"Sure, but if I fall by accident you idiots best catch me or I will die," Vincent exchanged a look with Darryl before heading over to the tree. It looked awfully high from the French man's perspective. Darryl shook his head.
"Be safe you muffin!" he exclaimed helping Vincent into the tree's lower branches. Zak at the time didn't know how bad of an idea was. No-one thought this through except Darryl. He was practically shivering at the base of the tree. Their French friend couldn't be seen as he climbed higher into the tree.
"Why are you so worried huh?" Zak nudged Darryl who was sweating.
"I don't know," he whispered. "Maybe the fact that this is a terrible idea?"
"How?" Zak responded.
"Well he could fall and die, he might not stick the landing, he might-" Darryl stopped as a small crack sounded from the tree. A stick now fell down to the base of the tree. It was barely thick enough to step on.
"You good up there buddy?" Zak called out seeing Darryl was on the verge of a panic attack. After there was no response Zak tried to calm Darryl down.
"Coming in!!" Vincent yelled from the top as he leaped down. Darryl screamed but the youngest manage to stick the landing. Even though he stuck the landing Vincent was in pain. He figured it wouldn't be any broken bones cause no snapping sounds and he could easily stand back up. Darryl looked like he was crying.
"Ohmygoodnessyouscaredme!" Darryl exclaimed hugging his friend once he stood up. Zak watched guilt stabbing him. What if someone had died? But no-one did thankfully.
"That was tiring!" Vincent exclaimed as they all went to sit down again. "Sooo," he began looking at Zak and Darryl. "Darryl truth or dare?"
"Truth," Darryl spoke nervously.
"Okay then," Vincent looked thoughtful. "What are your fears?" Darryl swallowed.
"I'm scared of heights, Nuclear zombies and losing the people around me," he replied simply seeming to get calmer. "Alright my turn!" he smiled. "Vincent truth or dare?" The French man groaned.
"Truth, that last dare had me shaking," he laughed.
"Okay then what are your fears?" Darryl looked at him with a smirk.
"Okay ummm," Vincent started. "I'm scared of small spaces, swimming and fires." Vincent smiled. Darryl nodded as Vincent looked to Zak. "Your turn."
"Oh, but I pick dare!" Zak tried to save himself from the questions.
"Okay then I dare you to tell us your fears!" Vincent laughed and so did Darryl.
"FINE!!" Zak yelled. "I'm scared of swimming, spiders and Imposters." He yawned. After he had yawned the others yawned. They all looked at each other before laughing.
"Okay I've got tonight" Vincent got up with a small struggle.
"Oh no you don't!" Darryl immediately came and sat him back down again. "My turn." Before Vincent could retaliate Zak interrupted.
"I can watch tonight," he shrugged. "Darryl's injured and your tired as fuck." Right on cue Vincent yawned. Darryl giggled.
"HEY NO!" Vincent yelled. "But fine Zak." Vincent slid back to the floor getting his sleeping bag out. Darryl did the same as Zak remained seated.
"If we die, I blame you," Darryl shook his head at Zak.
"Yeah, yeah!" Zak poked his tongue out at his friend. "You guys best rest if we're actually gonna go places tomorrow and eat breakfast, lunch AND dinner."
"That's a bit of a stretch," Vincent whispered already in his sleeping bag as Darryl struggled to set his up. "We never have lunch!"
"Seriously you don't?!" Zak asked shocked. "I'll have to show you the best place to get food. I regularly go there for supplies every weekend." Vincent nodded sleepily and Darryl smiled.
"Goodnight Zak," Darryl sighed. "Goodnight Vincent."
"Goodnight," Vincent murmured.
"Goodnight sleepy heads!" Zak smirked. By now both of his new friends were already asleep. Well they did have quite the day. I guess it is alright to have a few friends in the apocalypse.
Okay so these chapter are getting longer which i take as i sign of im enjoying it more!! :D
If only other people did too :'D
Enjoy this as my writers block slowly comes back into affect
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