~Y/n's POV~
I woke up in Thomas's arms, exactly where I should be. I was pulled tight into his chest, so tight it would be impossible to wriggle out, that is if I wanted to which I don't.
"Morning," I whispered, turning over so I could kiss him. Thomas smiled groggy, slowly waking up from his slumber.
"How'd you sleep Kitten?" He asked, kissing my forehead.
"Better with you here," I said. Thomas smiled at that comment.
"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked.
"Food," I groaned.
"Be more specific."
"French toast," I said.
"Alright, let's get dressed and I'll tell the kitchen to begin cooking," he said getting up. He put on the lovely magenta coat I had made him for Christmas and walked downstairs. I slowly got up, putting on a bright yellow dress and walked downstairs. Thomas was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.
"That dress looks good on you," he said, causing me to blush.
"Breakfast shall be ready in a couple minutes," he said, "also today can you help me put some books in my library?"
"Of course!" I said. Thomas and I linked arms as he lead me to the dinning room. The food had just been plated. Thomas and I sat down and began to eat.
"So what does helping you put books in your library entail?" I asked.
"I bough like 200 books and they were shipped here and we need to put them on the shelves," He said.
"200!" I exclaimed.
"What can I say, I cannot live without books," He said. (A/n we love using really Thomas Jefferson quotes in this story.) I giggled at that comment.
"So after breakfast will you help me?" He asked.
"Well I already agreed so I can't really back out now can I?" I said, causing him to laugh. Soon we finished up breakfast and he lead me to his library. It was massive and had floor to ceiling windows. Thomas walked up to the the crate in the middle of the room, using a crow bar to pry it open.
"So the books are sorted by author. I'll hand you the book and tell where it goes and you'll put it there," He said, handing me the first book and pointing to where it would go. The book shelves were so tall they had ladders.
"Good look climbing the ladders in heels," Thomas said with a laugh as he shucked off his magenta coat. It was a little hot in this room.
"Don't underestimate my abilities," I said, placing the book to where it would go. We did this almost all day, but if felt like only a couple minutes had past because we were having fun.
"Here's the last book," Thomas said. I climbed up the ladder to the very top, placing the book, but on the way down my heel got stuck on my dress causing me to slip and fall. I let out a loud scream, but I didn't fell myself hit the floor. I opened my eyes to see Thomas's face. He had caught me.
"I told you heels and those ladders weren't a good idea," he said.
"How did you catch me?" I asked as he put me down.
"I'm magic," he said, kissing me. It was five pm.
"Hey Y/n, there is a special place I want to take you, are you down?" He asked.
"Of course, where is it?" I asked, linking arms with him. We walked out the back door and began walking.
"It's just a three minute walk," he said. He lead the way until we walked into a wooded area with a beautiful pond. The frogs were croaking and the birds were singing.
"Tommy it's beautiful out here," I said.
"I originally wanted to propose to you here, but that night we were dancing was just to perfect so I did it then," Thomas explained as we began to walk around the pond. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Thomas leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Do you like here at Monticello?" He asked.
"I love it up here, but I also love New York," I said.
"I know you do," he said. Soon we had walked the whole circumference of the pond, but I tripped over a rock and fell into it.
"Oh my god are you okay!" Thomas exclaimed as he laughed. He held out his hand for me to grab, but instead I pulled him in with me.
"HEY!" He exclaimed, falling on top of me. We were both laughing so hard it was hard to breath. Thomas leaned down and kissed me, and quite passionately I might add. He slowly pulled away from my lips and got up and picked me up as well.
"Thomas I can walk," I exclaimed as he carried me back to Monticello.
"Y/n you fell off a ladder and you fell in a pond, I'm worried you're going to find a hole and fall in it," he said with a chuckle.
"You're probably right," I said, letting him carry me. I love it when he carries me. My god I love him more than anything.
A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also published a Hamilton Preferences book if you wanna check that out. For this Gaga update we remember the time she met The Queen.
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