Princess Briarlee poured hot tea into a cup for her mother who was seated next to Aurora's bedside, habitually brushing the slumbering princess's hair. Briarlee poured herself a cup and settled on the armchair, sipping quietly in thought.
She watched as the Queen repeatedly brushed through her sister's wavy golden hair, combing out the invisible tangles her mother always seemed to declare were present.
After nearly ten years of seeing her sister asleep, Briarlee had still never been able to get used to it. The Aurora she remembered was when they were children, with the younger of the two desperately trying to keep up with her shorter legs. Her arms outstretched with a need to reach Aurora. But the older princess was always one step ahead. So close yet unattainable. Just as she was now. The princess was lying right in front of Briarlee yet there was no cure to wake her from her long slumber.
Even though if Briarlee were reach out now and touch her sister, she could not. It was as if the curse on her sister was calling to her as well. Like it desired for her to also succumb to its darkness. The idea made Briarlee cower inside and lean further away from the sleeping princess, clutching her tea cup more fervently.
Briarlee loved her sister greatly and missed her even more. There wasn't a day that passed when all she wished was to hear her older sister's comforting and also guiding voice. Aurora was caring but could be a real nuisance at times too. She and Phillip used to get into trouble when they were younger, always sneaking around and having adventures outside the castle. She recalled a time when the two had tried crossing the boarder between Felnar and the northern Fae Kingdom. Aurora claimed that they planned to bring the Faerie Queen back to Felnar to answer to crimes she had committed over the years to the kingdom.
They had tried to get Lief and Briarlee to come along on the escapade but they knew better than to follow where their older siblings led. Mostly it usually ended with them getting the blame for something they didn't do.
Both Phillip and Aurora were punished for what they had tried to do but Briarlee remembered Phillip's father, King Hubert say that it was proof of his son's bravery. While Aurora got quite the earful of why it was so dangerous for them to travel into the Darklands.
Aurora never seemed swayed by King Stefan's warnings though and from then on out she secretly sought for a way to bring down the dark Fae Queen.
While Aurora and Phillip were usually inseparable, Briarlee and Lief were never so close. She had to admit there was something about Lief she really liked though. His quiet nature seemed to have a calming effect on the people around him.
Briarlee wondered if Aurora would have had any advice for how to handle the handsome Lief.
He was shy and quite closed off to others around him for being a prince. I should make a better effort to talk with him. Aurora would have encouraged her to do that. Maybe even get him away from his babbling older brother who seemed to never know the proper time to let others say their piece.
Would Aurora even have any advice to give though? She had been only thirteen when the Fae Queen enchanted her. It wasn't like Aurora had a ton of experience during those years. Although she and Phillip had been very close it didn't seem like they were anything more than friends, even when King Stefan and King Hubert announced their betrothment. Knowing Aurora, she would have had at least something to say about her and Lief though.
With a new resolve, Briarlee vowed she's at least try talking to Lief more.
After a few silent minutes Briarlee couldn't take the suppressing quiet, "Mother, your tea will get cold soon."
"I know dear," The Queen said. "I'll be there in a moment. Just a little knot here I have to get out first."
Briarlee watched her mother affectionately tackle a strand of Aurora's hair that definitely had no disorder to it at all. Accommodating her mother though, Briarlee waited until she was finished and seated in her chair again before picking up the conversation.
"Phillip and Lief are back. Phillip mentioned he had already seen you and said we are dining together this evening."
Queen Leah took of sip of her herbal tea, "Yes. Your father wants to hear what they have seen near the western boarder. He's troubled about the more frequent attacks there." The Queen distantly stared into her tea, "Phillip even mentioned them being attacked on the road during daylight."
"What? That's impossible. The creatures never come out in sunlight." Briarlee gripped her cup more tightly.
"According to Phillip they were still weak but quick enough to take down two of his men. If what he says is true, and I have no doubt that it is, we will have to be more cautious."
Briarlee held onto the information, turning to over in her mind. Maleficent hadn't been seen in years but her goons were always out there, causing the attacks she orchestrated. But never had it been heard of that the demon like creatures came out during the day. It was alarming and Briarlee wondered how long it would be before the attacks became even more dangerous.
"Phillip wishes to take his regiment back out there and squash any threat that might be coming next."
"Do you think we should be worried Mother?"
Queen Leah looked out the window. While the giant wall of thorns could not be seen for many miles, it was an ever-looming factor. "I think we need to be prepared for war."
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