Before we start I will like to warn that Peggy Carter will not be a part of this story seeing as Artemis will basically be taking her place and I really don't want to make a relationship with the two or having comments like 'so she's basically taking Peggy's place' The answer is yes. Non of the pictures or movies are mine only my character and some scenes I decide to do I hope you enjoy.
Third Person POV
"Recruits attention!" Artemis called before standing in front of many soldiers who most were drooling over her looks with just one glance. Understandable, she was a very beautiful woman even to gods. Light brown hair with blue eyes and soft features, no one in their right mind would think she would ever get violent but she could and was very cruel to people she hated.
After convincing her family that she could take care of herself and nothing would happen they let her come to earth with the condition that no one could know she was in fact a god. Soon after she landed on earth she was taken in by Dr. Abraham Erskine and now thanks to the many battles she's had with her brother she's become an agent.
"Gentlemen I'm agent Odinson. I supervise all operations for this division." She says while looking at all of them.
"What's with the accent queen Victoria? I thought I was signing in to the U.S. army." One of the soldiers said while looking her up and down while she raised a brow at him tilting her head.
"What's your name solider?" She asked him taking a step closer.
"Gilmore Hodge, your majesty." She smirked oh if he only knew she basically really was royalty but not of a small amount of humans but something even they prayed to.
"Step forward, Hodge." She says in a calming voice as he does what he's told looking at his buddy.
"Put your right foot forward." She orders while looking at him.
"Mmm, we gonna wrassle? Cause I got a few moves I'm sure you'll like." He says winking at her as she smiles at him.
"Doubtful." Is all she said before she punched him just hard enough to give him a nose bleed.
"Agent Odinson!" This called her attention as she turned around.
"Colonel Phillips." She says nodding her head at him. She showed respect but found saluting rather annoying so she never did it and as long as she did her job the way she always did no one said anything considering she wasn't really being disrespectful and so a simple nod from her was always enough.
"I can see that you're already breaking in candidates. That's good! Get your ass up out of that dirt and be thankful she didn't knock you out. You'll stand at that line at attention till somebody tells you what to do." Phillips says as the soldier got up.
"Yes, sir." He says leaving his head high for blood not to keep falling from his nose.
"General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men... And because they are going to get better. Much better." Phillips says as he looks at Steve and so does Artemis. Unlike most she had the ability to see if a person was good at heart or not and unlike all the new recruits he was pure and innocent with a want to protect others and this made her smile.
"The Strategic Scientific Reserved is an allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history. But every army starts with one man. At the end of this week we will choose that man. He will be the first in the breed of super-soldier. And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell." Phillips says and that was that. Their training started and as days went by Artemis started noticing Steve more and more.
"Faster ladies! Come on. My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. Move it!" She basically yells at the soldiers as they do push ups before telling them to stand up and start doing jumping jacks her eyes on Steve at every second smiling slightly at the fact that he was at least keeping up some and not giving up.
"Grenade!" Phillips yells as everyone took cover all but Steve and Artemis who ran to the grenade but Artemis stopped when Steve got on top of it and yelling for them to get away. When she realized this was just to prove a point which ended in another direction than the one Phillips was hoping for she smiled while looking at Steve before looking at the doctor who smiled at her nodding telling her that he was the one he chose.
Later that night Artemis walked into the soldiers room to find Steve who to her surprise was with the doctor.
"Oh, lady Artemis as beautiful as ever, were you here to see Steve?" The doctor says smirking as she smiles. She knew he at least had the idea that she wasn't human and her name definitely had a meaning other than her parents being firm god believers but he never said anything about it.
"It's good to see you doctor, and yes I did come here looking for Steve but if the two of you are talking I can wait." She says making the doctor shake his head.
"No, I was just leaving. Have fun you two." He says excusing himself from the room before Artemis looks at Steve.
"Follow me." She says before turning around and walking out of the room as Steve quickly followed after her not knowing what this was about and without his knowledge she had let him to her quarters where she slept.
"This place looks nice." He says looking around noticing that no pictures were around of no one at all.
"I've been watching you lately." She admitted while walking to her bed.
"Uh.." Steve didn't know what that meant which made her chuckle before looking up at him.
"I've lived for quite a bit, I've been to many places, I've been courted many, many times by multiple men. And well.." She chuckled to herself not believing she was going to do this.
"As hard as it may be to believe I've never been with anyone.. I protect innocence more than you think so my own I never thought I'd lose." She says before patting the bed signaling him to sit which he did and she took his hand.
"That is until I met you. I wanted to say this now.. I didn't want to regret not saying it later and the fact that we don't know if you'll make it tomorrow doesn't make my chances any better.. but somehow I know you will.. I want you to come back to me is that understood?" She asked in desperation surprising him.
"Wh-what?" He asked making her look away.
"My brother would be disappointed if he knew.. but I'm not. I don't care how you look, you're amazing Steve and anyone that can't see that is blind. I like you as you are and am attracted to you. So you better not die tomorrow." She said before placing her hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder.
"Please make it back to me." She whispers as he smiles slightly placing his hand on hers.
"I will." He says causing her to look into his eyes and smiling knowing he meant it before slowly leaning in giving them both the experience of their first kiss.
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