Some Good News
(Purple means what I should do or what the camera should do (it is either in parenthesis or asterisks). Blue is when I should speak quickly. Orange is a quick little jingle.)
Beginning: Hello! I am Adela and this is Some Good News. You may be wondering what this is. Well, I'll tell you. It's like Saturday Night Live, but instead of comedy sketches, I talk about, um, *rifle through some cards while saying "what do I talk about, again?"*
Oh, there we go! I talk about Political debates. *Wait a beat* Wait, that's not right.
*Looking through cards, hastily and confused. Finds the actual card about what I'm doing* There we go! Like the name of this show suggests, I talk about some good news. And if you don't know what 'some good news' means, then I really don't know why you're here.
But anyway, today we will talk about some news that, unlike the real news, doesn't discuss the depressing reality, but instead talks about how the world is going to be fine (hopefully).
So to our first segment: Good News!
Some good news is that Chocolate is still a thing that exists! Yay! And it is one of the only things that stores still have a lot left. And it is always great to have an abundance of chocolate.
*Touch fake earpiece* Huh, oh, yeah.
*I look back at the camera* So I just heard that we have a quick sponsored video for your viewing pleasure. And it also has some good news in it. So here is a video from our sponsor, chocolate.
*Cuts to me in different clothes, but still me.* Hello there! I am your 15-30 second ad telling you to buy some chocolate! Feeling bad? Chocolate's got your back! Feel like the world is tumbling around you? It may be but at least you'll have some chocolate for yourself! Dementor been keeping you down? Well, chocolate was made to combat just that thing!
All you have to do is come down to your local store and buy some chocolate! What chocolate is the best to soothe my chocolate craving, you ask? Well, that's a silly question. All chocolate is good. So you should get all types of chocolate!
*Zoom in on my face (a very serious face, yet somewhat scared face)* But try and buy only Hershey and Dove. They hold the monopoly and we don't want to see what happens when their monopoly falls.
*Zoom out on a more happy me* Chocolate! *(Maybe throw some chocolate)* (Speak fast throughout this the blue paragraphs.)
*Cuts back to the host, who is me. But I don't know we're live again* (In a weirded out voice.) I will never get used to those weird sponsored videos.
*Startled* Oh! Your back! Great to see you. Now, let's continue with the good news.
*This scene is a bit more serious since we are finally talking about some good news* It seems to be that a lot of people have been helping one another through these hard times. Such as neighbors buying or bringing supplies to their neighbors that are more prone to get Covid 19. Also, the curve that you have probably heard of, it's how many people are getting Corona at one time, is beginning to fall. Meaning, fewer people in the United States are getting this disease. Which is great! But it also means that the first responders who have worked hard for the past month are starting to get a break with there being fewer people who are getting Covid 19. SO that's another plus that is happening in this world. And on the subject of first responders, let us say thanks to all the first responders who have helped us through this hard journey. Thanks (which is said by multiple people (maybe even some friends from over the phone))!
*Finally back to a happier and less serious expression* Also, school has basically been canceled, meaning that there are seldom sleepless nights for the teachers and students. And there is no end of the year tests. Woohoo!
*A jingle* Now let's move onto: Some Good Things In My Life
That is a peculiar voice. *Shaking it off* Moving on, with quarantine I have been able to finish and start different things in my life. I've been able to continue with the book that I'm writing. I've also started learning new languages, German and Japanese. German because Germany is the country where my family comes from and Japanese because it is such a different language than English and overall it is just fun to learn. And I've been able to watch some new shows that I really like a lot.
*A jingle* That was some more great news, now let's move onto: Interviewing Adela's Ma About Some Good News
*Raised eyebrow* That voice is still odd *Shake head and with a happy voice state* But now we cut to, uh, Adela and their Ma.
*Cut to me sitting someplace new* Thank you, uh, Adela. This is my Ma, Jamie Barr. Now, I was wondering and I also think the fans at home were also wondering what was some good news that you had.
*Ma says whatever*
Thank you, Ma, and back to Adela.
*Cut back to me, again* Uh, thank you, Adela. So now onto the last segment of the day. Take it away, ominous voice, I guess.
What Do You Do To Stop The Spread Of Covid And To Flatten This Ever Consuming Curve That People Keep Talking About That You Wonder If It Actually Exists Or If It Is Just Another Deity Controlling Your Life.
That was quite a specific, but onto what you should do. You should try your best to wash your hands, stay inside, horde your chocolate.
*Beginning to grow angry* And unlike what the movie 5 Feet Apart says, you should actually stay 6 feet away from others. *Under breath, indignantly* What is with movies and false advertising?
*Maybe cut this scene, so it seems there are technical difficulties because I am 'mad'*
That was: I Am So Done And Tired Of Making These Jingles
*Finally, in both serious but kind voice* While I go and figure out who that weird voice is that does my jingles, I want everyone watching this to remember that we will get through this tough time. And know that we will be okay. It may take some time to get through this and to flatten the curve, but we will make it and we will become better people after our time with Covid 19.
*This is a scene at the end of the video of the real me and not a caricature* Thank you for watching this first episode of Some Good News, inspired (maybe somewhat copied, *beat* no it's just a parody (please don't sue me!-)) by John Krasinski's Some Good News. I had a fun time doing this and I hope that everyone else in the world finds something to do that can help them through these hard times. Have a wonderful day everyone. This was Adela from Mrs. Schmidt's class for Broadcasting Journalism. Goodbye!
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