~A/n Daveed with I think Lin's son Sebastian is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. Also him smiling at the bobble head is adorable~
~5 month time skip cause I want this baby to be born now and in my plans for this book nothing interesting is going to happen until this baby is born so I hope you're okay with this massive time skip. Also Y/n's POV~
It was an early December evening and Thomas was cooking up dinner because we were having Alexander and George over for dinner. I was expected to go into labor any day now and Thomas couldn't be more excited. Every day he could get on his knees in front of my belly and talk to the baby. He'd say things like "Daddy and mommy are so excited to meet you, but come out when you're ready. We don't want to force you out. Come out when you're big and strong."
The knock at the door awoke me from my daydream. I quickly got up and opened the door. My dad and Alexander were behind it.
"Come in come in!" I said, taking there coats and hanging them up.
"Thank you for having us," Alexander said, "now can I touch the bump?"
"Of course!" I exclaimed. As soon as Alexander touched my stomach a sharp shooting pain shot through my body, causing me to wince.
"Y/n are you okay?" Thomas asked, walking over to me.
"I'm fine, I'm sure it was just a kick-ow Jesus fucking Christ!" I exclaimed as more pain shot through my body. I fell to the floor in pain.
"I'm not a doctor, but I think Y/n's going into labor," Alexander said.
"Y/n the baby's coming! The BABY IS COMING!" Thomas exclaimed, "George go get a doctor!" My dad nodded and ran out of the house. I started crying.
"Y/n does it hurt so much it's driving you to tears?" Thomas asked as I sobbed.
"W-what if I'm a bad mother!" I sobbed as another contraction hit me like a bag of bricks. Thomas pulled me into his arms.
"Y/n you're going to be an amazing mother," Alexander said, squeezing my hand, "now just breath, Thomas you may need to carry her to your bedroom." Thomas nodded, picking me up bridal style placing me carefully on the bed.
"Y/n I promise you you're going to be an amazing mother, you have no reason to be afraid," Thomas said. I squeezed his hand tightly as another contraction came.
"My dad better get here with that doctor soon because the baby is coming now!" I screamed.
"Y/n push!" Alexander yelled. I began to push, tears falling down my face.
"Tommy it hurts," I sobbed. I heard the front door open.
"I know Kitten I know, but you have to stay strong for me, for our child," Thomas said as I pushed again. My dad, the doctor and a midwife bursted through the door.
"Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Washington you're going to need to leave," the doctor said.
"What! Why?" My dad asked.
"The less people the better, come back in the morning. Y/n needs peace and quiet to make sure the baby is as healthy as possible, come back in the morning," the midwife said, "now Y/n push." I did as she said, pushing as hard as I could and then crying due to the pain. Thomas squeezed my hand.
"Come on George, you can stay at my place for the night. We'll come back in the morning," Alexander said, grabbing my fathers hand and leading him out of the room.
Nine hours later this baby was almost out of me. Tears were streaming down my face and I was screaming.
"Push one more time!" The midwife yelled. I squeezed Thomas's hand as hard as I could as he whispered, "you're doing so well Y/n. One more big push and our little bundle of joy will be in the world." As Thomas said those words I found the strength to push the hardest I had that night as I screamed at the top of my lungs. For a brief moment there was silence and then a cry. The midwife was holding my baby, our baby. The doctor cut the umbilical cord, swaddled the baby up and said, "Mr and Mrs. Jefferson, it's a boy!" He handed him to me. I looked at him. My son.
"Hi beautiful," was all I was able to choke out. Thomas leaned over me and looked at our son.
"Mrs. Jefferson, we recommend two weeks of bed rest. This was your first birth so you're going to be extremely weak," The doctor said. Thomas and I nodded and they left.
"Can I hold him?" Thomas asked. I handed him our little boy.
"He looks so much you," Thomas said.
"He has your eyes though," I said. He began to cry again.
"I think he's hungry," Thomas said, handing him back to me. I began to breast feed him and the crying ceased.
"So I had a baby name idea," Thomas said.
"What?" I asked.
"First name Alexander, middle name Hamilton, last name Jefferson," Thomas said. I smiled.
"Alexander Hamilton Jefferson, I like that," I said.
"Lets just hope he is less annoying than his namesake," Thomas said causing us both to laugh, "Y/n I am so proud of you. You just went through hell and you acted like it was nothing."
"Did you hear my screams? I was not acting like it was nothing," I said with a laugh. Thomas looked at me was a gleam in his eye, he kissed my forehead and then leaned down to Alexander and said "Welcome to the world Alexander Hamilton Jefferson."
A/n I hope you liked this chapter and you didn't mind the time skip. Anyway for this Gaga update we remember this iconic look.
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