Was I Just Kidnapped?
I felt my hands tied behind my back as I was forced into a chair, my feet quickly bound after that. I tried to scream, but there was still a hand over my mouth. The room was so dark I couldn't see a thing happening
"Thank you Tom and Jerry," a voice said. A voice I knew all to well.
Martha fucking Washington.
I heard two pairs of footsteps walk away and I saw the door to the alley way open, for a split second I could see Tom and Jerry's faces, but I couldn't make anything out. As soon as the door closed, a bright light erupted through the room.
There stood Martha, folding a torch with the end of it on fire.
"Nice to see you again Tommy," She said.
"Don't call me Tommy," I snarled, "Now untie me this instant!"
"Why would I do that when we could have fun Tommy?" She asked, walking slowly over to me.
"Depends what you're definition of fun is," I snarled.
"Working out our issues," She said. I rolled my eyes.
"We have nothing to work out Martha. You broke the heart of my beloved Y/n and are hurting your beloved Anastasia in the process!" I exclaimed.
"Leave Anastasia out of this," Martha barked, walking around me in a circle with a torch. "Ya know if you make me angry I could drop this torch on you and you would never see your beloved Y/n again."
"I know you won't. You live for attention. Why else would you call me a ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante-"
A/n office reference anyone? I'll leave the link down below for anyone who doesn't get it. For those who do just remember, don't fuck with Robert California he is the fucking lizard king.
"I didn't say that!" She yelled.
"Ya basically did," I said, "anyway as I was saying you wouldn't set me on fire, you live for being the center of attention, and if you set me on fire, firstly only Alexander would slam you in the press and that's not as fun as both me and Alexander slamming you in the press. Also if you were caught you would be the center of attention for a while, but after a while you would be completely forgotten," I said, looking Martha dead in the eyes.
"What can I say, I live for the applause," She smirked.
A/n we stan ARTPOP in this household
"Martha just let me go and I'll do whatever you want," I said. I felt my pistol in my front pocket. If I could slip my arm through my sleeve I could get my pistol. I slowly started to try and remove my right hand from my sleeve.
"Thomas, if you want me to release you all you have to do is tell me the wedding date," she said. Shit I have to think of a fake wedding date and fast.
"We're getting married in 8 days," I said. My hand was officially to where my shoulder is.
"Where?" She began.
"MARTHA LET HIM GO!" A voice boomed. I turned around to see Y/n, George and Alexander. George had a musket and Alexander had a pistol.
"Y/n, Thomas and I just fucked. He told me he loved me so much more than you," She began.
"Cut the shit Martha, we know you two didn't fuck. Let Thomas go before I shoot you in the head," George snarled.
"Fine," Martha hissed, throwing Y/n a knife. Y/n catched it somehow without cutting herself. She ran over to me and began to cut the ropes. While we were distracted, Martha dunked the torch in a bucket of water near my chair I hadn't noticed before and sprinted.
I quickly clambered out of the chair, but I tried on the ropes and fell on top of Y/n. Our lips quickly met.
"You didn't actually fuck right?" She asked.
"Of course not kitten."
A/n sorry this update is short, but I hope you enjoyed it. For this Gaga update I present this iconic tweet and what happened next.
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