Book Club!!!!
I think quarantine has made me and my friend (@PrincessLaila1000) lose our minds.
My reasoning, you ask from the void?
We have decided to have a sort of book club around a certain book that we are reading together.
I mean, that's pretty normal (I've been in a few book club based things in my life). But it just depends on what book you choose.
We put both of our sleep-deprived brains together and decided to read
Killing Stalking.
I was the one who recommended it to her and then we both just had to read it because we are very smart and know the best kinds of books to read in queerentine.
I will say though if you want to read this book but you're also scared of reading this book (because same) read it with a friend (if you have one (hopefully you do)). I say this because instead of being very scared of what's going to happen next, by myself, I am scared, with a friend. And it makes it so much more fun to read.
We have also made so many jokes about this book, so I will now share some. (We've also only read 5 chapters altogether, so there will probably be more horrible jokes soon to come.) Spoilers (but like, not really):
(@PrincessLaila1000 tell me if I missed any)
-Whenever Sangwoo says anything remotely specific, we both ask, "Do you have something to share with the class?"
-All emotionally unstable characters wear striped shirts (Jeremy, Evan, Bum)
-PrincessLaila continues to forget Sangwoo's name and then she'll ask me, "What's that guy's name? I keep forgetting since he's so insignificant."
-No shitty porridge today
-Both of us collectively stalled reading this story by literally looking up what ace bandages are
-Wondering why Bum would every need ace bandages in the first place ("Why would he just waste stuff like that? Come on man.")
-Then realizing he needs them because he 'sprained his leg'.
-Sangwoo says 'dude lover' the exact same way homophobic people say 'they're a hOmOSexUaL'
-Bum would be better off if he had the same exact mood as Danny Phantom
-The hottest take is that Killing Stalking is just a cautionary tale about how you shouldn't break into people's homes
-The misdirection in this manhwa is one by itself
-All of the question marks
-My friend plays Devil's advocate for about two seconds and then reads a bit of the story and stops immediately (she takes Damien's advice by Stop(ping))
-"You look like a country (rude word)", gets me every time for some reason. Mostly because it comes out of the blue (do you have something to tell us Sangwoo?) but also because my sense of humor is really bad.
-Thomas Jefferson didn't make swivel chairs just so Sangwoo could push Bum out of them
-My friend also stalled a good 5-10 minutes trying to figure out the code to get into Sangwoo's house before Bum did (she kind of did it after like 20 tries).
The next two are from me:
-Making fun of Snagwoo's hair whilst also liking it
-His last name being Oh isn't funny since it is a real Korean last name, but I still
And then this is just a new joke that I have:
-Is Sangwoo Cavetown? Because he sure as hell misses his mum
That's about it for the jokes but there may be more. I definitely recommend this book if you want to be emotionally torn apart. It's really a fabulous book so far, though.
(@PrincessLaila1000, please don't get the physical copy. For your health and mine.)
I'll also probably compile all of the times Sangwoo says 'hey' when the 'hey' is just by itself in a speech bubble. I don't know why I find it funny, but it may be because when I first saw it, it was like 1:30 a.m. and now it's a thing that I am counting. (It's already been four times in 5 chapters, I'm just saying that is a lot and I need to document it.)
Thank you for listening to me ramble about Killing Stalking. I have already realized my mental state is going to die after I read this and I am scared.
Goodbye, my peeps~ And don't break into people's homes!
We're going to die
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