When I got home from tryouts, dad was already home sitting at the kitchen table and paying the bills. I tried my hardest to mask my bad mood when I walked through the door because I didn't want him asking any questions. Dad is already weary about Jack; I don't need to give him any more reason to be, especially when Jack made it very clear that we're from two different worlds. Whatever that gravitational pull was between us, it's being left in the past starting right now. The back and forth with him is too much for my mind, and now, more than ever, I need to make sure it stays focused on Dartmouth and Dartmouth only.
I get a text from Molly as I enter my bedroom.
Molly: Down for bowling tonight? Some people from school will be there.
Me: I wish, but I can't.
Molly: ???
Me: So much homework.
Molly: Great. Pick you up at 8.
Molly's parents drop us off at the bowling alley on their way to dinner. When we walk in, we find Henry with Shawn and another guy named Paul waiting on the line to get shoes.
"Hey," Henry says to me when he sees us walk in. "Wasn't expecting to see you tonight. Lawson, how'd you get Stassie out of the house?"
"I'll tell you how. Without a choice," I say with an eye roll.
"Good. I'm glad you're here. Tonight's going to be fun."
We walk over to our lane, which surprise, surprise, happens to be next to Jordana and her posse.
"Seems like everyone got the memo about bowling tonight," I say.
"Don't let her bother you," Molly says.
"Are we waiting on Frankie? Is he coming?" Henry asks the guys.
"No. He's at his girl's house," Shawn answers. "The one from Hill Academy."
"You mean the one who cheated on him?"
"Mhm, that one."
"Typical. Well, we're an odd number right now. Anyone around to recruit?"
We all scan the room.
Oh, no.
"Why is Jack here?" I whisper to Molly.
"Straight ahead, to your left."
She glances that way and then says, "Looks like all The Royals showed up for some innocent fun tonight."
"Fabulous," I sarcastically say under my breath.
Jack, Rafe, and Johnny head in our direction and I pretend like I'm not paying them any attention.
"Looks like it's me and you against Molly, Shawn, and Paul," Henry says, clutching onto my shoulder.
"What? Hell no," Molly shrieks. "The last time I played with Paul, he aimed straight for the gutter every time that he was up."
"Hey, it wasn't every time," Paul asserts. "And I wouldn't talk, Molly. You don't necessarily have the best target either."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with."
"Boys, over here," I hear Jordana's high-pitched voice call out to The Royals. She's waving them over with her fake tips.
The guys get to her and give her and her friends a kiss on the cheek, but I notice that Jack stands behind. I think I hear him say "be right back" to Rafe.
I must've heard right because he's walking this way.
"Came back for round 2, huh, Astor?" Jack says to Henry when he stops in front of us.
"Tonight won't be like last time, Jack," Henry responds. "I'm just here for a good time."
"Yeah. I can see that," Jack says, looking at me before shifting his gaze back to Henry. "What do you say we turn it up a notch?"
"Not tonight."
"Why? Afraid I'll beat your ass again? C'mon Astor, it'll be harmless."
"Yeah, right. Like you and the word 'harmless' mesh, Jack," Molly interrupts.
"Nice to see you too, Lawson," Jack mocks before shifting his focus back to Henry. "C'mon Astor. One game."
Henry glances at us with an indecisive look on his face. "Fine. But only because we can use another person on the team."
"Great," Jack says, clapping his hands together.
"We already established that Stassie will be on my team," Henry says.
"We or you?" Jack asks, but Henry just flares his nostrils. "Ease up, Astor. We're all aware of your crush on Stassie. Okay, I'll take Lawson and that one. The one with the glasses," Jack says, snapping his fingers and pointing at Paul.
"You mean Paul?" Henry asks.
"Yeah. Sure. Paul."
"Jack, what are you doing?" Jordana yells from her booth.
His eyes dart from side-to-side. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm bowling. That okay with you?"
"Well, since you asked, no. You should be over here. With your friends."
"That was a hypothetical question, Jordana," he says, shaking his head before turning back to face us. "Okay. Let's get the team names in the system. Paul, why don't you do the honors?"
Paul doesn't say anything and actually listens to Jack, sitting down on the chair in front of the screen.
"Wait. What are the team names?" Paul looks over his shoulder and asks Jack, who's standing behind him.
"We'll be Team Dartmouth," Henry calls out, then reaches for my hand. "I mean, it's only appropriate since we visited the school together."
I notice Jack's eyes on Henry's hand that's covering my hand. "Okay, before I puke...team, let's decide on a name," Jack says to Paul and Molly.
"Team Molly," Molly says, raising her hand, but Jack's quick to bring it down.
"No," he states.
"Team Royal?" Paul suggests and Henry and Shawn give him a look like 'are you serious?'.
"Love it. Good job, buddy," Jack says, playfully patting Paul's cheek.
Once that's all set up in the system, Jack twists his hands together and then says, "Okay. Because I'm a decent guy, I'll let Team Dartmouth start. Stas, looks like you're up first."
I stand up from the bench and Henry starts clapping. "You got this, Stassie."
"Go, Stassie," Molly cheers.
"She's on the opposite team, Lawson," Jack tells her.
I make my way for the machine that's spitting out the bowling balls, and opt for a yellow one. I walk over to the lane and bring my right arm back before letting go.
6 pins down. Okay, I'll take it.
"Nice, Stassie," Henry says as I head back from the machine. I notice Jack roll his eyes.
I knock 2 more pins down.
Jack's up first for Team Royal, and of course, he gets a strike.
"We're going to lose," Shawn mumbles under his breath and Henry pouts at him.
"Where is your team spirit?" he asks.
"Overpowered by my realism."
The game progresses and, 30 minutes in, Team Royal is up by 20 points.
"You know? I think I'm doing this wrong," I say when I'm up. On my last two tries, I scored a zero.
"I think it's the way you're releasing the ball," Henry says, getting up from his seat and stopping behind me. "Here, let me show you."
He holds onto my waist with one hand while the other touches my arm that's gripping onto the ball. I don't have to turn around to know that Jack's eyes are on us.
Henry guides my arm back and then forward, and the ball ends up knocking 7 pins down.
"Good job," he whispers in my ear and then goes in for a hug.
"Hey, Astor...are you trying to fuck her or teach her how to play the game?" Jack calls out and I can't help but look at him in disbelief.
"You're a piece of shit, you know that, Carrington?" Henry shouts, walking his way to Jack.
"That's a little hypocritical, coming from a scumbag like yourself, don't you think?"
"You're just jealous."
"Jealous. Jealous of what?"
Henry just stands there, shaking his head, and then he turns to face me. He keeps his eyes on mine and that's all it takes for Jack to storm over and knock him to the floor.
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