As I got out of the carriage, I could feel my heart in my throat. It could be from the fact that my corset was tied extremely tight, but it could also very well be nerves. I knocked on the door. I was a little early, but I hope Thomas doesn't mind. The door swung open to reveal Thomas.
"Y/n I wasn't sure you'd come," He said.
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.
"I don't know," He said. He opened the door wider for see so I could get in.
"May I take your coat?" He asked. I quickly took it off and he hung it up on the coat rack.
"Ah the water is boiling for the macaroni and cheese, it should be ready in like 10 minutes," he said.
"What the heck is macaroni and cheese?" I asked as he lead me to his dinning room. Inside was a beautiful long oak table, in the center of the table was a bouquet of roses. He pulled out a chair for me.
"It's a French delicacy, you'll love it," he said. He ran into the kitchen and returned about 10 minutes later with two plates of this macaroni and cheese.
"Bon appétit mon amour!" He said in my ear as he sat down across the table from me.
"Oh donc on parle français maintenant je vois (Oh so we are speaking french now I see)?" I said. Thomas's face turned bright pink.
"Je ne savais pas que tu pouvais parler français (I didn't know you could speak french)," he said. I smiled.
"Thomas je ne suis pas un idiot et d'ailleurs même si vous ne parlez pas français la plupart des gens savent ce que signifie Bon appétit mon amour (Thomas I am not an idiot and besides even if you don't speak french most people know what Bon appétit mon amour means)," I said. Thomas laughed.
"Oh I forgot to ask, what wine do you want?" He asked getting up and going to a wine cupboard he had. (A/n at Monticello Thomas Jefferson had a contraption where he would put an empty bottle of wine in a compartment in his fire place and it would go down to the wine cellar where below a slave would replace it with a new bottle and a few seconds later there would be a new bottle of wine in the fire place.)
"I'll take a red if you have one," I said. He pulled a wine from the cupboard and filled up the glasses.
"Since you didn't like that bitter one, here is a sweeter one," he said, sitting back down in his chair. He took a sip and then looked back up and me.
"Try the macaroni and cheese!" He squealed. I took a bite. It was really good.
"Thomas that is really good," I said. He smiled as we took a bite as well.
"Y/n I want to apologize for yesterday I wasn't thinking and-"
"Thomas you don't need to apologize, we all have days like that," I said, sipping the wine. He was right it did taste better.
"But Y/n that doesn't give me the right to throw a wine glass at you," He said.
"Thomas it's ok," I said.
"Y/n just listen to me for fucks sake!" He yelled. I looked up at me "Look I'm sorry for yesterday. I really like you ok and yesterday I thought you were rejecting me so I just kinda exploded and if you haven't figured it out I don't deal with rejection well," He said. I laughed "Look Y/n I really like you and I have really enjoyed tonight so far."
"I have too," I confessed. His cheeks were bright pink like my dress and I'm guessing mine were too. Thomas got up from his side of the table and pulled out my chair and grabbed my hand.
"C'mon I want to show you something," He said. He pulled me up the stairs and then up a latter that lead to his roof. We climbed up and sat on it.
"You can see the whole city from up here!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah I know, look at the stars," he said pointing to the big dipper. I felt my head fall on his shoulder as he rubbed my arm up and down. I felt myself starting to drift to sleep. Thomas laughed at the cat like yawn I let out.
"Ya tired love?" He asked. I nodded. I felt his index finger and thumb grab my chin, our lips inches apart.
"Are you ok with this love?" He asked.
"Yes Thomas," I replied. Slowly his lips met mine. It wasn't rushed like the first time where I wanted to accept it, but was worried about my father. This time it was slow and meaningful. Thomas slowly pulled away. He looked at me. I felt like I was going to melt under his touch.
"You are so beautiful Y/n."
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